Channel NewsAsia - Saturday, July 4
SINGAPORE: The Elections Department has started appointing assistant returning officers to conduct Singapore’s next general election, which is due by February 2012.
The department’s chief, Lee Seng Lup, told Channel NewsAsia on Friday that it needs some 1,300 assistant returning officers and it is sending out notification letters in batches to inform these officers of their appointment. So far, 900 have been notified.
Besides assistant returning officers, the department also requires another 26,000 officers for roles such as presiding officers and counting assistants. 20,000 of these officers have been notified so far.
The officers are organised into nine contingents, each under the charge of a contingent leader who is designated as the group assistant returning officer (GARO).
Among other things, the notification letter informs an officer of his appointed role, the contingent he belongs to, who his contingent leader is, and the URL of the computer systems he can log onto for more information to access the e—learning programme.
The officers will be trained on their specific roles and duties. These include their legal powers and activities leading to Nomination Day and Polling Day.
it has been ongoing since the end of last election wat........
Originally posted by FireIce:huh.....
it has been ongoing since the end of last election wat........
mail only takes a few days..not a span of 3 years to reach all the doing this it seems unusual unless you can tell me that you work there and say this is normal procedure..then i got nothing to say.
Election dept ah????? waha ha ha is under PM lee hsien loong. so how credible is election in singapore is really a big question mark!!!! ha ha ha ha ha
Either they trying to confuse the opposition candidates or they holding early election because they forsee lots of opposition votes. Hold early still got 1-2 years before handing over the reins? Then they can set up alot of booby traps in the gov, "to fix the opposition", then when opposition screws up, they can come out and say, "See! we told you so, we are the only party capable of running this country".
let's go expose them to the foreigners turn new citizens not to vote for them
My mum was involved in the last election, 200 bucks for half a day's work, and 2 simulations. Sweet.
But seriously, election this year is unlikely, unless they giving out a $2,000 to $3,000 ang pow to "convince" ppl to vote for them.
Originally posted by ditzy:My mum was involved in the last election, 200 bucks for half a day's work, and 2 simulations.
got any lobang, i wanna go work
i say election next year
Originally posted by Fantagf:
got any lobang, i wanna go work
They will look for you, you don't look for them. One requirement is that you must be working in public sector, as civil servant.
Originally posted by ditzy:They will look for you, you don't look for them.
One requirement is that you must be working in public sector, as civil servant.
ai yo, like dat !!
Originally posted by Fantagf:
ai yo, like dat !!
Ar bo how you think my mum got chosen? They will deploy you to the polling station nearest your home somemore, so cool hor.
Originally posted by ditzy:Ar bo how you think my mum got chosen?
They will deploy you to the polling station nearest your home somemore, so cool hor.
not bad, save time travelling far
Originally posted by deepak.c:
Either they trying to confuse the opposition candidates or they holding early election because they forsee lots of opposition votes. Hold early still got 1-2 years before handing over the reins? Then they can set up alot of booby traps in the gov, "to fix the opposition", then when opposition screws up, they can come out and say, "See! we told you so, we are the only party capable of running this country".
A cry wolf, so they can caught the unprepared off guard. Fixed!
if the opposition engage me, i use my taiwan style of promotion, call some of my gals to do dancing on stage before delivering speeches, sure to outclass to notify some of my sexy gals if needed.
now radio reporting leh
most have more women in the
party le
anyone from here want to nominate ?
Originally posted by noahnoah:
now radio reporting leh
most have more women in the
party le
anyone from here want to nominate ?
me underage and cannot effort to forgo the $13500, if not i will make a run for my Joo Chiat Consituency, kick that jia liao bi MP Chan out of my place.
In the previous election, they announced it in Nov 2004 but only held the election in May 2006.
The clue is when they announce the electoral boundaries change, as this usually means the election is very near already, so as not to give the oppositions enough time.
Originally posted by deepak.c:
Either they trying to confuse the opposition candidates or they holding early election because they forsee lots of opposition votes. Hold early still got 1-2 years before handing over the reins? Then they can set up alot of booby traps in the gov, "to fix the opposition", then when opposition screws up, they can come out and say, "See! we told you so, we are the only party capable of running this country".
Unfortunately, election can only be done after the Parliament is dissolved.
When an election is held 1 to 2 years before the Parliamentary term is over, the Political Party in power is actually dissolving itself and offering itself for election.
If it loses, it will have to handover the seat of government immediately, and not when the 5 year term is over - as it was voluntarily abrogated by dissolution of Parliament.
The "booby traps" have all been laid over the last 50 odd years since the PAP begin to turn the Government into Singapore Inc. with a huge stable of government linked companies that provide all the different essential and non-essential services to Singaporeans - ranging from the printing of currencies, generating and distribution of electricity and water, collection and disposal of sewage and garbage, food supply and distribution chain, buildings and construction, air-land-sea transport services, armament design and production, banking, finance and investments, research and development, manufacturing, and broadcast and publishing.
The fixes are already made when loyal senior party members and civil servants are transferred to head all these multifarous enterprises that the government rake in to bloat a humongous revenue surplus that no other government can boast of.
As matters stand, the PAP dominated Parliament has passed legislation that does not allow any change to the "appointments" of the Chief Justice, Police Chief and the SAF Chief by any new Government unless with an "overwhelming" consent from Parliament.
How will any Alternative Political Party forming a new Government control the various functions of government and the various government-linked companies that are headed by PAP cronies and appointees ?