Originally posted by reyes:i am never a PAP supporters. i understand what atobe and ah chia are writing about. singaporeans do know we are repress, suppress, and ruling with iron fist. why do they still win evert election. my mom is more concern with cleaniness of the living area than politics. my sister is more concern with her rice bowl as she is civil servant. my good friends are more concern about soccer than who running temasek. i mean singaporeans are fine tune to such a extend to the propaganda of the PAP that we are not concern with who run the country. and many of my uni grads friends think NTUC is a subwing of PAP. sad isnt it?
It is sad that LKY will leave behind a legacy of a population that no longer has the fire in the belly to be involved in politics.
Can such a Citizen have the fire to stand-up for Singapore ?
Can a Singaporean have the tenacity of an Iraqi to stand-up to fight against any foreign occupation in the same manner that the Iraqis stood-up to fight a war of insurgency against the foreigners who occupied their land ?
LKY has left behind a legacy of Singaporeans whom he has "filled their bellies and dull all the minds" - as he had set out to do from the beginning, so as to make his own job easier without any interfering challenge from anyone.
You should reconsider your statement - "many of my uni grads friends think NTUC is a subwing of PAP. sad isnt it?" Why should this be a sad event ?
Do you not believe that the situation to be true ?
Originally posted by reyes:in a war, the winners decide how the history should be written.
i think it is a good information to learnt what ah chia is trying to say, but eventually, the good guys win. the good guys are the allies. how they achieve it and fail during the process become sideshow.
Do you not think that it depends on which side of the fence you are standing on to decide who are your allies ?
According to Ah Chia - the other side may not necessarily be the bad side, and the winning side is not necessarily the good side.
Are you certain that you understand what Ah Chia is writing ?
According to him - the good guys are not necessarily the Allies, and the events that have occurred were all fixxed by the "good guys" - who were as bad as the "bad guys" - or that the "bad guys" are actually the "good guys".
Confused ?
I am not surprised if you are, when history is being re-written and turned on its head.
It will be sad if you believe that the process of winning and failing becomes a sideshow.
You must appreciate that history is not a mere recording of events, and for anyone not to repeat the mistakes and learn from history, it is important to learn the process that occurred and which resulted in the winning or failed outcome.
What you have preferred to term as "the sideshow" - is actually the Main Event.
but eventually, the good guys win. the good guys are the allies.
I don't see any good guys or bad guys, there are only interests.
According to him - the good guys are not necessarily the Allies, and the events that have occurred were all fixxed by the "good guys" - who were as bad as the "bad guys" - or that the "bad guys" are actually the "good guys".
Confused ?
I am not surprised if you are, when history is being re-written and turned on its head.
if allies are not the good guys who are? himmlers and hitlers, mosolini? eventually it was the allies who got rid of the axis. well some sacrifice along the way, so be it.
history are written by ppl who had won it. i am not sure about the motive of the ppl who try to re-written it. maybe just to prove a pt here and there but , i guess it dont serve any good.
as i said i am never a supporter of the PAP but sometimes you have to accept that majority always win. singaporeans whether like LKY or PAP still vote for them.
maybe you try other ways to prove your pt or change singaporeans mindset.
don't see any good guys or bad guys, there are only interests.
any wars will have interest, but the greater good the allies restore peace to the world. at least the war stop.
if allies are not the good guys who are?
No good guys only interests. That is my view.
eventually it was the allies who got rid of the axis.
They were also the ones who connived with them at first.