Originally posted by angel7030:no joke, domestic maid are not cover by employment act, there is no act to protect them, this lead to expliotation by both employers and agencies. And due to their naiveness and lower education, they are easy prey for slavery.
I do not understand why asian employers way of treating maid is so much different from our western counterparts. If you give option to any maid to choose either a westerner employer or an asian one,..i bet they go to the westerner. Becos the westerner knows how to respect human basic and employees rights, most maid working under them work as per normal a singaporean worker work. Same as my maid, i only allow her to work from 8 to 5pm, Saturday half day and sunday off. Anything more i will paid her more. But she also told me her colleagues work ng for a typical singaporeans have to work all days non stop..really pity them.
That is because our great leader the LKY don't know how to respect basic human and employees rights so we dumb and naive singaporeans learn from him and we become like him too.
That is how you become a mamasan too isn't it?
Originally posted by angel7030:
True, that is why i said Asian, i heard if you work as maid for PRC rich one, more worst, they can even kick their maid.
Well, that is the way Chinese work, that is why chinese or we are alway in business, but only SME business.
You no need to mandi....put on make up,sprinkle Mustapha perfume on your armpits and get ready to take a bus to Joo Chiat ar?
Originally posted by 8800:That is because our great leader the LKY don't know how to respect basic human and employees rights so we dumb and naive singaporeans learn from him and we become like him too.
That is how you become a mamasan too isn't it?
I am not mamasan, mamasan is those old aunties pimp, me a trained HR practitioner, bartender and table cum room service executive. Nothing to do with LKY, my position is inherited, i respect all my workers and maids, and in reverse they respected me and work well.
Respect other as they respect unto you.
Originally posted by 8800:That is because our great leader the LKY don't know how to respect basic human and employees rights so we dumb and naive singaporeans learn from him and we become like him too.
That is how you become a mamasan too isn't it?
I am not mamasan, mamasan is those old aunties pimp, me a trained HR practitioner, bartender and table cum room service executive. Nothing to do with LKY, my position is inherited, i respect all my workers and maids, and in reverse they respected me and work well.
Respect other as they respect unto you. Me
Originally posted by 8800:That is because our great leader the LKY don't know how to respect basic human and employees rights so we dumb and naive singaporeans learn from him and we become like him too.
That is how you become a mamasan too isn't it?
I am not mamasan, mamasan is those old aunties pimp, me a trained HR practitioner, bartender and table cum room service executive. Nothing to do with LKY, my position is inherited, i respect all my workers and maids, and in reverse they respected me and work well.
Respect other as they respect unto you. Me maid
Originally posted by 8800:That is because our great leader the LKY don't know how to respect basic human and employees rights so we dumb and naive singaporeans learn from him and we become like him too.
That is how you become a mamasan too isn't it?
I am not mamasan, mamasan is those old aunties pimp, me a trained HR practitioner, bartender and table cum room service executive. Nothing to do with LKY, my position is inherited, i respect all my workers and maids, and in reverse they respected me and work well.
Respect other as they respect unto you. Me maid and
but why you have to say it 4 times?
she is angry that her real identity of a mamasan is being exposed so she say it 4 times. Plus she say wrongly. Is not her workers and maids. Is her sex workers.
I didn't know that mamasan position can also be inherited. Must be parents also mamasan than let her take over the business
Originally posted by 8800:she is angry that her real identity of a mamasan is being exposed so she say it 4 times. Plus she say wrongly. Is not her workers and maids. Is her sex workers.
I didn't know that mamasan position can also be inherited. Must be parents also mamasan than let her take over the business
Must be a new thingy-clubs run by PAPasan
Originally posted by angel7030:
True, that is why i said Asian, i heard if you work as maid for PRC rich one, more worst, they can even kick their maid.
Well, that is the way Chinese work, that is why chinese or we are alway in business, but only SME business.
Wow for PRC Chinese some more. Those that come to Singapore ain't that rich. Many HongKongers still despise those PRC Chinese. A HK girl won't go for a PRC darling.
Be glad there are bosses like Angel here. Without entreprenuers like her, Singapore will be starved of entertainment, and lonely men may even turn rabid when devoid of female company, even if it is paid companionship. More so when we have so many unmarried foreign males on our shores in these times.
This is one biz I am glad uses willing and not forced upon foreign female workers, and should be allowed as many as they want to, and may I never see one of our own female citizens resort to working in pubs like her's, even though a minority does exists out of either sheer boredom, extreme temp poverty or outright blatant materialism.
It would only mean our society had failed and not progress, and had not help elevate the lives of majority of our female compatriots, no different from our rich resourced neighbouring country.
Our society has already failed when it produced people who proclaimed that he would dictate and demand foreign maids to do his bidding at his whims and fancies.
Originally posted by Short Ninja:
How do the words 'stingy' and 'stricker' fit into this picture when an employer deliberately or unwittingly try to starve her maid to death?
So the words stingy and stricter are too nice words to describe Chinese?
Our society has already failed when it produced people who proclaimed that he would dictate and demand foreign maids to do his bidding at his whims and fancies.
Comparsion to U.S society:
...The kind of a car a person drove was, until very recently, one of the best guides to middle-class status, since a car to the middle classes was a status symbol, while to the other classes it was a means of getting somewhere. Oversized Oldsmobiles, Cadillacs, and Lincoln Continentals are still middle-class cars, but in recent years, with the weakening of the middle-class outlook, almost anyone might be found driving a Volkswagen.
Another good evidence of class may be seen in the treatment given to servants (or those who work in one's home): the lower classes treat these as equals, the middle classes treat them as inferiors, while aristocrats treat them as equals or even superiors...
The working class in the United States is much smaller than we might assume, since most American workers are seeking to rise socially, to help their children to rise socially, and are considerably concerned with status symbols. Such people, even if laborers, are not working class, but are rather petty bourgeoisie.
The real working class are rather relaxed, have present rather than future preference, generally worry very little about their status in the eyes of the world, enjoy their ordinary lives, including food, sex, and leisure, and have little desire to change their jobs or positions. They are generally relaxed, have a taste for broad humor, are natural, direct, and friendly, without large basic insecurities of personality.
The world depression, by destroying their jobs and economic security, much reduced this group, which was always proportionately smaller in America, the land of aspiration for everyone, than in Europe...
...The second most numerous group in the United States is the petty bourgeoisie, including millions of persons who regard themselves as middle class and are under all the middle-class anxieties and pressures, but often earn less money than unionized laborers.
As a result of these things, they are often very insecure, envious, filled with hatreds, and are generally the chief recruits for any Right, Fascist, or hate campaigns against any group that is different or which refuses to conform to middle-class values.
Made up of clerks, shopkeepers, and vast numbers of office workers in business, government, finance, and education, these tend to regard their white-collar status as the chief value in life, and live in an atmosphere of envy, pettiness, insecurity, and frustration.
They form the major portion of the Republican Party's supporters in the towns of America, as they did for the Nazis in Germany thirty years ago....
Originally posted by 8800:she is angry that her real identity of a mamasan is being exposed so she say it 4 times. Plus she say wrongly. Is not her workers and maids. Is her sex workers.
I didn't know that mamasan position can also be inherited. Must be parents also mamasan than let her take over the business
wha lau, please lah, you think still got mamasan in singapore or not?? all either die liao or bury somewhere, and for godsake where got mamasan post here, they are busy with customers and taking calls lor.
Originally posted by Ah Chia:Comparsion to U.S society:
...The kind of a car a person drove was, until very recently, one of the best guides to middle-class status, since a car to the middle classes was a status symbol, while to the other classes it was a means of getting somewhere. Oversized Oldsmobiles, Cadillacs, and Lincoln Continentals are still middle-class cars, but in recent years, with the weakening of the middle-class outlook, almost anyone might be found driving a Volkswagen.
Another good evidence of class may be seen in the treatment given to servants (or those who work in one's home): the lower classes treat these as equals, the middle classes treat them as inferiors, while aristocrats treat them as equals or even superiors...
The working class in the United States is much smaller than we might assume, since most American workers are seeking to rise socially, to help their children to rise socially, and are considerably concerned with status symbols. Such people, even if laborers, are not working class, but are rather petty bourgeoisie.
The real working class are rather relaxed, have present rather than future preference, generally worry very little about their status in the eyes of the world, enjoy their ordinary lives, including food, sex, and leisure, and have little desire to change their jobs or positions. They are generally relaxed, have a taste for broad humor, are natural, direct, and friendly, without large basic insecurities of personality.
The world depression, by destroying their jobs and economic security, much reduced this group, which was always proportionately smaller in America, the land of aspiration for everyone, than in Europe...
...The second most numerous group in the United States is the petty bourgeoisie, including millions of persons who regard themselves as middle class and are under all the middle-class anxieties and pressures, but often earn less money than unionized laborers.
As a result of these things, they are often very insecure, envious, filled with hatreds, and are generally the chief recruits for any Right, Fascist, or hate campaigns against any group that is different or which refuses to conform to middle-class values.
Made up of clerks, shopkeepers, and vast numbers of office workers in business, government, finance, and education, these tend to regard their white-collar status as the chief value in life, and live in an atmosphere of envy, pettiness, insecurity, and frustration.
They form the major portion of the Republican Party's supporters in the towns of America, as they did for the Nazis in Germany thirty years ago....
how many time i told you, dun compare ya. Redo the whole thesis!!
Originally posted by xtreyier:Be glad there are bosses like Angel here. Without entreprenuers like her, Singapore will be starved of entertainment, and lonely men may even turn rabid when devoid of female company, even if it is paid companionship. More so when we have so many unmarried foreign males on our shores in these times.
This is one biz I am glad uses willing and not forced upon foreign female workers, and should be allowed as many as they want to, and may I never see one of our own female citizens resort to working in pubs like her's, even though a minority does exists out of either sheer boredom, extreme temp poverty or outright blatant materialism.
It would only mean our society had failed and not progress, and had not help elevate the lives of majority of our female compatriots, no different from our rich resourced neighbouring country.
ya, me legal one ok, under the professional trade act too, nite life and gals is a non stop industrial, it has been around since the dawn of mankind. That is why when people asked me why i dun go for goods trading, car repair shop, provision shop, food court etc etc...i told them all these may fail or may not last long.
And by the way, dun think it is easy to run a sleazingly place here, you need to have the right connection and knows how to handle violences and most of all, have patient. You dun get cool customers here, all are wolves and crocs, so, as a provider, you need to be cool.
Originally posted by citymax:Hi Eagle,
I dont want to come into you and xtreyier..but i do think civil servant can be define as 'people serving' people. the people is whoever is living in Singapore. Their work is to contribute and assist the people living in Singapore.That why they are called Civil Servant.I do understand your gudge and i hope that u can think more rationale, Servant is a big word, our ministers and MP, People working in the jails,police, Armed Forces, ICA,President are all civil servants..but they arent those who go to your house and clean up the rubbish in your house. Of couse i have to agreed that bad eggs do exist in the civil service, but can you name me an organisation without bad eggs.
kindly give some respect to our civil servants..
Actually civil servants serve the government who in turn serve the people.
At least, that is the definition I get overseas.
Originally posted by dare82:
Wow for PRC Chinese some more. Those that come to Singapore ain't that rich. Many HongKongers still despise those PRC Chinese. A HK girl won't go for a PRC darling.
but a HK businessman got lots of PRC mistress in shenzhen leh.
Er nai chun, you heard or not, so call, mistress village, all high class condo
Originally posted by fymk:Actually civil servants serve the government who in turn serve the people.
At least, that is the definition I get overseas.
i thot civil servant is to carry and vote for the government who in turn serve the civil servant well
Originally posted by angel7030:
i thot civil servant is to carry and vote for the government who in turn serve the civil servant well
Really ah...damnit ...should have worked for the civil service in Singapore...
looks at expensive frozen dinners
but civil service got quota pewrformance evaluation every year,,,just being average end up might lose job in less than a decade
Singapore much better than other countries
I pity i have to pay GST.But is there other BETTER option?
u cannot pick up the good policy.there is none.
There is no perfect policy,neither.
u just have to decide which is the best policy and do it.