This system was setup by the cursed despot with a zombie wife, persecuting activists, losing massive amounts of money made in Singapore to foreigners through his gambling addicted daughter in law and cronies.... and that is why he is so cursed. His other grandchildren better watch out as his curses will fall on them like their half brother, the mongoloid kid.
His running dogs and their families better watch out for the curses too.
Originally posted by Fantagf:
Have u anything against the British? Mind u, those who had been thru the british colonial era in sg prefer british rule than pap. sg under british, singaporeans are better taken care of. go hospital no need pay $. In general, british people, govt has more heart than any of the PAP members. They have good heart compared to mind u, please stop portraying such bad pic about british. if you hate lky does not mean u can drag brit into the pic. seems anything relating to lky, u just go hate without rationale. Absurd, ridiculous, so unobjective!
The British treat nations as the silkworm farmer treats his worms; as long as they produce silk, he cares for them well; when they stop, he feeds them to the fish. -Sun Yat sen
There's non thing great about being a colony of the British. Those colonies who lived under the British had no rights. After the Lee & PAP took over, the people found themselves struggling to remind the government of the citizen's interests instead of one person's interests, one family interests, one party interests over the interest of it's citizens.