Originally posted by Fire Cracker:
yeah i know you are saying that lanjiao kia sgnoob. that foreigner freak!
Correct. That fucking sgnoob is a lanjiao kia. CCB!
Originally posted by xtreyier:SG Govt operates like corporate so they only look at final result.......rather than looking at the social outcome.
I agree with you on this. Most of our PSC scholars had been trained in this manner and had not place priority on the social angle, and believed that somehow it will 'all fall into place natuarally'.While none of us citizens will want Singapore to be a welfare state, paying higher taxes, but there is a need to ensure these officers pay more attention in that sector and do make serious attempts to balance it out.
I dont have any solutions to do so, thus our civil service needs the best and brightest, if possible, more sensitive, to serve and not run to the financial sector and lavish themselves on high incomes and neglect the very society whom had given them the opportunity to excel in life.
Social responsibility must be taken seriously at ALL levels in the employment field, from the worker to the bosses to the ministries.
As for MNCs, it is a fact we need MNCs. Post independence, the richest Singaporeans were bankers and landowners such as Mr. Ng Teng Fong. Do you think Mr. Ng would create SIA, which needs a whole lot of different skillsets to manage, let alone have the kind of money to run an efficent and hi-tech operation such as SIA and not one like the languishing MAS flying fleet? I sincerly doubt so.
Are the govts then to just simply use our $100 million then in our kitty, and give it to any Tom, Dick, Harry to run it or set up industries, the way Malaysia is now being accused of cronyism and corruption? No, its better elected representative be held accountable for our funds.
Growing Singapore companies take time. It isnt going to happen overnight, as our market is small and no single local company can survive on our own market alone, with no resources to sell even, and have the sufficient capital to go global.
The govt's direction is the only way to go for now. First they venture out with elected or accountable representatives onto the world's stage with our massive collective society funds, make them profitable, then sell it to our local talents. This is one way to 'entreprenuerise' and grow our Singapore brand.
There are other ways I suspect. But certainly not for local talents with their small capital and market base to set up shop. Good and chest thumping only for a while but suicide later on extended unsupplied lines, causing massive unemployment later.
We have best be realistic. We are a nation of no resources except for a tiny port. Our best resources are our people, whose forefathers were only peasants and coolies, and it would take time to groom them up to be on par with the best in the globalised world.
Do be patient and give encouragement. Bear the unbearable for now. There is a future for our nation, which had constantly improve itself, not out of nationalism, but for survival, and within a few more generations, we may even conquer the world, the way our youngsters had proven themselves better than others of the world in the academic fields and military prowess in competitions or attachments.
I thought u should know.... The govt civil sectors are only concern with 1 aspect generate enough capital to finance SG budget and macro consumption. There is a complete lack of instrumental resources to aid in growing medium sizes local companies.
That is why you always see coment about Singapore lack of Domestics Demand.
Govt had crowd out private local talent by paying higher salary. While local medium companies does not have the capital n resources to expand beyond its turf this is the biggerest draw back. But most of all Talented enterprenur.
MNC are only short term solution, all govt did was connect all the short term curve to look like a long term growth. That is why you see ripple effects across the entire generation across all specturm of career that is why you see Singaporean leaving left right center.
Unlike the Korean or the Japanese, Singaporean are not ethnically binded, socially there are limited self help support group to aid in helping local companies grow and expand oversea. At the end of the day Singapore owned companies will always remain in Singapore.
Just do a simple excercise....Go to IE and ask for a list of Singapore companies that venture all the way to the West.....u will only find a handful and most of them are state owned enterprise.
So at the end of the story...we get who we Vote.
Originally posted by dalim1966sg:
U wanna be treated with human's respect and dignity then start to live and behave like one !!
whats your problems?
To continue my theme to respect all foreigners like any human being and treat them with respect.
there is something ALL u need to remember most singaporean ancester started migrating to Singapore...some where in our history past....the begining is always difficult. (Other than the handful fisherman and pirates.)
What was slightly fortunate for the 1st generation singaporean back in the early days was that everyone start off almost at the same footing....all outsiders.....there were rich and poor divide but all carry the same moto to make money and seek better life. --- the Singapore dream.
NOW Singaporean moto is STAY ALIVE or SEEK better life outside Singapore....while other come into singapore doing exactly what Singaporean is doing --Stay alive or seek better life else where.
So see the irony?
Just curious Araphoe, are you a Singaporean?
I don't mind treating FTs with respect and humanity. But they don't disturb us first and try to ever climb over our tops at the white collar offices.
Those FTs who come here as refugees and who do this kind of thing to locals are certainly to be loathed! If they want to do this, ask them to balek kampung and do that to their countrymen.
I repeat: This is not a city like New York or Toronto. There the culture is more liberal and more welcoming towards immigrants. Moreover, the countries there are gigantic enough for the locals to roam about in search for greener pastures as there is oil there. But even nowadays, it is a problem there.
Originally posted by dare82:Just curious Araphoe, are you a Singaporean?
I don't mind treating FTs with respect and humanity. But they don't disturb us first and try to ever climb over our tops at the white collar offices.
Those FTs who come here as refugees and who do this kind of thing to locals are certainly to be loathed! If they want to do this, ask them to balek kampung and do that to their countrymen.
I repeat: This is not a city like New York or Toronto. There the culture is more liberal and more welcoming towards immigrants. Moreover, the countries there are gigantic enough for the locals to roam about in search for greener pastures as there is oil there. But even nowadays, it is a problem there.
U r missing the point. If you don't up held certain universal principle now and give in to exception than those exception will hit back at you.
Upheld the principle now and solve the domestics encroachment with Govt social policy. rather than mis directing to foreigners coming in. "If Singapore Milk is sour nobody will want to come "
. ....in any case nobody no if this is going to turn out successful. Look at the Table Tennis player they aren't seriously interested to be part of Singapore. As far as i am concern the entire table tennis team was a disgrace.
FT are refugees this is a misconception that you create for your reality. They seeked better life these days there aren't refugees there are life style seekers.
I am as Singaporean as you are... done primary, secondary in SG, Served NS, Reservist, Pay CPF and Pay Tax.....
Originally posted by Arapahoe:U r missing the point. If you don't up held certain universal principle now and give in to exception than those exception will hit back at you.
Upheld the principle now and solve the domestics encroachment with Govt social policy. rather than mis directing to foreigners coming in. "If Singapore Milk is sour nobody will want to come "
. ....in any case nobody no if this is going to turn out successful. Look at the Table Tennis player they aren't seriously interested to be part of Singapore. As far as i am concern the entire table tennis team was a disgrace.
FT are refugees this is a misconception that you create for your reality. They seeked better life these days there aren't refugees there are life style seekers.
I am as Singaporean as you are... done primary, secondary in SG, Served NS, Reservist, Pay CPF and Pay Tax.....
Yeah but how does it feel for one local to be backstabbed by FT at work?
I never see such FT here before.
It's also disgusting if an FT behaves snobbishly like our army officers or those from ACS, SCGS or Chinese High types. I thought we look at them like 2nd class humans! They have no rights to be proud!
To say that FT is a refugee, I am referring to those from other ASEAN nations. All new post-1965 races of Singapore who don't deserve Racial Harmony on 21 July. Don't you think so! They come here because the governments are not so stable politically and there are many social problems in these nations.
Leave them alone if they want to come to Singapore. You know, in NTU, if I ever see those new foreigners participating in our orientation and DND activities, I would gape my mouth and stare aimlessly! Unless they have stayed in Singapore for the past 4 years or more. They tend to mix among themselves also even in the lectures.
To do office politics like NYC style is still outrageous in Singapore.
Anyway, I don't discriminate to all FTs. Malaysia, China and India people are still most certainly welcome as they are from forefathers' lands.
Originally posted by dare82:Yeah but how does it feel for one local to be backstabbed by FT at work?
I never see such FT here before.
It's also disgusting if an FT behaves snobbishly like our army officers or those from ACS, SCGS or Chinese High types. I thought we look at them like 2nd class humans! They have no rights to be proud!
To say that FT is a refugee, I am referring to those from other ASEAN nations. All new post-1965 races of Singapore who don't deserve Racial Harmony on 21 July. Don't you think so! They come here because the governments are not so stable politically and there are many social problems in these nations.
Leave them alone if they want to come to Singapore. You know, in NTU, if I ever see those new foreigners participating in our orientation and DND activities, I would gape my mouth and stare aimlessly! Unless they have stayed in Singapore for the past 4 years or more. They tend to mix among themselves also even in the lectures.
To do office politics like NYC style is still outrageous in Singapore.
Anyway, I don't discriminate to all FTs. Malaysia, China and India people are still most certainly welcome as they are from forefathers' lands.
In life, kena back stabbed is common, especially at work, sometimes even by friends. kena stabbed in the back because you turned your back on him, learn to trust the right people and there are people whom you should never turn your back on.
don't have to hate the whole flock just because of one black sheep. if you start having no respect just by looking at nationality or skin colour, you will soon ask why people are not respecting you.
well FT come here to disturb our life. that is true.
typical example is malaysian coming to singapore and complain singapore expensive. china PRC come here saying singapore lots of law. philipinos come work in company lazed around. indian and bagla, they are thieves and robbers. this is disturbing.
Originally posted by Fire Cracker:well FT come here to disturb our life. that is true.
typical example is malaysian coming to singapore and complain singapore expensive. china PRC come here saying singapore lots of law. philipinos come work in company lazed around. indian and bagla, they are thieves and robbers. this is disturbing.
In my personal opinion, i think what is more disturbing is your consistant xenophobic prejudice against foriegners in numerous posts threads despite many others' attempts to cool down your raging hormones.
No human is perfect, citizens or foreigners. The more we reject the foreigners with disdain, the more ill-treated they would feel, and the more 'backs to the wall' will they feel.
When people have nothing left, they left nothing to lose and become desperadoes. It is not their fault they are here. If you want to rage, rage against the right people - bosses and our neighbouring asian countries for trying to survive on low wages.
But rather than to rage and rant, why dont we think of constructive and pragmatic solutions to turn the disadvantages or anger to our advantages and propel our society forward?
I don't say I really that hate the foreigners.
When I saw a fellow Burmese being abit bullied by his local colleague, a female one, I also feel sorry for him.
But then I will feel very angst if I ever see a local like me being bossed over by someone from 3rd world nation and who is a post-65 race in Singapore.
About 150 to 190 years ago, Singapore was still not so populated unlike now. Thus, immigrants were really needed to build up the nation at that time. They made Singapore become of what is today over time.
The British with their technological and military prowess also discriminated against the Asians in Singapore.
Read this article: http://www.singapore-window.org/sw05/050809ht.htm
Although I hate certain nationalities residing in Singapore, I hate this discrimination existing in Singapore.
Pre-65 races of Singapore have every rights to the running of Singapore in every ways.
Originally posted by 8800:It is only a matter of time before the evil PAP will be overthrowed and replaced by a new government.
How do you want the new government to treat the foreigners?
I have some ideas on how foreigners should be treated in order to be fair to singaporeans.
1. All S pass and work permit holders earning less than 2k a month will have to pay 20% income tax, earn 2k to 4k a month will pay 30% income taxes, earn 4k to 5k a month will pay 40% income taxes, earn more than 5k a month will pay 50% income taxes.
Since they come to singapore to work and earn our money, it is only fair that they pay higher taxes than singaporeans.
2. All foreigners who comes to singapore and pay for a education and subsequently they work at singapore will be expemted form these high taxes. They will pay the same amount of tax as singaporeans. This is because they are willing to invest money and time for an education in singapore. This shows they are sincere in working in singapore so we can exempt them from the high taxes.
3. Singapore government will not give any scholarships to any foreigners. If the government is so rich they should give scholarship to singaporeans.
4. For all S pass and work permit foreigners, they can apply to become PR after working for at least 3 years. Once they become PR, they get to enjoy all the benefits that singaporeans enjoy such as low income tax, medical subsidy etc. But they will have to pay a 1 time payment of $20k if they want to be PR. Note that this 20k is not to give to the government so that they can use all this money for corruption to increase their own salary.
The government will collect all this money and at the end of the year, they will distribute all the money equally to all Singaporeans.
5. For PR who wants to become citizens of singapore, they will have to serve 2 years NS irregardless of whether they are guy or girl. If they are too old to serve NS, they can get their son or daughter to serve on their behalf. If they have no kids too, they have to pay $60k to be exempted from NS to become a citizen of singapore.
Note that these money will not be given to the government too. It wil be collected by the government and at the end of the year, the total sum of money will be distributed equally to all singaporeans.
Do you think we treat foreigners in such a way is fair to us?
If you are a Chinese or Indian,then i think u can ask your
great/grand/parents how they want
should be treated when they stepped on the pier in Singapore River
many years ago.
Back to the topic how foreigners should be treated:
Pre-1965 races: Chinese, Malays, South Indians and Sikhs, Arabs, Jews, Eurasians and Caucasians
Post-1965 races: Thais, Burmese, Filipinos, Vietnamese, Cambodians, Koreans, Japanese, Africans
Quite a good proposal for Racial Harmony Day so the Singaporeans can psychologically perceive the different races of Singapore.
These same FT/FW who behaves like ya ya papaya in SG.
When they go to the Western land.. they behave totally different. Why ah ?
Originally posted by jojobeach:These same FT/FW who behaves like ya ya papaya in SG.
When they go to the Western land.. they behave totally different. Why ah ?
Got different meh?
I think probaby one out of work disgruntled ozzie not happy with foriegners in their white land thought the same - IMAGINED FT/FW/Fstudents acting like ya ya papaya, shopping, driving cars, drinking in his pubs, going out with white girls - told another, and then another told another, and in time a small minority of xenophobic white supremacists thought the same and started bashing foreigners - vietnamese, indians, chinese, basically asians.
Soon all hell broke loose, and it became the ridiculous dinosaur relic racists white supremacists Aussies against pipe, knives, knuckle duster, etc, armed asians - all because of one nuthead disgruntled ozzie who if he had work harder , accepted a lower pay in these BAD TIMES, instead of complaining, whinning and ranting, would still have a job and need not make use of basically normal people to vent his rage against innocent human beings with murder, crippling injuries and mayhem, that would eventually set back his own country's economic struggle.
hai xi lang bor now ang moh! ( hokkien for destroyer of lives brainless white man ). May no one else in this world follow their example. Human lives are precious. We all can live, work together instead of against each other.
True. There is no need for violence. It's way too extreme. Only extremists do that.
Originally posted by dare82:I don't say I really that hate the foreigners.
When I saw a fellow Burmese being abit bullied by his local colleague, a female one, I also feel sorry for him.
But then I will feel very angst if I ever see a local like me being bossed over by someone from 3rd world nation and who is a post-65 race in Singapore.
i thought the X Generation was between those born April, 1964 – March, 1974
the X generation -- The Tale of Accelerated Culture Generation..... made less (by 12%) by comparsion to their parent. And of course now the X Generation bursted the economies.........
If you are too young to fall into this catergory you have to create your own legacy....... : )
Originally posted by Fire Cracker:well FT come here to disturb our life. that is true.
typical example is malaysian coming to singapore and complain singapore expensive. china PRC come here saying singapore lots of law. philipinos come work in company lazed around. indian and bagla, they are thieves and robbers. this is disturbing.
and you have many singaporen staying here kpkb at everything, thinking that the government owe them a living, the FT/FW owe them their job.....that is disturbing
Originally posted by L.lawliett79:thanks ^^ working life is hard.......and i'v only been in teh workforce for slightly over a 1yr....
me too
And I find teaching tuition part time pays more than doing my job full-time. It is also more emotionally rewarding.
I mean, FTs not educated in Sg.... how would parents trust that they can guide their children well in our local education system?
Originally posted by eagle:me too
And I find teaching tuition part time pays more than doing my job full-time. It is also more emotionally rewarding.
I mean, FTs not educated in Sg.... how would parents trust that they can guide their children well in our local education system?
The entire idea of FT is exactly the same as having MNC in SG. They come in temporary and they leave when we get too expensive. No Royalty. -- Brokerage.
Originally posted by L.lawliett79:thanks ^^ working life is hard.......and i'v only been in teh workforce for slightly over a 1yr....
Working life is hard, and will become even more harder as your responsibilities pile up.
But rest assured, the more responsibilities you have, the sense of fulfillment and achievement is even stronger, for you are one of those who are powering our economy to greater heights, achieving more for our society where we leave no one behind.
Just remember to enjoy your leisure times, be it on weekends or weekdays. Every human needs a break and rest their minds, to go out with friends, watch cinema shows, walk along beaches, pubbing, or just simply curl up on the couch with a book a bag of chips.
Even a higher being rested after 6 hectic work days, what more we mortals? So, have fun and cheers!
Originally posted by sgdiehard:and you have many singaporen staying here kpkb at everything, thinking that the government owe them a living, the FT/FW owe them their job.....that is disturbing
Of course you are not Singaporean that's why you can say this kind of thing.
Of course you are not Singaporean that's why you can say this kind of thing.
It is disturbing to see all sorts of foreigners come here and defend PAP regime and criticise us Singaporeans.
I consider it to be rubbish.
They are not born and raised in Singapore, so how on earth can they understand us?
I disapprove.