Originally posted by angel7030:Huh, from Harry Lee to be confer as Cixi Lee, OMG! Wang Shui, Wang shui...wang wang shui.
wow you are so right
for them it really is all about Wang Shui, Wang shui...wang wang shui
cos all they care about is $$$
Originally posted by Atobe:
PAP = Qing Dynasty ?
The Qing Dynasty was a continuous series of successors from the bloodline of a single Royal Family that began in 1616 till 1911.
The PAP has no royal blood and claims no title to any.
The PAP Government is a grouping of individuals hanging on to political power through sheer instinct at political survival.
If there is any comparison for Singapore, it has to be renamed as the Singapore Lee Dynasty to the North Korea Kim Dynasty - as the lines are close enough.
Both adopt the Stalinist grip on the political life of the country and its people.
Both government depend on the secret police to keep tabs on the activities of their communities and society at large.
Both rely on paranoid and monopolistic grip over all press and broadcast medias.
Both believe in the supremacy of the vision and talent of the Supreme Leader.
Both supreme leaders believe in their infinite relevance and importance for the proper advancement of the country.
Both believe in the supremacy of their genetic lineage.
Reviewing the leadership succession path of Singapore and North Korea, it bears close resemblance except that the Singapore version had to take a modest interval to conceal the obvious.
Prior to LHL stepping into politics, his meteoric rise through the military was beyond comparision to any military except in North Korea.
North Korean Leadership succession is almost similar to Singapore's - with the Supreme Leader making his selection of his own son, and the preparation work begins.
The propaganda machinery will go into overtime, the career path is prepared to allow for a polished image that shines with leadership quality.
Before Kim Jong-il succeeded his father Kim Il-sung, the father had arranged for junior to take on some leadership role in the center of all North Korean political and military affairs.
At least in North Korea, there were at least two coup attempts ti remove the father and son Kims, but traitors and carpet beggars revealed the plots, the conspirators died horrible deaths.
After Kim Il-sung died in 1994, Kim Jong-il succession was not immediate, and had to be cautiously stage-managed, with him not appearing for more then eight months after the death of his father.
Now, that Kim Jong-il's health is said to be deteriorating, he has announced his choice of successor by naming his 24-year old second son - Kim Jong-un, who was educated in Berne, Switzerland; and said to be an introvert
Without any military training, young Kim Jong-un has now been appointed as Military Chief of North Korean Armed Forces - which parallels the efforts in Singapore.
North Korea's new 24 year old Military Chief.
The North Koreans have seen the third successive generation providing political leadership for the country.
Will this ignite the vain ambitions of the Old Man of Singapore ?
Now dont insult Kim Jong-un, i am sure he must have some military experience, there are lots of real time strategy games on the market. At the very least, he must have played a game of chess before.
Originally posted by PedoBear:
Now dont insult Kim Jong-un, i am sure he must have some military experience, there are lots of real time strategy games on the market. At the very least, he must have played a game of chess before.