Oil consumption in SG is wrongly over estimated by many times
I cant bear with this non sense any more.
i am suprised that no one come forward to clarify this simple
U can read from sources below that daily consumption in Singapore SG
is over 900,000 barrels a day!!
I have checked the average oil consumption in 6 Asia countrie/city
are just 37,000 to 46,000 barrels per day per one million population .
How can Singapore consume 192,000 barrels per day per
one million population,giving the fact
that 80% of electricity generation is powered by natural gas?
This is not the worst.The worst is no one in academic circles and governmant
come forward to retify this mistake in the past few decades.
So,Singapore has been ranked one of the worst in energy consumption
per capita for few decades!!
Lest us look at the figures--
Domestic Oil consumption fr CIA
Country /region.....barrels per day....population...barrels per day
....................................................(million).......per 1 million population
..........year 2006...70,000............4.20.................16,000 see @@ below
Hong Kong...........315,000.........7.0..................45,000
S Korea..............2,080,000.............48.5...............43,000
New Zealand.......158,000..............4.2................37.,600
u just read the web then u can get the above.Or read below links!!
I refer'' Domestic oil consumption ''as oil consumption used for
running daily life ,buy not for producing exports.
Singapore is unusual in having oil refining capacity of nearly twice its domestic petroleum products consumption.
@@ http://www.wildsingapore.com/news/20070304/070430-1.htm
The continuing build-up of oil terminals on Jurong Island suggests that in a crisis, there is more than enough oil stored here to last the republic a whole year - given Singapore's small domestic consumption of just 70,000 barrels per day.
from BP
This is not a comprehensive analysis.
We have to bear in mind there are much different energy profile in different countries.
For example,Japan rely much on nuclear energy.
Singapore is the world no. 1 in bunkering (ship fuels) and with a very high
oil products exports.
Please give the source of this report; as even i agree that singapore oil consumption cannot be so high.
Does that mean that we are underusing our alloted quota?
Its strange this word 'QUOTA' it was 1st used for refugees as they did not know how much they should consume. I do not think our race is so feeble that we need to given a 'QUOTA'. We are out of the dark ages and am sure everyone is responsible enough to know how much can they consume and how much they should preserve. rt?
Originally posted by Global Citizen:Its strange this word 'QUOTA' it was 1st used for refugees as they did not know how much they should consume. I do not think our race is so feeble that we need to given a 'QUOTA'. We are out of the dark ages and am sure everyone is responsible enough to know how much can they consume and how much they should preserve. rt?
Oh i wouldn't be so sure about the last part of your statement.
I think the people in the dark ages would appreciate a lot more what they had compared to the present.
Thats my point exactly!!! At the cost of deviating from the topic, isn't is strange that we really do not appreciate what nature has given us,rather believe in exploiting the same. Then we are faced with these so called agencies setting their so called 'QUOTAS'.Any way getting back, I would really appreciate if the source of these consumption findings would be revealed by lionnoisy....
Originally posted by Global Citizen:Thats my point exactly!!! At the cost of deviating from the topic, isn't is strange that we really do not appreciate what nature has given us,rather believe in exploiting the same. Then we are faced with these so called agencies setting their so called 'QUOTAS'.Any way getting back, I would really appreciate if the source of these consumption findings would be revealed by lionnoisy....
Oh Dear,i alrdy shown the sources in opening post.
U can also get from OECD, SHELL,and many from Google search
under oil consumption and population etc.
There is no secret .
I refer'' Domestic oil consumption ''as oil consumption used for
running daily life ,buy not for producing exports.
2. SG's ''oil consumption'' 192,000 barrels per day per million population is
360 % higher than the average of the 6 regions of 41,800
barrels I quoted above.
U dunt need to be a PhD to see somethings odd.
In SG,Who is wasting so much oil and who pay for the wastage?
80 % of SG power plants are using natural gas,NOT oil!!
So,the main user of oil are vehicles!!
Oh Dear.U just need the population and the domestic oil
consumption then u can get the figures.The figures ARE NOT appearing
in the links i provide above.Use your calculators lah...
Be careful !!Dunt just pick the import figure as domestic oil consumption.
This is the Very mistake many people done on SG!!
U have to deduct the oil used to produce exports or exported
to other countries.Like S Korea,abt 25 % of imported oil
would be exported!!
I am suprised NO ONE care to deduct the exports portion from
imported oil!!
U just need to think few seconds then u find somethings odd!
How can SG,with a population 20 % to 23% of Taiwan and Oz respectively,
use 92 % to 95 % of their consumptions?
Domestic Oil consumption
Country /region.....barrels per day....population...barrels per day
....................................................(million).......per 1 million population
so wat is the correct figure for SG?
Thanks Dear!! yes the figures are pretty alarming, however Singapore still lacks far behind other Asian - S.E.A. countries like China-India which is good. The other alarming effect would also be pollution produced using these hydro-carbons.So what could be done---get on to the good ol bicycles?switch to alternate fuels----car pooling.............?