By Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
1. Ancient China considered itself the centre of the world and called itself the Middle Kingdom. And well it should. It was far more advanced in every way than Europe of the Dark Ages. Maybe China is thinking of making a comeback.
2. But we already have a new Middle Kingdom now. During Lee Kuan Yew's triumphant visit to Malaysia he made it known to the Malaysian supplicants that Singapore regards the lands within 6000 miles radius of Singapore as its hinterland. This includes Beijing and Tokyo and of course Malaysia.
3. Of course this self-deluding perception places Singapore at the centre of a vast region. It is therefore the latter day Middle Kingdom. The rest are peripheral and are there to serve the interest of this somewhat tiny Middle Kingdom.
4. Kuan Yew also explained that the fear Singapore Chinese would control Iskandar whatever is not justified. Malays can also work there. It is good to know that Malays can also work in their own country. I wonder as what? Maybe someone should make a study of the Malays of Singapore just to know what it is like to be a Malay minority in their own country.
5. As for the 3 sen per 1000 gallons of raw water supplied to Singapore Lee says it was absurd for the former Prime Minister of hinterland Malaysia to ask to increase it to RM8 per 1000 gallons. I don't know where he got this. Some Malaysian officers did suggest this figure but we were ready to bargain and maybe settle for RM3. And why not? Johore sells raw water to Melaka for 30 sen, 1000% higher than to Singapore. And Melaka is, I believe, a part of Malaysia! Some Malaysians may see the irony of this.
6. The great 5th Prime Minister has decided that since the people of Johore did not want to sell sand to Singapore, Malaysia would not build any bridge, straight or crooked, or negotiate and settle the other issues like the Central Provident Fund, the Railway land. Maybe the 5th Prime Minister thinks he is punishing Singapore. Actually he is giving Singapore what its wants including the 3 sen per 1000 gallons water until 2061. Think of how many grains of nasi lemak we can buy with 3 sen in 2061. Imagine what 1000 gallons will earn for Singapore at that time. Can't think of a more astute PM for Malaysia.
7. All those who met the great man from the little country were lectured on how Malaysia should be run. We should not have anymore problems now. We have been told the direction to take. MCA must help UMNO to win because Singapore does not want an Islamic Party like PAS to win. We must ensure this. Sorry PAS. Working with the DAP, the offspring of PAP has not endeared you to Mr Lee.
8. I have a lot more to say about this little Emperor but I will reserve it for later.
No country for old men
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Asia Sentinel
Lee Kuan Yew ventures into the Malaysian thicket, finds Mahathir hasn't mellowed
Kuan Yew, the 85-year-old patriarch and minister mentor of Singapore,
might have thought he was taking a pleasant eight-day valedictory lap
across several Malaysian states last week, but it has turned out to be
anything but.
On Monday, Lee came under blistering attack by his
old adversary, the 84-year-old former prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad,
who referred to him acidly in his blog, Che Det, as "the great man from
the little country" and later called him a "little emperor." The full
force of his comments on Lee can be found in his blog here.
It was Lee's first visit to Malaysia
in four years and his first outside of Kuala Lumpur since 1989, and any
visit he makes is certain to kick off a round of invective from
Mahathir and others. There has been no love lost between the two
octogenarians, both of whom ruled their countries with an iron hand,
Lee for 31 years, Mahathir for 22, and who have never passed up an
opportunity to slag each other off. But the current round is surprising
for its vitriol.
Not only did Mahathir release a blazing attack
on Lee, but Mahathir's former political secretary Matthias Chang,
writing in a publication called Suara Keadilan, said even worse, saying
that, "To many anti-colonial fighters of the third world, Lee Kuan Yew
was contemptuously referred to as "ivory-skin Englishman" who "was and
still is perceived as the lackey of the British power elites."
Federation of Malaya and Singapore split into two countries in 1965,
and Malaysian has never failed to gleefully bring up the fact that Kuan
Yew burst into tears at the dissolution.
Kuan Yew's dream,
Chang wrote, of "being the Overlord of Malaysia, comprising of
Peninsula Malaya, Sarawak and Sabah was shattered and he has to be
content with being a bully of a city state! Given such a traumatic
experience, and possessing a vindictive disposition, it is a given that
Lee Kuan Yew would harbor a secret agenda against Malaysia. And over
the years, he has sowed and continues to sow discord among the races in
Reading various reports of Kuan Yew's visit, he doesn't
seem to have done any such thing, instead arguing for more stable
relations between the two countries. "It makes no sense for bilateral
ties to be sunny one day, stormy the next," he was quoted as saying.
leave Kuala Lumpur with some optimism, guarded optimism, because we
have to see the words translated into action," he said as he was
leaving for Ipoh. "I had to emphasize that it cannot be cooperation
today, non-cooperation next year and then back again, backwards and
forwards, because these are very big investments both in the Iskandar
region and the third bridge to Desaru and the east coast, from Desaru
up to Mersing, up to Kuantan and Pekan, massive projects requiring huge
investments, the returns can only be calculated in decades, not in
terms of years."
Lee's visit appears bound to stir up additional
tensions between Mahathir and Najib Tun Razak, Malaysia's prime
minister, who extended the invitation to Lee and who has publicly said
he wants cooperation with the island republic, especially over the
massive Iskandar development at the bottom of Johor state which was
begun by former Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, which is being
built partly on Singapore money.
Mahathir was quoted last year
as saying Singaporean investors could force Malays out of the project.
"After the land is sold, the Malays will be driven to live at the edge
of the forest and even in the forest itself," he was quoted as saying
last May. "In the end, the area in Iskandar Malaysia will be filled
with Singaporeans and populated with only 15 percent Malays."
Yew also explained that the fear Singapore Chinese would control
Iskandar whatever is not justified. Malays can also work there,"
Mahathir wrote in his blog. "It is good to know that Malays can also
work in their own country. I wonder as what? Maybe someone should make
a study of the Malays of Singapore just to know what it is like to be a
Malay minority in their own country."
During Lee's visit to
Malaysia, Mahathir wrote, "he made it known to the Malaysian
supplicants that Singapore regards the lands within 6000 miles radius
of Singapore as its hinterland. This includes Beijing and Tokyo and of
course Malaysia.
"Of course this self-deluding perception places
Singapore at the centre of a vast region. It is therefore the latter
day Middle Kingdom. The rest are peripheral and are there to serve the
interest of this somewhat tiny Middle Kingdom."
Mahathir continued, "decided that since the people of Johor did not
want to sell sand to Singapore, Malaysia would not build any bridge,
straight or crooked, or negotiate and settle the other issues like the
Central Provident Fund, the Railway land. Maybe the 5th Prime Minister
thinks he is punishing Singapore. Actually he is giving Singapore what
it wants including the 3 sen per 1000 gallons water until 2061. Think
of how many grains of nasi lemak we can buy with 3 sen in 2061. Imagine
what 1000 gallons will earn for Singapore at that time. Can't think of
a more astute PM for Malaysia."
All of those who met Lee,
Mahathir said, "were lectured on how Malaysia should be run. We should
not have any more problems now. We have been told the direction to
take. MCA must help UMNO to win because Singapore does not want an
Islamic Party like PAS to win. We must ensure this. Sorry PAS. Working
with the DAP, the offspring of PAP has not endeared you to Mr Lee.
I have a lot more to say about this little Emperor but I will reserve it for later," he concluded, "but I will say it later."
And please tell that megolomanic senile mad hatter, who wants Malaysians and Singaporeans to kill each other, since he will be dead of old age soon and need company, how much chicken nasi beriyani the malaysians could have enjoyed if the ridiculous white elephant and much unoccupied Twin towers had not been built.
And please tell that megolomanic senile mad hatter
Which one?
Ours or theirs?
Originally posted by Ah Chia:Which one?
Ours or theirs?
of course, xtreyier refers to Mahathir. because he is xtreyier you know
That piece of senile piece of shit better learn to mind his own business. he is a disgrace to Singapore and her people! One leg already in the graveyard still talk so much
At least, Mahathir not so sicko like him
both are old and childish people
Lets build a world without boundaries......thats the only way we can expand our intellect and preserve for a much better future,if not for us,atleast for generations to come. It is really sad to see S.E. Asian countries fighting over petty things. Wat good is this water if our race eliminates itself fighting for it....?Comin from a land of constant struggle, I can't imagine you people being sworn to the same treatment. We need to move ahead in our thought process, build upon the foundations of knowledge and science and let these wars/politics never haunt us again. This is the only way our race will progress.
Originally posted by 8800:both are old and childish people
u should ask who more destructive and selfish
u should ask who more destructive and selfish
Would you like to jump into a puddle of muck, or would you like the puddle of muck thrown at you....? No one is more destructive or selfish from the other I guess.
Should have the MTV celebrity deathmatch version of them. Two senile megalomaniacs going at each other
keep on ragging war over water
ok now, we dun need their water.. so now he's hostile because now he can't collect a single cent from us over water and can't use it as a bargaining tool
End up Dr M has lost e battle to himself
How Malaysia Indians and chinese are treated unfairly.
Malaysia is a racist country.
So fuck you DR m
Originally posted by Global Citizen:u should ask who more destructive and selfish
Would you like to jump into a puddle of muck, or would you like the puddle of muck thrown at you....? No one is more destructive or selfish from the other I guess.
That is your own personal conception. That is all, nothing more.
He's just sore that LKY didn't include him in his visit to Malaysia
Originally posted by Man!x:Should have the MTV celebrity deathmatch version of them. Two senile megalomaniacs going at each other
That would be interesting
MM regret that he might not get to see another merger before he dies.
Dr M regret is that there could be a merger year laters and he would have to roll over beethovan (how to spell this name?)in his grave.