Originally posted by Atobe:....................................
1.What is more important - the distortion in the truth of real events that transpired in a Court of Law, or the mistake made at accuracy in the accreditation in a book review ?
Is the noisy pussy exercising the art of deceit to distract public attention from the truth with all the noise created to hide the raw facts of dishonesty ?
2. Mr Lee testified in court that the International Bar Association (IBA) president had sent a letter to the Law Society of Singapore (LSS) complimenting Singapore on its judiciary.
The IBA denies sending the letter and the LSS confirms that it has not received such one.
Would you ask Mr Lee to produce the letter to refute the two organisations?
Will the noisy pussy "SHOW US THE EVIDENCE" ?
in response to Q1.
both are damn important.A PhD should not make this kind of mistake.
All academic scholar has been trained to write every thing with reliable sources.
u can see all articles and books are full of references.BTW,this is his second
mistake on the title ''Professor''.Can i call ''Professor Chee'' when
he is not?
Why did you just quote the original sources of IBA claim come from Chee?
your link bring me to a unknown site then to the Singabloodypore site,
then to SDP site!!.I hate the name Singabloodypore.
SG shall refuse the entry of this British!!
If LKY make the false claim ,where are the actions
taken against LKY,after Chee heard legal advices?
I think Chia Ti Lik was more than happy to take up
this case,if there were any evidence against LKY!!
Chee wrote--
But the IBA has confirmed to the SDP that there was no such letter. According to the IBA its president did not write such a letter. The Law Society of Singapore has also denied that it has received any such letter from the IBA.
An IBA official said: "If there is another source of this letter, we do not know about it."
Mr Lee gave this evidence in the witness box during cross-examination by Dr Chee Soon Juan on 27 May 08.
The SDP will seek legal advice on this latest development.
Wednesday, 02 July 2008
Singapore Democrats
How did IBA confirm to Chee that The President had not written the letter?
who was the IBA official,by written reply or verbal reply?
Dr Chee and his supporters ,show me the evidences,nOW!!
what is the legal advices?
Chee just BS lah....
Originally posted by lionnoisy:in response to Q1.
both are damn important.A PhD should not make this kind of mistake.
All academic scholar has been trained to write every thing with reliable sources.
u can see all articles and books are full of references.BTW,this is his second
mistake on the title ''Professor''.Can i call ''Professor Chee'' when
he is not?
What is the noisy pussy bitching about ?
Are you suggesting that a Doctorate Degree holder is lesser qualified than a Professorship ?
Is this not the first time that you have been bitching about the misleading subject of the use - and according to you the mis-use of the title - "Doctor" and "Professor" ?
Firstly do you know the difference between a "Professor" and a "Doctorate Degree" holder ?
Was the mistake made by CSJ in his review, or was it not an acceptable practice of honorific address amongst academia that only an ignoramus noisy pussy knows nothing about ?
Why did you just quote the original sources of IBA claim come from Chee?
your link bring me to a unknown site then to the Singabloodypore site,
then to SDP site!!.I hate the name Singabloodypore.
SG shall refuse the entry of this British!!
If LKY make the false claim ,where are the actions
taken against LKY,after Chee heard legal advices?
I think Chia Ti Lik was more than happy to take up
this case,if there were any evidence against LKY!!
Chee wrote--
Wednesday, 02 July 2008
Singapore Democratshttp://yoursdp.org/index.php/component/content/article/1-singapore/576-breaking-news-iba-says-it-did-not-send-letter-that-lky-testified-it-did-
How did IBA confirm to Chee that The President had not written the letter?
who was the IBA official,by written reply or verbal reply?
Dr Chee and his supporters ,show me the evidences,nOW!!
what is the legal advices?
Chee just BS lah....
"If LKY make the false claim ,where are the actions taken against LKY,after Chee heard legal advices?" - we should all be interested to know why is the Attorney General's Chamber and the Public Prosecutor not taking action or responding to Dr Chee's statement that LKY had made a false statement under oath that the IBA had sent a letter in praise of the Singapore Judiciary ?
Why is the noisy pussy not pursuing with the AG's Chambers or the PP Office on this issue instead of demanding CSJ for evidence ?
Should the AG's Chambers or the PP Office not pursue this matter further to prosecute CSJ ?
Why is LKY silent on this attack to his credibility ?
Why does LKY's lawyer not pursue this matter further ?
What are you disputing - the fact that such a letter from IBA exist as stated by LKY, or the fact that CSJ had claimed that the IBA had responded to CSJ that LKY lied ?
Perhaps the whole event was simply distorted by CSJ, or is it being distorted by the noise that only a pussy can make with too much idle time waiting to be plugged?
From the Asia Sentinel – which drew on reports from AFP - the following was reported - unless the noisy pussy was too keen to persue his own scheme of events:
On July 2 the association told the Singapore Democratic Party, according to the SDP website, that there was no such letter. The Law Society of Singapore also denied it had received a letter from the association, according to the website.
Then, on July 8, the IBA issued a report on “Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law in Singapore – July 2008”. - which expressed concerns about the “limitations on the freedoms of expression, assembly, and the press, and of the independence of the judiciary in Singapore”
The July 8 Report from the IBA drew the following response from the Singapore Foreign Ministry rebuttal to ‘IBA’s statement about Singapore Judiciary” -
Dr Chee sent a letter to the Supreme Court on Tuesday saying that MM Lee had given evidence 'that may not be accurate' when cross-examined by him during a hearing in late May to assess damages in a defamation case.
That evidence related to MM Lee's claim that the IBA had written to the Law Society of Singapore praising the judiciary.
'The IBA has denied that they had sent such a letter and has also confirmed that the Law Society has not received any such letter,' said Dr Chee.
Responding, Mr Singh said the only inaccuracy in Mr Lee's testimony was his statement that the IBA had conveyed this view in a letter to the Law Society, when it was actually a public speech by the IBA president.
'If anything, Mr Lee's testimony did not do enough justice to the fact that an international organisation like the IBA was prepared to and did publicly endorse the excellence of our judiciary,' said Mr Singh.
From the tussle between the IBA and the Foreign Ministry - did CSJ claimed that the IBA had written any letter to the SDP which had the IBA denying writing any letter that LKY claimed was made ?
Even the Singapore Law Society was reported to have stated that they received no such letter from IBA which LKY claimed - how did LKY know what letters were received by the Singapore Law Society ?
How did the noisy pussy come to his own conclusion ?
If you are truly interested in pursuing the truth of what had actually transpired in LKY's statement in the High Court - should it not be in your interest to back up the noise that only a pussy like you are interested in continuing to make ?
Originally posted by youyayu:as usual
holiday that lion is fuking noisy
u are right
so qiao now june holiday he come out
must be a primary sch kid, given the standard of writings
Originally posted by lionnoisy:I just refer to the letter he wrote to WP.
He mean--
1.one hundred were caught in the Marixt conspirators?Do u agree?
2.Few have died inside the cells(i assume he refer to ISA cells).Wat did he want to imply?
I treasure every word from potential PM of Singapore.
if u cant say 100% truths in any article,then do not write.
Think first.
therefore,i wan him dunt mislead the naive western readers.
u can know more abt him.
CSJ tell u the truths--the half truths
CSJ,do u know US also exchange Judges& prosecutors?
CSJ:Tell us more about ISA detainees!!
You said:
"I treasure every word from potential PM of Singapore"
but the current PM can say things like "fixing the opposition", "GST increase to help the poor", and hide how much his wife and cronies make in Singapore and lose in foreig countries .... and that is just fine?
You are just a running dog lah...
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:You said:
"I treasure every word from potential PM of Singapore"
but the current PM can say things like "fixing the opposition", "GST increase to help the poor", and hide how much his wife and cronies make in Singapore and lose in foreig countries .... and that is just fine?
You are just a running dog lah...
No worries, running dog of a foreign power running dog.