time to send all singapore malay to malaysia
and send all chinese from malaysia to singapore
There are about 7 million malaysian chinese. All send here very crowded.
Originally posted by Ah Chia:Why?
There are about 7 million malaysian chinese. All send here very crowded.
well compare to 1 billion ppl in china coming here
which is better?
well compare to 1 billion ppl in china coming here
Who is sending 1 billion PRCs here?
I though PAP regime plan was to increase population to 7-8 million?
3 million locals, 4-5 million foreigners and make Singapore land of foreigners?
Attention attiention everyone
Mr/Mrs/miss Ah Chia Is Officially the Spokeperson for the gvm
in this erbsite
Originally posted by haha879:Attention attiention everyone
Mr/Mrs/miss Ah Chia Is Officially the Spokeperson for the gvm
in this erbsite
how can a gay be our spokeperson??
Mr/Mrs/miss Ah Chia Is Officially the Spokeperson for the goverment
No, I am not propagandist of PAP regime.
You got see me spread PAP propaganda here?
Originally posted by youyayu:good
its time to help those helpless cchinese in malaysia. and stop the abuse by malay there
time to send all singapore malay to malaysia
and send all chinese from malaysia to singapore
ya, then we can have ipoh hor fun, malacca nasi lemak, penang chicken balls rice, KL char kuay teow, ampang ong tou fu, sarawak mee, etc etc...how about the nonyas, are they sending them too, if so, we will be bless with nonya foodies
"LKY is very good, he go into MCA very well prepared by getting the right info and read the right pages, that's what i call a good presenter and leaders. Unlike most of our opposition leaders and supporters keep cursing and shouting, but nothing get moving..see already also want to cry for them."
I cringed whenever I read thread like this. Think I'm gonna go to the jamban now and puke out my last night supper...
There are many various speculations on the whirlwind visit of MM Lee to Malaysia, but it only takes critical analysis to figure out what may the reason be, reading behind the lines.
MM Lee is only a consultant to the cabinet. He alone makes no decision, so whatever he says, holds no more water than a housewife commenting on the price of milk in Giant, Johor.
But what he says will definately be more meaningful than a housewife for sure, for it will impact the lives of millions.
Malaysia currently is suffering a crisis of identity - the equality of ethnic group, a greviance that is yet to be resolve by ALL political parties there.
The Malaysian ethnic groups would be consoled by MM Lee's visit, that equality can be achieved in Malaysia, as it did for Singapore, but it took our forefathers and us, 44 sincere years to extend the hand of friendship, consideration, and responsibility to each fellow citizen. We, too, still have much more to improve despite our advances.
The Malaysian ethnic groups must realize this, and within this patient but realistic view, they too, will be able to achieve what we did, and not with pitchforks as some rabble rousers sought to do, but with patience, logic and reason.
In the end, we can only offer what we know, it is still up to the ethnic groups there to consider and determine their own fate. We do not interfere, but only seek better economic cooperation, such that will elevate lives of both Malaysian and Singaporeans, whatever the races.
PM Najib, his cabinet as well as the various political groups who seek peaceful means for equality should look forward more to MM Lee's visit, the sharing of his wisdom that is represented by the hardwork of our forefathers in building up our equal society republic.
of coz, he's healthy even at this age....coz last time when i worked at SGH before in the x-ray department, the whole level 2 close for LKY to undergo his checkup. Imagine, closing the whole of level 2 x-ray dept so that only he can use it.
anyway, i heard a lot of rumours; dont know wheter tru; but he has a bomoh protecting him and he occasionally goes for blood transfusion to keep his blood 'healthy'. Note: thes are just what i heard,
of coz, he's healthy even at this age....coz last time when i worked at SGH before in the x-ray department, the whole level 2 close for LKY to undergo his checkup. Imagine, closing the whole of level 2 x-ray dept so that only he can use it.
Might as well close down the entire SGH for him to use.
After almost 46 years since Malaysia was formed, the concept of Malaysia for Malaysians seem to be hard to realise, let alone for any of their ethnic groups to swallow.
Racial politics remain the standard from which the political parties deal with the respective ethnic groups that the political party has been formed to represent.
During the short term in office, Ex-PM Abdullah Badawi had made some false start at a more equal Malaysian society.
Now that PM Najib is at the helm, he has taken an early start at creating a 1Malaysia concept, which has also been given royal support by the Malaysian King.
46 years has been a long time of lost opportunities, but it is still not too late for the pieces to be gathered and a push to take off in the right direction.
The vocabulary of words available to express political thoughts are limited in Bahasa Melayu, and it had caused frightful headaches in the early days of Malaysia.
When the delegation of politicians landed at the airport - on the return from a successful independence talk in England, Tunku Abdul Rahman uttered the first words "Satu Negara, Satu Bangsa, Satu Bahasa" - which translates literally to mean "One Country, One Race, One Language".
With LKY standing besides Tunku and listening to these words, LKY winced in painful chagrin - and these words began the unfortunate development of racial politics in Malaysia and Singapore.
If Tunku had spoken in English - he would have probably said "One Country, One Nation, One Language" - which would have been more palatable even if the "One Language" would still prove to be a sticking point amongst the multi-ethnic groups.
Originally posted by Ah Chia:Might as well close down the entire SGH for him to use.
He IS going for his x-ray so why the need to close the entire SGH? lol.