Have CSJ told u that SG will NOT go for electronic voting?
Chee Soon Juan told u thst SG may go for electronic election.
But he does not bother to tell u that now SG decides drop this idea.
Why?He cant read Chinese zao bao?
He just tells u the bad news?
This is not the way to win trust from people,Dr Chee.
U are smart.I am NOT so stupid,too.
1.In 2001,SG passed laws to use electronic voting.Now ,SG stops buying
related machines.
The reason to drop this idea is to gain condidences from voters is
much more important in manpower saving,said DPM Teo.
政府放弃电å�投票 å› ä¸ºé€‰æ°‘ä¿¡å¿ƒæ¯”çœ�人力更é‡�è¦�
选民对选举制度的信心,比实行电å�投票å�¯çœ�ä¸‹çš„äººåŠ›æ›´åŠ é‡�è¦�ã€‚æ”¿åºœå› æ¤å·²æ”¾å¼ƒè€ƒè™‘多年的电å�投票。
选民对选举制度的信心,比实行电å�投票å�¯çœ�ä¸‹çš„äººåŠ›æ›´åŠ é‡�è¦�ã€‚æ”¿åºœå› æ¤å·²æ”¾å¼ƒè€ƒè™‘多年的电å�投票。
副总ç�†å…¼å›½é˜²éƒ¨é•¿å¼ 志贤表示,电å�投票难以达到用选票投票高度公信力,这是政府决定ä¿�ç•™è®©é€‰æ°‘ä»¥é€‰ç¥¨æŠ•ç¥¨çš„åŽŸå› ã€‚
“ä¿�留以选票æ�¥æŠ•ç¥¨çš„制度,投票和计票过程虽然耗费人力,但å�´å…·æœ‰é«˜åº¦çš„公信力,也是一套所有的人都能完全ç�†è§£å¹¶è§�得到æ¯�个æ¥éª¤çš„制度。”他指出,当选民把手ä¸çš„选票亲自投入投票箱之å�Žï¼Œè®¡ç¥¨äººå‘˜ä¼šåœ¨é€‰ä¸¾å®˜å‘˜ã€�计票代ç�†äººå�Šå�‚选å�„方的代表è§�è¯�ä¸‹ï¼Œä¸€å¼ ä¸€å¼ åœ°è®¡ç®—é€‰ç¥¨ã€‚
“但是,如果选民是é€�过按钮投票,选举官员和计票代ç�†äººæ— 从监ç�£æœºå™¨æ€Žä¹ˆè®¡ç®—选票,唯有信任编写计票电脑程åº�å’Œå®¡æ ¸ç¨‹åº�的人,或者信赖防æ¢ç”µè„‘病毒侵入的软件会æ“�作æ£å¸¸ã€‚”
实行电å�投票是政府自1983å¹´èµ·ä¸ºç ”ç©¶å�„ç§�海外投票方å¼�çš„å�¯è¡Œæ€§è€Œå¼€å§‹ä¸€å¹¶è€ƒè™‘的。ç»�è¿‡é•¿æœŸç ”ç©¶ä¹‹å�Žï¼Œå®ƒè¿˜åœ¨2001å¹´4月通过国会立法,å…�许在国会选举和民选总统选举时,采用电å�投票。
选举局过å�Žå¼€å§‹æ‹›æ ‡å¼€å�‘电å�投票系统,并展开添置器æ��和设计软件的工作。ä¸�è¿‡ï¼Œç”±äºŽè¿™å¥—ç³»ç»Ÿæ— æ³•åœ¨å�Œå¹´11月举行大选之å‰�完æˆ�,所以没派上用场。政府过 å�Žåœ¨2002年开始探讨开å�‘å�¦ä¸€å¥—电å�投票系统,但å�´åœ¨2004年以æˆ�本高昂å�Šæ–°ç§‘技ä¸�æ–出现为由宣布延å�Žå®žè¡Œç”µå�投票制度。
当年的选 举局局长曾必东在2001年介ç»�电å�投票系统时指出,最终被采用的系统须符å�ˆæ�¡ä»¶åŒ…括能确ä¿�投票过程是秘密的;选民能从电å�投票机的å±�幕上看到电å�选票; 系统能安全ã€�有效ã€�准确地æ“�作并进行计票;系统能探测出任何投票错误;能在电æµ�供应ä¸æ–æ—¶ä¿�å˜å·²è®°å½•çš„选票。电å�投票系统也必须能让负责人审查电å�投票机 çš„æ“�作性能与计算的准确性,但是有关的审查工作å�ˆé¡»ç¡®ä¿�æ— äººèƒ½æŽ¢å‡ºæŠ•ç¥¨è€…çš„èº«ä»½ã€‚
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ - 41k
u can search DPM Teo speech here later
so much noise early in the morning. thot u have been banned.
Originally posted by lionnoisy:
Have CSJ told u that SG will NOT go for electronic voting?
Chee Soon Juan told u thst SG may go for electronic election.
The noisy pussy is again at his best with his confused mischievous efforts to discredit himself by taking potshots at CSJ.
A clown trying to paint someone else as a clown, when it is his own image in the mirror that he has painted.
Did CSJ tell, or did he not tell SG that electronic voting is going ahead ?
But he does not bother to tell u that now SG decides drop this idea.
Why?He cant read Chinese zao bao?
He just tells u the bad news?
This is not the way to win trust from people,Dr Chee.
U are smart.I am NOT so stupid,too.
1.In 2001,SG passed laws to use electronic voting.Now ,SG stops buying
related machines.
The reason to drop this idea is to gain condidences from voters is
much more important in manpower saving,said DPM Teo.
u can search DPM Teo speech here later
It will not be a surprise that the printed media can target different audiences with different variations of the same story - and more so when the state media intend to report CSJ's statement.
Only the noisy pussy has time and again shown his immense ability to be mesmerized by the garbage that spew from the political elite.
Should we be surprised at the noisy pussy's confused state of mind - to be unable to discern if CSJ did or did not tell SG that there will be or will not be electronic voting ?
There are enough bad news on the plate to tar the good name of the incumbent political party in Government, do they need to shake the confidence of Singaporeans with an untested electronic system that will add more controversies to the present status quo ?
i was involved in the electronic voting system development so i know what was going on and what kind of information it was capturing. but that was back in the year 2001, perhaps they have changed their specs?
Would the electronic voting system have been forced through - if the SDP and CSJ did not bring this controversial matter to public attention ?
It now seems that the stage has all been set for its implementation - with the PAP dominated Parliament already giving its "RUBBER STAMP" approval for the Electronic Voting System to be used.
Amidst the publicity raised to the controversies on the computerized election system, there not seem to be caution exercised by the incumbent party in power.
Is this not putting "the cart before the horse" - by passing legislations to implement a system then considering its impact ?
The following is extracted from the site of a blogger :
US expert ‘extremely concerned’ about e-voting in S’pore
By the Singapore Democrats
20 April 2009Original link
A few days after the Singapore Democrats warned of the Government’s intention to procure electronic voting machines (EVMs), the Straits Times swung into action and contacted the Elections Department for comments.
The newspaper quoted the Department’s statement that “to date, no decision has been taken yet on when electronic voting will be implemented in our elections and which electronic voting system will be used.”
The Straits Times also reported that the subject is not new as it was debated and approved by Parliament in 2001. Note that the Elections Department did not categorically state that EVMs would not be used in the next GE.
Many Singaporeans are not aware of the fact that everything is in place for the PAP to switch to using these machines. It’s only a question of when and how it will be done.
The Straits Times also tells us that “the system must also allow for voting in secret and be safe from fraudulent use.” But while the media in the US are screaming and hollering about the weakness of such systems, there is only silence here in Singapore.
The fact remains that such computers are highly open to fraudulent use. In addition, we do not have an independent elections body to audit and monitor the integrity of an e-voting system if and when it is implemented.
The Singapore Democrats did our own homework and contacted Dr Rebecca Mercuri, one of the world’s foremost expert in computer security. Dr Mercuri’s research into the abuse of e-voting systems have been cited in briefs to the US Supreme Court as well as by the US and UK governments.
She told us: “I would be extremely concerned about Singapore’s proposed procurement and use of EVMs. I believe that the best voting system involves voters hand-marking paper ballots, with a public hand-count of all ballots. Any electronic tallying, of either hand-prepared or electronic ballots, cannot be relied on as accurate.”
Dr Mercuri pointed out that some of the e-voting systems that are used in the US have the capability of deleting votes. Either that or extra votes can be cast — without detection.
This was confirmed as recent as only a few weeks ago in California with certain Diebold/Premier voting systems found to be open to misuse and abuse.
It was also reported last month that the Irish government will scrap the idea of using e-voting despite it having purchased the computers. The reason is because it could not trust the integrity of the system. Likewise, Germany and the Netherlands have abandoned plans to switch to e-voting.
E-voting in Singapore is an issue that must be resurrected. We ignore it at our peril.
Originally posted by fishbuff1:i was involved in the electronic voting system development so i know what was going on and what kind of information it was capturing. but that was back in the year 2001, perhaps they have changed their specs?
Capturing of information ?
This sounds more ominous than the numbered ballot paper that is issued to each registered voter, whose name and NRIC is cross-referenced to the numbered ballot paper.
This numbered ballot paper is already a controversy over the years, and though it has never been used to identify the balloting choice of the electorate, it has allowed the unscrupulous incumbent party to know the voting pattern of the residents within a neighborhood.
This has resulted in the frequent changes to the Electoral Boundary that serve to dilute the concentration or pockets of residents that vote for the Alternative Parties.
this is a variant of the same problem tat has existed since independence : citizens not able to catch up with 'society'
Towards a financial services hub - result : slew of incomprehensible financial products snapped up by unaware citizens like the neighbourhood aunties and uncles
AMD directives - uncles and aunties tot they are signing something to kill themselves by euthanasia
Electronic voting - auntie and uncle say, ATM can do?
It's not the hat no good, it's the head too small
SG's voting is never what they promised to be...
Originally posted by lionnoisy:....
U are smart.I am NOT so stupid,too.
Have CSJ told u that SG will NOT go for electronic voting?
Chee Soon Juan told u thst SG may go for electronic election.
You are smart and we are not stupid to know of your effort to discredit Chee.