Look at US and Australia ( though Europe may be better) , their people are indisciplined, cry rights for every small thing to exploit, line up for social security money, to much power given to private corporations which in turn jack up prices leading to inflation. Their politicians argue in court to "fix" each other up and end up doing nothing. Decisions take a long time and their country budgets are on deficiets. They are on debt for billions and trillions
LKY was right
If I were in authority in Singapore indefinitely without having to ask those who are governed whether they like what is being done, then I would not have the slightest doubt that I could govern much more effectively in their interests.”
- Lee Kuan Yew, 1962
“What are our priorities? First, the welfare, the survival of the people. Then, democratic norms and processes which from time to time we have to suspend.”
- Lee Kuan Yew, 1986 National Day Rally
“Now if democracy will not work for the Russians, a white Christian people, can we assume that it will naturally work with Asians?”
- Lee Kuan Yew, Asahai Shimbun symposium, May 9, 1991
“I am often accused of interfering in the private lives of citizens. Yes, if I did not, had I not done that, we wouldn’t be here today. And I say without the slightest remorse, that we wouldn’t be here, we would not have made economic progress, if we had not intervened on very personal matters – who your neighbour is, how you live, the noise you make, how you spit, or what language you use. We decide what is right. Never mind what the people think.”
- Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, Straits Times, 20 April 1987
LKY is indeed a genius, he engineered a whole society from scratch, the unique singaporean disapora
Democracy stands in the way of LKY that is why he is against it.
a small country like ours cant afford it.
Not a matter of afford it or not. It is a matter of allowing it and be able to manage it. Democracy does not necessarily mean chaos, or unpeaceful protests
i am not really referring to individual freedom and rights but rather the democratic processes linked to economy.
Originally posted by Socialist:Their politicians argue in court to "fix" each other up and end up doing nothing.
Yeah, it's just so much more efficient in Singapore where the courts are just old Harry's strap-on to buttfuck anybody who's got the temerity to be an opposition member.
By the way, read the dates on those quotes. Can you really argue that things said so long ago apply to Singapore's current circumstances? If they do, doesn't it mean that Harry fucked up and Singapore's no different than what it was 47 years ago?
Originally posted by Socialist:LKY is indeed a genius, he engineered a whole society from scratch, the unique singaporean disapora
Diaspora from where? Do you know what the word means?
Well, what LKY wanted (i beleive) is the enginnering of a disciplined society through his principles. If he allow too much democracy , there will be rifts and different sections within society which will make social cohesion difficult. he wanted a society of common beliefs and values needed for a society to function in a stable and constant form. This was absolutely necessary in the 1960s to 80s.
Of cos though, if he let an opponent crush him and take over power , then society will take a different turn and may even collapse.
I also noticed that this worked up until the coming of the internet. The internet spread different ideas among people and now, we see a more diversified thinking .
i was discussing this issue with a friend a few months back.
he did say that LKY did the right thing. singapore wouldn't survive a protest going out of control - like what happened at thailand.
singapore is too small with too few resources. just a little bit of cock up, and we're all screwed over.
that's why there can't be any protests etc.
and why there can't be any strong oppositions, because if PAP has to keep concentrating on fighting the oppositions, they can't concentrate to develop singapore.
i disagreed though, but it was food for thought - i didn't think of it this way b4
Originally posted by dumbdumb!:i was discussing this issue with a friend a few months back.
he did say that LKY did the right thing. singapore wouldn't survive a protest going out of control - like what happened at thailand.
singapore is too small with too few resources. just a little bit of cock up, and we're all screwed over.
that's why there can't be any protests etc.
and why there can't be any strong oppositions, because if PAP has to keep concentrating on fighting the oppositions, they can't concentrate to develop singapore.
i disagreed though, but it was food for thought - i didn't think of it this way b4
i agreed with this. Having protests occur will lead to things like rerrorism, racial riots and other serious crimes already seen in other countries. E.g. the Black July in Sri Lanka which led to the civil war.
You're kidding, aren't you? Please tell me you're kidding.
The fact of the matter is that this iron grip is what's caused the current mess where the government is scrambling around on a ludicrous mission to teach people to be creative and to retool at last-minute notice. They spent forty years beating every last ounce of original thought out of everyone to create a submissive population, and now they've realised that they've royally screwed the pooch by creating a society that's too expensive to compete with the Indians, Thais and such, and aren't bright enough to take Singapore in a direction commensurate with its price bracket.
For the first 25 years, yes, the government did the right thing by pointing everyone in the same direction. However, by the early to mid 80's, the economy had stabilised to the point where if people were given some free rein, they could have been on the cutting edge by now. Instead, all we get is a whole lot of bullshit about hub this and hub that, and a shitload of foreign talents brought in because the government systematically bred all talent out of Singaporeans by controlling everything.
It didn't start when the Internet came about, it started a helluva lot earlier, and guess what? If the Singaporean government had been watching what had been happening in Japan by the early 80's, they would have realised that the manufacturing game upon which the economy was originally built was always a time-limited game, and they would have started trying to figure out what the nextstage of Singapore's evolution was. But nooooo, they were too busy fucking around with people's lives and playing petty political games in court.
If you want to know where all the current brouhaha about foreign talents came from, look at what happened between 1980 and 1986, and how it relates to growth over the subsequent 15-20 years. Then come back and tell me how fucking smart Harry is.
Originally posted by Gedanken:You're kidding, aren't you? Please tell me you're kidding.
The fact of the matter is that this iron grip is what's caused the current mess where the government is scrambling around on a ludicrous mission to teach people to be creative and to retool at last-minute notice. They spent forty years beating every last ounce of original thought out of everyone to create a submissive population, and now they've realised that they've royally screwed the pooch by creating a society that's too expensive to compete with the Indians, Thais and such, and aren't bright enough to take Singapore in a direction commensurate with its price bracket.
For the first 25 years, yes, the government did the right thing by pointing everyone in the same direction. However, by the early to mid 80's, the economy had stabilised to the point where if people were given some free rein, they could have been on the cutting edge by now. Instead, all we get is a whole lot of bullshit about hub this and hub that, and a shitload of foreign talents brought in because the government systematically bred all talent out of Singaporeans by controlling everything.
It didn't start when the Internet came about, it started a helluva lot earlier, and guess what? If the Singaporean government had been watching what had been happening in Japan by the early 80's, they would have realised that the manufacturing game upon which the economy was originally built was always a time-limited game, and they would have started trying to figure out what the nextstage of Singapore's evolution was. But nooooo, they were too busy fucking around with people's lives and playing petty political games in court.
If you want to know where all the current brouhaha about foreign talents came from, look at what happened between 1980 and 1986, and how it relates to growth over the subsequent 15-20 years. Then come back and tell me how fucking smart Harry is.
Originally posted by Gedanken:You're kidding, aren't you? Please tell me you're kidding.
The fact of the matter is that this iron grip is what's caused the current mess where the government is scrambling around on a ludicrous mission to teach people to be creative and to retool at last-minute notice. They spent forty years beating every last ounce of original thought out of everyone to create a submissive population, and now they've realised that they've royally screwed the pooch by creating a society that's too expensive to compete with the Indians, Thais and such, and aren't bright enough to take Singapore in a direction commensurate with its price bracket.
For the first 25 years, yes, the government did the right thing by pointing everyone in the same direction. However, by the early to mid 80's, the economy had stabilised to the point where if people were given some free rein, they could have been on the cutting edge by now. Instead, all we get is a whole lot of bullshit about hub this and hub that, and a shitload of foreign talents brought in because the government systematically bred all talent out of Singaporeans by controlling everything.
It didn't start when the Internet came about, it started a helluva lot earlier, and guess what? If the Singaporean government had been watching what had been happening in Japan by the early 80's, they would have realised that the manufacturing game upon which the economy was originally built was always a time-limited game, and they would have started trying to figure out what the nextstage of Singapore's evolution was. But nooooo, they were too busy fucking around with people's lives and playing petty political games in court.
If you want to know where all the current brouhaha about foreign talents came from, look at what happened between 1980 and 1986, and how it relates to growth over the subsequent 15-20 years. Then come back and tell me how fucking smart Harry is.
they are on debt in billion. SO?
singaporeans are earning less then what is expected. the only 1 that has high pay are the one in white polo t-shirt
HDB here, The BASIC housing of a Singaporean is not even affordable..
Originally posted by youyayu:they are on debt in billion. SO?
singaporeans are earning less then what is expected. the only 1 that has high pay are the one in white polo t-shirt
HDB here, The BASIC housing of a Singaporean is not even affordable..
u complain so much about HOUSING. HOUSING HAS NEVER BEEN CHEAP in countries like US and Australia too.
People home in into their best price exploiting market prices
Let me just get back on track, the greatest thing we have in singapore is a kind of status quo between the people and the dynamic govt. The govt is dynamic, it has too, else singapore will fall. The positive side to this is that when things go seriously wrong, the govt will change the environment. The down side is that they have all the power and authority to ignore us too, as for now, i cant really say what is happening.
Originally posted by Socialist:The govt is dynamic, it has too, else singapore will fall. The positive side to this is that when things go seriously wrong, the govt will change the environment.
*Knock knock knock* hello? Hello? Anyone home? That's strange, the lights seem to be on ....
Dynamic? What in Christ's name are you babbling about? I've just given you chapter and verse about how the 1959 mentality is still being clung to like driftwood to a drowning man, and you think the government is DYNAMIC???!!!
Someone help me out here - what's wrong with this fucking picture?
Booster, at the rate you're going, you may as well claim that a paint-drying contest is as exciting as the Singapore GP because, to be frank, it don't seem to take a whole lot to get your yah-yahs going.
sorry, i let my energizer bunny on the loose
i'll pick him up after work
meanwhile, enjoy the entertainment
Yeah, you just send that bunny my way, boy. I'll heat up a can o' this for him:
Originally posted by Socialist:LKY is indeed a genius, he engineered a whole society from scratch, the unique singaporean disapora
Yo, please lah, keep it to yourself, alots of peoples here are medications, and most are anti LKy, so watch your mouth ya, u got to know the cost of medicines is on the rise.
TS must be really HIGH.....!
A general observation made by anthropology and I tend to agree. So long as the elites of a country that suffers together with its people thru wrong policies and benefit thru Good policies. The chances of survivor are higher, it forces the decision maker/elites to push for the common good in order to survive.
On the contrary If the political elites/ regime insulate itself to prevent collapsing and thereby distancing themselves from mistake. This type of regime will fail because it does not suffer thru mistake.
In recent years, We are witnessing major failure by ALL Political regimes globally, as the elites are better educated they create policies that sustained their political goal and existence thru inflated wealth creation.
Regimes – globally are headed into the wrong direction. We are still pursuing resources, and wealth accumulation. While Civilians globally served towards Singularity.
6 billions lives on planet Earth in the hands of a few. Until you folks understand what is at stake you are nothing but an island that can't see the horizon and lost in Direction.
and perharps TS should read this.
to socialist;
have u seen the condition of the hum in fried kuay teow today???
is lky or lhl going to solve the hum problem for starters??
the hum in fried kuay teow of previous years were bigger n fresh!
hum today looks like its been runned over by a lorry.
to socialist:
and if they cant solve simple hum issue ....then they cant solve state affairs too!!!l
LOL @ this man.
Why not post this in some forum which everyone from different parts of the world chat in and tell mi wat is the result.