BARVIKHA, Russia (AFP) - Russia intends to raise ideas at the upcoming G8 summit for making its currency, the ruble, a viable global reserve money, President Dmitry Medvedev said Saturday.
Speaking to reporters after talks outside Moscow with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, Medvedev said Russia had no say in setting the G8 summit agenda, which will focus on the global financial crisis.
But he stated: "Of course we have our own proposals. We are talking about the creation of foundations for a new financial architecture, indeed, a fair new financial architecture."
Medvedev said this included discussion of making multiple currencies attractive enough for states to hold as reserve currencies and use as means of payment in international trade, alongside the currently dominant US dollar. "We have spoken about the possibility of using the ruble for this purpose,"Medvedev said, adding: "We are not dropping this idea."
Medvedev and his mentor, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, have for years evoked the possibility that the ruble could one day become an international reserve currency like the dollar.
Like Russia, China has also increasingly criticised the dollar-dominated global currency system and has been pushing for wider use of its currency, the yuan.
World economists however regard the prospect of either money supplanting the dollar or, to a lesser extend, the European euro, as a widely-held reserve currency as a long way off at best.
Russia also talked up its ideas for spreading the influence of the ruble ahead of the G20 financial crisis summit last month in London, but the ideas have been greeted coolly in the West and were all but ignored at the meeting.
"These are all issues for the future," Medvedev acknowledged, "but in my opinion they are issues for the near future. "At the end of the day, we should emerge victorious from this crisis," he said.
by Immanuel Wallerstein
15 May 2009
When Premier Wen Jiabao of China said in March of
2009 that he was "a little bit worried" about the state of the U.S.
dollar, he echoed the feelings of states, enterprises, and individuals
across the world. He called upon the United States "to maintain its
good credit, to honor its promises and to guarantee the safety of
China's assets."
Even five years ago, this would have seemed a
very presumptuous request. Now it seems "understandable" even to Janet
Yellen, the President of the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank,
although she considers China's proposals concerning the world's reserve
currency "far from being a practical alternative."
There are
only two ways to store wealth: in actual physical structures and in
some form of money (currency, bonds, gold). They both entail risks for
the holder. Physical structures deteriorate unless used and using them
involves costs. To utilize such structures to obtain income and
therefore profits depends on the "market" -- that is, on the
availability of buyers willing to purchase what the physical structures
can produce.
Physical structures are at least tangible. Money
(which is denominated in nominal figures) is merely a potential claim
on physical structures. The value of that claim depends on its exchange
relation with physical structures. And this relation can and does vary
constantly. If it varies a small amount, hardly anyone notices. But if
it varies considerably and frequently, its holders either gain or lose
a lot of wealth, often quite rapidly.
A reserve currency in
economic terms is really nothing but the most reliable form of money,
the one that varies least. It is therefore the safest place to store
whatever wealth one has that is not in the form of physical structures.
Since at least 1945, the world's reserve currency has been the U.S.
dollar. It still is the U.S. dollar.
The country that issues the
reserve currency has one singular advantage over all other countries.
It is the only country that can legally print the currency, whenever it
thinks it is in its interest to do so.
Currencies all have
exchange rates with other currencies. Since the United States ended its
fixed rate of exchange with gold in 1973, the dollar has fluctuated
against other currencies, up and down. When its currency went down
against another currency, it made selling its exports easier because
the buyer of the exports required less of its own currency. But it also
made importing more expensive, since it required more dollars to pay
for the imported item.
In the short run, a weakened currency may
increase employment at home. But this is at best a short-run advantage.
In the middle run, there are greater advantages to having a so-called
strong currency. It means that the holder of such currency has a
greater command on world wealth as measured in physical structures and
Over the middle run, reserve currencies are strong
currencies and want to remain strong. The strength of a reserve
currency derives not only from its command over world wealth but from
the political power it offers in the world-system. This is why the
world's reserve currency tends to be the currency of the world's
hegemonic power, even if it is a declining hegemonic power. This is why
the U.S. dollar is the world's reserve currency.
So, why is
Premier Wen "a little bit worried"? It is clearly because over the past
few decades, the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar has been fluctuating
a great deal but on the whole slowly declining. One of the main factors
has been the incredibly rising global debt of the U.S. government.
There are two main ways in which the United States has been able to
balance its books. It prints money and it sells U.S. treasury bonds,
primarily to other governments (so-called sovereign wealth funds).
is no secret that in recent years the largest single buyer of U.S.
treasury bonds has been China. It is not the only one. Japan and South
Korea, Saudi Arabia and Abu Dhabi, India and Norway have all bought
U.S. treasury bonds. But China today is the biggest buyer, and given
the present credit contraction, China is one of the few likely buyers
in the immediate future.
The dilemma for China, as for others
who have invested in U.S. treasury bonds, is that if the dollar
declines further or if there is significant inflation because of the
printing of money by the United States, their investment in treasury
bonds may lose them money. On the other hand, what alternatives do
China or the others have?
The policy conclusion that China (and
other buyers) are drawing is steady low-key divestment. They want it to
be not so fast as to cause a "run on the bank" but not so slow as to be
the last one out the door -- "before the stampede" as W. Joseph Stroupe
entitled his article in the Asia Times.
China is
reducing the amount of U.S. treasury bonds it is buying, and now
prefers to buy shorter-term ones rather than longer-term ones. China is
entering into "currency swaps" with other countries, such as Argentina,
so that neither has to use dollars in their transactions. And China is
calling for the creation of an alternate reserve currency based on the
Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) created by the International Monetary
Fund, which are based on a basket of currencies. Russia has endorsed
this call.
The United States is not sure how to respond. When
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said that the U.S. government is
"quite open" to China's proposal to increase the use of SDRs, the
dollar immediately went down in the currency market. So Geithner then
"clarified" what he had said. The dollar remained the world's "dominant
reserve currency" and this is "likely to continue for a long period of
time." He asserted that "we will do what's necessary to make sure we're
sustaining confidence in our financial markets, and in the productive
capacity of this country and in our long-term fundamentals."
Geithner just whistling in the dark? More important, who believes that
what he says is plausible? The key to a currency's strength is not
so-called fundamentals but "faith" in the reality of these
All the main actors are hoping there can be a
soft landing, an orderly transition away from the U.S. dollar. No one
wants to precipitate a free fall, because no one is sure to come out
ahead if that happened. But if the U.S. stimulus turns out to be the
last of the bubbles, the dollar could very suddenly deflate in a most
chaotic fashion. The way you say "stampede" in French is "sauve-qui-peut," which translates literally as "let him save himself who can."
Clever, cunning Russian.
Their economy is not export driven so no need to worry appreciating ruble driving export industries to a halt. In fact, being a major oil exporter to Europe, appreciating ruble will earn them even more exchange revenue.
And if ruble becomes the reserve currency, they get unlimited supply of needed cheap credit, cheap interest rate and more a stable ruble.
And China is calling for the creation of an alternate reserve currency based on the Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) created by the International Monetary Fund, which are based on a basket of currencies. Russia has endorsed this call.
China is in a situation 'change-you-die, don't-change-you-also-die'.
In the past, China could not convert back the earned currency from Dollar to Yuan. This would drive the Yuan to all time high, rendering their fledging export industries useless. So China channelled these earned reserve into US treasury bills, pumping cheap credit into the US economy, shoring up the Dollar.
A tango China willing to play along, thinking that the benefit was mutual.
China is caught in a nasty situation. Theoretically, they can convert their reseve back into Yuan or into a new reserve currency. Technically, they may not be able to do so with the trillions Dollar reserve. China must have guessed that they may never see their reserves again - not in their previous value. The US Dollar which are fiat money are useless toilet paper.
When Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said that the U.S. government is "quite open" to China's proposal to increase the use of SDRs, the dollar immediately went down in the currency market. So Geithner then "clarified" what he had said. The dollar remained the world's "dominant reserve currency" and this is "likely to continue for a long period of time." He asserted that "we will do what's necessary to make sure we're sustaining confidence in our financial markets, and in the productive capacity of this country and in our long-term fundamentals."
Timothy Geithner is a politician wet behind his ears. What is he talking about? The US Federal Reserve is already bankrupt.