Wouldn't be suprise that is LKY's wife die got holiday... son PM ma...
but unlikely...
but if LKY was to pass away...
maybe first time in SG get 1 week to commamorate him?
no LKY no SG...
Originally posted by Yeotsd1995:Wouldn't be suprise that is LKY's wife die got holiday... son PM ma...
but unlikely...
but if LKY was to pass away...
maybe first time in SG get 1 week to commamorate him?
no LKY no SG...
no LKY no SG... -----> backdated, outdated thinking. so LKY built the nation alone without the people of singapore hor???? wahahahaha!
No LKY = True SG
With LKY = SG not longer is an island but a business hub only.
Originally posted by Hawk Eye:Updated:
No LKY = True SG
With LKY = SG not longer is an island but a business hub only.
Frankly, the business hub thing will continue even after he see liao. He did mention a few times, he has prepared his team well, without him around they will move on. ha ha ha, be prepared for more sucking.
Originally posted by Fantagf:
Frankly, the business hub thing will continue even after he see liao. He did mention a few times, he has prepared his team well, without him around they will move on. ha ha ha, be prepared for more sucking.
Then we shall see how good his "team" performs lor...
Originally posted by Hawk Eye:Then we shall see how good his "team" performs lor...
Let us see how the sissy son survives after the demise of the papa
Originally posted by Fantagf:Let us see how the sissy son survives after the demise of the papa
Maybe he will do something which he always wanted to do...
Pull down PAP! Be a proper PM!
Originally posted by Hawk Eye:
Maybe he will do something which he always wanted to do...Pull down PAP! Be a proper PM!
I doubt so. In the first place, he does not has the cut to be PM. I would rather he leaves the political scene totally and goes on to do what he wants. He has no PM calibre, if he stays on it is a waste of taxpayers' money
Originally posted by Hawk Eye:Updated:
No LKY = True SG
With LKY = SG not longer is an island but a business hub only.
no no , with LKY = no need to bring KY
without LKY = please bring your own KY
Originally posted by Fantagf:Let us see how the sissy son survives after the demise of the papa
Aunty, hope you live to see it.
Originally posted by angel7030:
Aunty, hope you live to see it.
siao geena hope you grow mature in your brain to see it
Looks like there are some graffiti being scrawled on the walls of sgforum especially the last few posts; be careful, u can be charged with vandalism & ended up like Michael Fay.
Originally posted by richong 3216:Looks like there are some graffiti being scrawled on the walls of sgforum especially the last few posts; be careful, u can be charged with vandalism & ended up like Michael Fay.
you come to this thread just to threaten, go get a life, shoo!
Originally posted by Fantagf:
you come to this thread just to threaten, go get a life, shoo!
You think I am Dirty Harry is it? I am trying to be kind enough to tell the graffiti scrawlers to be careful or else Dirty Harry, being armed with a .44 Magnum (the most powerful handgun in the world), will be a real threat to u all because his every shot counts with or without using his (name as) lky or ky.
Btw I am living a full & meaningful life in & out of sgforum whereas u r totally engulfed in only 1 world as can be seen by the facts statistically - 7102 postings as against my 590 posts. So please give me a break to play catch up & dont shoo me off, ok? thanks.
Originally posted by richong 3216:You think I am Dirty Harry is it? I am trying to be kind enough to tell the graffiti scrawlers to be careful or else Dirty Harry, being armed with a .44 Magnum (the most powerful handgun in the world), will be a real threat to u all because his every shot counts with or without using his (name as) lky or ky.
Btw I am living a full & meaningful life in & out of sgforum whereas u r totally engulfed in only 1 world as can be seen by the facts statistically - 7102 postings as against my 590 posts. So please give me a break to play catch up & dont shoo me off, ok? thanks.
whereas u r totally engulfed in only 1 world as can be seen by the facts statistically
ha ha ha, that is your own perception and hallucination may not be true. ha aha ha, yi lau mai lau does not work here. you don't know me to say such things, ha ha haha! some seniors are respectable but not all are respectable.
Like a baby, sometimes you just couldn't bear to let go of your child even if you want to?
Like Mao (China), Than Shwe (Burma) and Kim (N. Korea).
Originally posted by Fantagf:
whereas u r totally engulfed in only 1 world as can be seen by the facts statistically
ha ha ha, that is your own perception and hallucination may not be true. ha aha ha, yi lau mai lau does not work here. you don't know me to say such things, ha ha haha! some seniors are respectable but not all are respectable.
My perception is based on facts as backed up by the statistics of the no of posts (u beat me by a ratio of 12 to 1) & definitely I aint got no hallucination which is defined as "a false sensory perception without external stimuli" & can be classified as auditory, visual, olfactory, gustatory & tactile i.e. involving the 5 human senses: hear, see, smell, taste & feel.
Actually the topic is on 'what happen to LKY wife' & perhaps we are digressing & therefore need to go back on track.
Nice talking with you, it's time for a Tiger for me, cheers & have a nice day.
LKY's wife of course is still alive. it is just a matter of time
i hope she bloody die
i can't wait to open champange!
i think i will open a party if lky die
Originally posted by youyayu:i hope she bloody die
i can't wait to open champange!
i think i will open a party if lky die
wear red to celebrate. that leehsienloong 1 or 2 years back said not to waste money, resources to prolong life, so look at it now, why prolong the mum's life? bloody selfish toad, the lees are really yucks
Originally posted by Fantagf:
wear red to celebrate. that leehsienloong 1 or 2 years back said not to waste money, resources to prolong life, so look at it now, why prolong the mum's life? bloody selfish toad, the lees are really yucks
you have any link to this story?
me want read
Originally posted by youyayu:you have any link to this story?
me want read
think i have ever posted in a forum, not sure if it is here. will find out and let u know.
Originally posted by youyayu:you have any link to this story?
me want read
here it goes:
Blindly prolonging life is not the solution: PM
Derrick A Paulo
His health minister broke the silence last year, and now Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong is taking the dialogue forward.
In a speech to medical professionals from Singapore and abroad, Mr Lee identified end-of-life care and how people are medically treated in their final stages as key factors in determining how well the health system works.
In this regard, Singapore will avoid taking the same route as some other countries, such as the United States, in the management of issues of death.
"The practice of medicine has its limits. It takes wisdom to know these limits and the true needs of the dying. Heedless pursuit of 'pure' medicine to prolong life, without regard to cost or the wishes of the patients, cannot be sustained in the long term, not even in the wealthiest countries," he said.
"This is a serious problem plaguing the US healthcare system today. Alas, fixing it is politically difficult. We must not get into such a situation."
While different countries have taken different approaches to healthcare, "their experience shows that more resources do not necessarily improve healthcare outcomes", said Mr Lee, who received an honorary fellowship from the Academy of Medicine last night.
Hence, he said, in Singapore, "while we will invest more in healthcare, it is more important to get the economics of healthcare right". "The reality is that demand for healthcare is unlimited and has to be rationed," he said.
"Problems are compounded as populations age and vast amounts of high-tech resources are marshalled to manage the last few weeks of the terminally ill, delivering poor quality of life to the patients at very high cost to society," he added.
Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan first talked about the need for a national conversation on the dying process last October.
Then, he said he would look into the legislation governing the Advance Medical Directive, which allows adults to refuse extraordinary life-sustaining treatment for a terminal illness, as part of his ministry's five-year plan.
Other healthcare priorities include the management of chronic diseases, which Mr Lee also mentioned last night as part of the "new and creative approa-ches" Singapore should explore to improve its market-based system of pricing and co-payment.
Maximising the benefits of IT is one such approach. For example, the National Healthcare Group has introduced tele- radiology at its polyclinics, where X-ray images are sent to Bangalore to be read.
This has reduced prices and cut turnaround times "dramatically from two to three days previously to an hour or less", said Mr Lee, who stressed: "We must press on with such initiatives."
He identified tele-pathology, which allows doctors who study disease processes and their causes to use telecommunications to transmit data and images, as one possibility.
The challenge is in training and recruiting people for the healthcare system. The Health Ministry projects that Singapore will need over 2,000 more doctors by 2015. Currently, Singapore produces about 230 doctors each year. In 2012, this number will be 300. But it will not be enough.
"Given our small local talent pool and competing needs from other sectors in the economy, there are limits to how far we can expand the local supply," said Mr Lee.
"Increasingly, we will have to recruit medical talent from abroad. We must be open minded in accepting such imported talent, while maintaining medical standards and helping foreign trained doctors to adapt to conditions in Singapore."
Blindly prolonging life is not the solution: PM
Derrick A Paulo
His health minister broke the silence last year, and now Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong is taking the dialogue forward.
In a speech to medical professionals from Singapore and abroad, Mr Lee identified end-of-life care and how people are medically treated in their final stages as key factors in determining how well the health system works.
In this regard, Singapore will avoid taking the same route as some other countries, such as the United States, in the management of issues of death.
"The practice of medicine has its limits. It takes wisdom to know these limits and the true needs of the dying. Heedless pursuit of 'pure' medicine to prolong life, without regard to cost or the wishes of the patients, cannot be sustained in the long term, not even in the wealthiest countries," he said.
"This is a serious problem plaguing the US healthcare system today. Alas, fixing it is politically difficult. We must not get into such a situation."
While different countries have taken different approaches to healthcare, "their experience shows that more resources do not necessarily improve healthcare outcomes", said Mr Lee, who received an honorary fellowship from the Academy of Medicine last night.
Hence, he said, in Singapore, "while we will invest more in healthcare, it is more important to get the economics of healthcare right". "The reality is that demand for healthcare is unlimited and has to be rationed," he said.
"Problems are compounded as populations age and vast amounts of high-tech resources are marshalled to manage the last few weeks of the terminally ill, delivering poor quality of life to the patients at very high cost to society," he added.
----- from TODAY, 20/7/07 -----
one question to all of ur... if ur dont liek PAP why vote PAP? so many ppl complain but PAP still ruling party... so means ur complain here... but when it comes to election ur vote for PAP? well then if u are like me.. not old enough to vote dont complain... wait for ur time to come... then u dont vote PAP..