Originally posted by ChoCoChips:this sg grameen bank will cui la.
What's that?
Originally posted by Chew Bakar:Started in Bangladesh to help the poor to start small business or farming by a businessman.
and... "... why not in Singapore?"
does anyone see a need for micro-loans in Singapore?
Originally posted by the Bear:and... "... why not in Singapore?"
does anyone see a need for micro-loans in Singapore?
I didn't start this thread, don't ask me.
Originally posted by Chew Bakar:I didn't start this thread, don't ask me.
yup.. note that the topic degenerated into nothing but name calling and no one addressed the question
Originally posted by the Bear:yup.. note that the topic degenerated into nothing but name calling and no one addressed the question
Well isn't when in discussion most of the time sparks fly somewhere. Just like things revolve, they flung out, not in. Same here.
One of the main Goal for Temasek is to look at the well being of Asia economies. Its rationale is that if the General Asia economies improved. Singapore as a small country will benefit from its growth. As such provide capital resources to regional infrasturcture investment. This is a general macro mgt.
But i see no benefit thru micro loan in China as these are micro business which Its elected institution are better suit to faciliate such a move. I don't see how Temasek could measure the gain i just think it is a pin drop in the ocean.
I mention Pakistan govt because it is at risk of becoming a fail state and its repercusion are much wider in terms of stabilities and the spread of Sharia Law into SEA.
I just think that Temasek should reposition its posture as its goal of economics growth is not enough it has the resources to dealt against the spread of extremist in the region. And the one things is to improve the livelyhood of pakistanis and prevent it to fail.
I also think that there is no lack of loan Capital in SG, I think there is a lack of skills set and mind set in Singapore. The problem is that SMCs are not able to access a high level of skill set. (Govt crowding out effect apply as Govt pay high wages to compete for higher skill individual)
There is a need to create Govt subsidies consultancies for SMCs. Where its talent are better use for SMCs. I think the result can also be easily measure as the client growth or expand.
Originally posted by jackrussell:"Dream on. Ang moh big."
"Started in Bangladesh to help the poor to start small business or farming by a businessman."Seems like this Chew Bakar idiot is a major RETARD who choose to attack other forumners rather than contribute anything sensible here. Oh I forgot, he's got no brain up there.I think he should go Chew on his own Ass where his brain is :-) hahahaha ...!!!
At least I'm not rude and abusive. I'm just answering you. Ang moh big, nothing rude about that? They pwn them more than the locals.