Originally posted by BadzMaro:LoL
They always need someone something to blame. N its always the biggest brightest thing they see.
Yeah, and its kinda hard to miss those big red and blue signs by the side of the road
Singaporeans are selfish. Need confirmation? Look at the trains during peak hours. Aunties pretending to be asleep, Uncles with their legs on the seats, Businessmen rushing into the train before people could get out... the list goes on.
Trust me, in more established cities like Tokyo, Taipei and Hong Kong, sights like these are rarer than the blue moon.
But are Singaporeans stupid? I don't think so. Maybe extremely limited; a result of constant propoganda, Singaporeans have disillusionised themselves with the mindset that Singapore is the best.
They are but frogs in the well.
no. they are stupid. therefore selfish =X
i wan to say something getting older=more selfish and more stupider AND getting more KIASU
n from GCT, Kiabo (wife)
Originally posted by Fantagf:
actually ts is not totally wrong to say that singaporeans are selfish but what he did is he points at every singaporean. we know not every singaporean is selfish. and moreover I doubt his motive of posting this thread.
please read carefully... i wrote this
from my experience.. majority of singaporeans are followers and self centered type.. (mainly concerned about their life and leisure)
about 80 i think.. which is large percentage and large amount
i did not say every singaporeans...
Originally posted by Vendettus:Singaporeans are selfish. Need confirmation? Look at the trains during peak hours. Aunties pretending to be asleep, Uncles with their legs on the seats, Businessmen rushing into the train before people could get out... the list goes on.
Trust me, in more established cities like Tokyo, Taipei and Hong Kong, sights like these are rarer than the blue moon.
But are Singaporeans stupid? I don't think so. Maybe extremely limited; a result of constant propoganda, Singaporeans have disillusionised themselves with the mindset that Singapore is the best.
They are but frogs in the well.
Considering that there are people stupid enough to post in topic as ridiculous as
...while not all Singaporeans are idiots, looking at who post there, you know who the idiots are in this forum.
Originally posted by Ah Chia:
If a country is governed with repression, the people are depressed and crafty.
they see the heavy-handed response by the government to dissenting views
So the result is that we have produced a younger generation who are meek and therefore very calculating.
ah chia buddy, how come meek and "therefore" very calculating?
isn't it like
1) Singaporeans are pragmatic and therefore very calculating
2) Singaporeans are meek and therefore there is little opposition presence.
no understand leh
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:
you know who the idiots are in this forum.
Originally posted by angel7030:
This page lacks something... hmmmm oh yes, now I remember....
OK, gentle reminder to fellow forumners, this one is IMH fixated and proven to be insanely delusional.
"After all, I am an Angel of God" 05 Feb `09, 6:04PM
"for God, Angel, on behalf of Gabriel" 16 Apr `09, 10:42AM
"we are always watching and resting in the Arm of God" 25 Apr `09, 10:16AM
eh...Uncle, Take your medications ya. Guai guai hor
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:This page lacks something... hmmmm oh yes, now I remember....
OK, gentle reminder to fellow forumners, this one is IMH fixated and proven to be insanely delusional.
"After all, I am an Angel of God" 05 Feb `09, 6:04PM
"for God, Angel, on behalf of Gabriel" 16 Apr `09, 10:42AM
"we are always watching and resting in the Arm of God" 25 Apr `09, 10:16AM
Haha... i noticed Andrew always use this to throw back at Angel...
Originally posted by Fantagf:
then why mention about hijack???
Originally posted by Fantagf:
how is it hijacked?
Originally posted by Fantagf:
for example???
Haha... Fantagf, i noticed you when you throw questions, you would use Why, How, Examples... etc
Reminds me of how LKY answers a question when one party asked him about some issues. (I forgot which one liao)
Eg... How do you know
Do you have proof?
Replying to the thread, i personally feel that Singaporeans are indeed selfish although not all but majority of them. Its like they adopted the "everyman for himself" kind of thinking.
Those aunties behavior on the public transports are really unbearable. And you do see working executives behaving the same in CBD area!
I can't cite more examples since it happens everyday. Like the tissue paper chope seats. Its just like telling the public, " i've taken the seat although i'm not around. Who cares if you can find any seats or not!"
Originally posted by Hawk Eye:Haha... i noticed Andrew always use this to throw back at Angel...
haha, argue with insane people for what? All I need to do is point out that she is insanely delusional.
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:
haha, argue with insane people for what? All I need to do is point out that she is insanely delusional.
Lol.... yah, need to keep reminding her in her every thread. Haha....
Originally posted by Fantagf:
ha ha ha, can tell that you are talking about yourself. ha ha ha! so pathetic!
all the blame will go to PAP
That Singaporeans have developed a more selfish mentality is due to PAP regime; in my view is completely and totally true.
Not that I want to blame PAP.
But it is quite true that they are the cause.
Even PAP leaders THEMSELVES says that this is true.
Dr Toh was the founding Chairman of the PAP in 1954. In 1959, he was
the Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore and then in 1968, Minister of
Science and Technology, Vice-Chancellor of the National University of
Singapore, and in 1976, Minister for Health and Education. He left the
Cabinet in 1980 but remained as the MP for Rochore. He was a vocal
backbencher until 1988, when he retired from politics.
To many
Singaporeans, either they have never heard of Dr Toh Chin Chye or only
remembered his as one of the Deputy Ministers to Lee Kuan Yew. While
the Party was in turmoil, Dr Toh held the PAP together...
Final Message to the Singaporean Youths
a rare public interview in 1997 Radio Corporation of Singapore, Dr Toh
passionately bemoaned the lack of idealism and creativity among the
young and its implications for the future of Singapore. He said:
“I would say the generation of the ‘50s and ‘60s took the plunge into politics without ever calculating the costs of the risk and the benefits to be gained. They were driven by ideology. Today’s generation has no culture and averse to taking political risk. Really, an interest in politics is very necessary for the future. But I cannot blame the present generations, because they see the heavy-handed response by the government to dissenting views, even though they know that these matters involve their daily lives.
So the result is that we have produced a younger generation who are meek and therefore very calculating. They are less independent-thinking and lack in initiative. It does not bode well for the emergence of future leaders in politics and business. Robots and computers can be programmed or if you like, can be trained. But the trouble, of course, is that computers lack soul and what we need in Singapore is soul. Because it is soul that makes society.”
all the blame will go to PAP
So no choice, have to blame them.
They are truely that worthless.
This is totally and completely true.
Today’s generation has no culture and averse to taking political risk.
Really, an interest in politics is very necessary for the future.
But I cannot blame the present generations, because they see the heavy-handed response by the government to dissenting views, even though they know that these matters involve their daily lives.
So the result is that we have produced a younger generation who are meek and therefore very calculating.
They are less independent-thinking and lack in initiative.
It does not bode well for the emergence of future leaders in politics and business.
Not I say.
Not opposition say.
Not foreigner say.
These are the words of the founder of PAP.
He can see the changes in Singapore society more clearer than you or me.
ALL Blame PAP?
Originally posted by Chris88110:See right, whenever you say anything bad about Singaporeans, they will surely blame PAP. No point continuing this argument, all the blame will go to PAP
yup, all the blame will go to PAP. there is even a uncle who post so much stuff about how some guy are blaming PAP
Selfish in the very petty calculative sense, yea, But selfishness in noble sense like fighting for your own natural birthrights (like the freedom of speech) in this realm its too generous to say that we have failed miserably.
But Cant blame the people.. How to speak up when the threat of jail term or bankruptcy looms in the distance and when our education system teaches nothing of thinking and everything about obedience to authority? and especially when our leader is someone who is malevolent and indifferent to human rights
But Cant blame the people.. How to speak up when the threat of jail term or bankruptcy looms in the distance and when our education system teaches nothing of thinking and everything about obedience to authority? and especially when our leader is someone who is malevolent and indifferent to human rights
Not bad, you are awake.
You are not sleeping.
Not bad, not bad.
You can see quite clearly what is the cause.
Not bad at all.
Like throwing pearls before swine.