Recently when i read the papers, i find myself effected and angry at
what i read. I am not usually so vocal and nor do i allow myself to be
overwhelmed with anger easily. However, i find that what this person
did is beyond forgiveness, at least to me. Allow me to elaborate.
We all have our faiths, i have mine and you have yours. With each and
every religious belief, there are people who have been more enlightened
then most people. Such people are those whom we look up to to answer
our questions and guide us with their wisdom in the faith we believe
in. We give them titles that anchors their status. Pastors, Fathers,
Priests, Now imagine one day you realised that the person you trust so
much and have complete faith in is actually flawed, to the extent that
the revelation flips you in the mind.
Venerable Shi Ming Yi, a Buddhist monk, made himself known to us when
he apparently risked his own well being to do dangerous stunts to plead
for donations to help the sick and poor. His tears flowed freely on
national television when he begged for the public donations. His
actions worked. Millions of dollars in donations were garnered. Does
this remind you of a previous case? Now wait, there's more.
It has since been revealed that his "Venerable", may not be as
Venerable as previously thought, rather, may well be more Vulnerable in
truth. He is found to be in possession of no less then 9 credit cards
from different banks. With some of his credit card monthly limit to be
as high at SGD$33,000 a month. Further, he has also given supplementary
cards to his aides. Receipts have also shown that he has spent on high
end brands and stayed in high class hotels. His salary was also
revealed to be SGD$16,000 a month. By these revelations ALONE, do you
find anything wrong with this picture?
You are supposed to be an enlightened monk. You wear a robe carrying
the image of a holy man. You defend your lifestyle by saying that we
are living in the modern world.
That much is true. But as enlightened as you claim to be, you fail to understand one critical point.
You are a monk. You wear a robe. You are an image for all monks in our
country when you walk around in those robes. There are responsibilities
and a duty to uphold the image of monkhood. You do NOT see police
officers drinking on the job, smoking on the job or heck, even watching
a movie when they are IN UNIFORM. By YOUR assertion, that means to say
that ALL monks have the right to have 5 figure salaries, hold multiple
credit cards and even drive high end cars because "we are living in the
modern world".
What a nice career move that would be.
You offer employment to an aide who you KNOW is not legally allowed to
work in our country. You knowingly made arrangements for your own
salary to be increased to facilitate payment to this aide. Your aide is
also not a normal aide worker. He draws SGD$4,700 a month to be your
aide. This salary range is considered the above average median in our
country. (Not forgetting, because he is illegal, he has no CPF
contributions. Therefore, he pockets the entire sum every month). What
is wrong with this? People who work SHOULD be paid for their services
right? Regardless of the amount of remuneration?
Yes. A worker should be paid for his work done. In this case, he is an
ILLEGAL worker. Worse, his salary is paid for through a CHARITY. If you
see nothing wrong in that, then well, i have nothing more to say.
Your aide lives with you. You claim NOT to know that he has in his
possession obscene materials. You make out a loan to your aide for HIS
FRIEND to do renovations to his house on the charity's account and then
make a conscious effort to cover it up with smoke and mirrors. You give
your aide supplementary credit cards and do not make a record nor shown
any effort in controlling the use of the card.
I'm sorry. Ming Yi, i will just be blunt and say this. Either you are a
bloody gay or he's your illegitimate son. I'm voting for gay.
And through all these, you still have the audacity to show up in court time and again IN YOUR MONK ROBES.
Your credibility is gone. Your character is in question. Your arrogance
is disgusting. And yet, you find it justified to continue soiling the
very religion you have appeared to be so devoted to day in and out by
wearing those robes.
You should be defrocked, have your Fa Ming (Buddhist name) stripped and
be tried as a person in your own birth name and suffer the consequences
of your actions together with your boyfriend and may you be sent to
jail to have fun with him.
I'm sorry if my post offends any one of you. It's my personal view and you are free to disagree with me.
But to me, this is just too much. Father Joachim kang, TT Durai and now
Ming Yi. How do you expect people to trust in good and their religion
anymore after your drama?
Jail is already too good for you.
James Lee
Article is not written by me, rather by one of my friends. Just thought it was pretty interesting
existing thread