Hitler claimed that a nation was the highest creation of a “race”, and “great nations” (literally large nations) were the creation of homogeneous populations of “great races” working together. These nations developed cultures that naturally grew from “races” with “natural good health, and aggressive, intelligent, courageous traits”. The “weakest nations”, Hitler said, were those of “impure” or “mongrel races”, because they had divided, quarreling, and therefore weak cultures.
Nazi rationale invested heavily in the militarist belief that great nations grow from military power and maintained order
Nazism is generally considered a form of fascism.Fascists often had no strong opinion on the question of race, since it was only the state and nation that mattered
This idea is a central concept of Mein Kampf, symbolized by the motto Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer (one people, one empire, one leader). The Nazi relationship between the Volk and the state was called the Volksgemeinschaft (people’s community), a late nineteenth or early twentieth century neologism that defined a communal duty of citizens in service to the Reich (as opposed to a simple society)
Economic policy
Nazi economic practice concerned itself with immediate domestic issues and separately with ideological conceptions of international economics. Domestic economic policy was narrowly concerned with four major goals to eliminate Germany’s issues, elimination of unemployment, rapid and substantial rearmament, protection against the resurgence of hyper-inflation, and expansion of production of consumer goods to improve middle and lower-class living standards. All of these policy goals were intended to address the perceived shortcomings of the Weimar Republic and to solidify domestic support for the party. In this, the party was successful. Between 1933 and 1936 the German Gross National Product (GNP) increased by an average annual rate of 9.5%, and the rate for industry alone rose by 17.2%.
Huh, now then you know, u never heard of SS Waffen, Col Angel ar!
Hell! Hilter!!
yay. will there be another world war, or mass killing of jews anytime soon?
and you're happy about it?
no lah..
as long as there are people like the TS around, the idiot nazis will have cause to believe in the superiority of their race
Originally posted by brainerror:and you're happy about it?
Men cannot change without wars, Wars change the concept of the men and the world, every war tells a story and usually powers shift and new govt rise from each war.
Men also cannot live without wars, we are afterall, homo saipen, a territorial animal in scientifc terms. Trying hard to be civilise.
Originally posted by angel7030:
Men cannot change without wars, Wars change the concept of the men and the world, every war tells a story and usually powers shift and new govt rise from each war.
Men also cannot live without wars, we are afterall, homo saipen, a territorial animal in scientifc terms. Trying hard to be civilise.
oh. ok loh
Originally posted by the Bear:no lah..
as long as there are people like the TS around, the idiot nazis will have cause to believe in the superiority of their race
Hello, TS belong to the Nutism not Nazism. Dun spoil the image of our Nazism.
Hell! Hilter!!
Originally posted by angel7030:
Hello, TS belong to the Nutism not Nazism. Dun spoil the image of our Nazism.
Hell! Hilter!!
Originally posted by Worldlybusinessman:Eugenics
Hitler claimed that a nation was the highest creation of a “race”, and “great nations” (literally large nations) were the creation of homogeneous populations of “great races” working together. These nations developed cultures that naturally grew from “races” with “natural good health, and aggressive, intelligent, courageous traits”. The “weakest nations”, Hitler said, were those of “impure” or “mongrel races”, because they had divided, quarreling, and therefore weak cultures.
Nazi rationale invested heavily in the militarist belief that great nations grow from military power and maintained order
Nazism is generally considered a form of fascism.Fascists often had no strong opinion on the question of race, since it was only the state and nation that mattered
This idea is a central concept of Mein Kampf, symbolized by the motto Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer (one people, one empire, one leader). The Nazi relationship between the Volk and the state was called the Volksgemeinschaft (people’s community), a late nineteenth or early twentieth century neologism that defined a communal duty of citizens in service to the Reich (as opposed to a simple society)
Economic policy
Nazi economic practice concerned itself with immediate domestic issues and separately with ideological conceptions of international economics. Domestic economic policy was narrowly concerned with four major goals to eliminate Germany’s issues, elimination of unemployment, rapid and substantial rearmament, protection against the resurgence of hyper-inflation, and expansion of production of consumer goods to improve middle and lower-class living standards. All of these policy goals were intended to address the perceived shortcomings of the Weimar Republic and to solidify domestic support for the party. In this, the party was successful. Between 1933 and 1936 the German Gross National Product (GNP) increased by an average annual rate of 9.5%, and the rate for industry alone rose by 17.2%.
Great, you stated facts. Now, why is it alive and well?
Originally posted by angel7030:
Men cannot change without wars, Wars change the concept of the men and the world, every war tells a story and usually powers shift and new govt rise from each war.
Men also cannot live without wars, we are afterall, homo saipen, a territorial animal in scientifc terms. Trying hard to be civilise.
How very Leviathan. Unfortunately, Nazism was more than the catalyst to a world war, it also engendered a racist policy that killed six million Jews, 3 million Gypsies, and many others including disabled Germans, Soviet POWS. I don't consider that war, but rather, a genocide.
"Men cannot change without wars" - of course, but don't forget, change can be for the worst. We may argue that Allied victory shapes the later generation's perspective of the war - painting Nazis as evil, or Austria as an unwitting victim. That may be true. But I still don't understand how we can explain away the mass graves and deplorable conditions of the death camps. History could be a remnant of the truth, but this is truth enough for me to hope nothing like this ever happens again.
By the way, its Heil Hitler, not Hell Hitler.
Also, the Nazis were highly intolerant of views different to their own (based on the racist ideology penned by Rosenberg), and they sought to occupy every sphere from politics to religion and even the arts and sciences. The human race would be all the poorer if their practices are allowed to flourish again.
When Adolf Hitler became chancellor of the German Reich on January 30, 1933, he was not yet forty-four years old. From his birth in Austria in 1889 to the outbreak of war in 1914, his life had been a succession of failures, the seven years 1907-1914 being passed as a social derelict in Vienna and Munich. There he had become a fanatical Pan-German anti-Semite, attributing his own failures to the "intrigues of international Jewry."
The outbreak of war in August 1914 gave Hitler the first real motivation of his life. He became a super-patriot, joined the Sixteenth Volunteer Bavarian Infantry, and served at the front for four years. In his way he was an excellent soldier.
Attached to the regimental staff as messenger for the First Company, he was completely happy, always volunteering for the most dangerous tasks. Although his relations with his superiors were excellent and he was decorated with the Iron Cross, second class, in 1914 and with the Iron Cross, first class, in 1918, he was never promoted beyond Private, First Class, because he was incapable of having any real relationships with his fellow soldiers or of taking command of any group of them. He remained on active service at the front for four years.
During that period his regiment of 3,500 suffered 3,260 killed in action, and Hitler himself was wounded twice. These were the only two occasions on which he left the front. In October 1918 he was blinded by mustard gas and sent to a hospital at Pasewalk, near Berlin.
When he emerged a month later he found the war finished, Germany beaten, and the monarchy overthrown. He refused to become reconciled to this situation.
Unable to accept either defeat or the republic, remembering the war as the second great love of his life (the first being his mother), he stayed with the army and eventually became a political spy for the Reichswehr, stationed near Munich. In the course of spying on the numerous political groups in Munich, Hitler became fascinated by the rantings of Gottfried Feder against the "interest slavery of the Jews."
At some meetings Hitler himself became a participant, attacking the "Jewish plot to dominate the world" or ranting about the need for Pan-German unity. As a result he was asked to join the German Workers' Party, and did so, becoming one of about sixty regular members and the seventh member of its executive committee.
The German Workers' Party had been founded by a Munich locksmith, Anton Drexler, on January 5, 1919, as a nationalist, Pan-German, workers' group. In a few months Captain Ernst Rohm of Franz von Epp's corps of the Black Reichswohr joined the movement and became the conduit by which secret Reichswehr funds, coming through Epp, were conveyed to the party.
He also began to organize a strong-arm militia within the group (the Storm Troops, or SA). When Hitler joined in September 1919, he was put in charge of party publicity. Since this was the chief expense, and since Hitler also became the party's leading orator, public opinion soon came to regard the whole movement as Hitler's, and Rohm paid the Reichswehr's funds to Hitler directly.
During 1920 the party grew from 54 to 3,000 members; it changed its name to National Socialist German Workers' Party, purchased the V๖lkischer Beobachter with 60,000 marks of General von Epp's money, and drew up its "Twenty-five-Point Program."
The party program of 1920 was printed in the party literature for twenty-five years, but its provisions became more remote from attainment as years passed. Even in 1920, many of its clauses were put in to win support from the lower classes rather than because they were sincerely desired by the party leaders.
These included (1) Pan-Germanism;
(2) German international equality, including the abrogation of the Treaty of Versailles;
(3) living space for Germans, including colonial areas;
(4) German citizenship to be based on blood only, with no naturalization, no immigration for non-Germans, and all Jews or "other aliens" eliminated;
(5) all unearned incomes to be abolished, the state to control all monopolies, to impose an excess-profits tax on corporations, to "communalize" the large department stores, to encourage small business in the allotment of government contracts, to take agricultural land for public purposes without compensation, and to provide old-age pensions;
(6) to punish all war profiteers and usurers with death; and
(7) to see that the press, education, culture, and religion conform to "the morals and religious sense of the German race."
As the party grew, adding members and spreading out to link up with similar movements in other parts of Germany, Hitler strengthened his control of the group...
And by this date, certain members of the Milner Group and of the British Conservative government had reached the fantastic idea that they could kill two birds with one stone by setting Germany and Russia against one another in Eastern Europe.
In this way they felt that the two enemies would stalemate one another, or that Germany would become satisfied with the oil of Rumania and the wheat of the Ukraine.
It never occurred to anyone in a responsible position that Germany and Russia might make common cause, even temporarily, against the West. Even less did it occur to them that Russia might beat Germany and thus open all Central Europe to Bolshevism.
In order to carry out this plan of allowing Germany to drive eastward against Russia, it was necessary to do three things:
(1) to liquidate all the countries standing between Germany and Russia;
(2) to prevent France from honoring her alliances with these countries; and
(3) to hoodwink the English people into accepting this as a necessary, indeed, the only solution to the international problem.
The Chamberlain group were so successful in all three of these things that they came within an ace of succeeding, and failed only because of the obstinacy of the Poles, the unseemly haste of Hitler...
An incorrect interpretation of history:
March Madness 1939
by Patrick J. Buchanan
On Sept. 1, 1939, Hitler’s panzers smashed into Poland. Two days later, an anguished Neville Chamberlain declared war, the most awful war in all of history.
Was the war inevitable? No. No war is inevitable until it has begun. Was it a necessary war? Hearken to Churchill:
“One day, President Roosevelt told me that he was asking publicly for suggestions about what the war should be called. I said at once, ‘The Unnecessary War.’ There never was a war more easy to stop than that which has just wrecked what was left of the world … .”
But if the war need not have happened, what caused it?
Let us go back to Munich.
On Sept. 30, 1938, at Munich, Chamberlain signed away the Sudetenland rather than fight to keep 3.5 million Germans under a Czech rule imposed upon them at the Paris peace conference in violation of Wilson’s principle of self-determination.
Why did Britain not fight?
Because Britain had no alliance with Prague and Chamberlain did not “give two hoots” who ruled the Sudetenland. Also, Britain had no draft, no divisions to send to France, no Spitfires, no support from America or her dominions, no ally save France, who had been told that, if war came, the United States would not deliver the planes France had purchased.
U.S. neutrality laws forbade it.
In his meetings with Chamberlain, Hitler had warned that Poland and Hungary would also be entering claims for ancestral lands ceded to the Czechs at Paris in 1919.
Thus, after Munich, Warsaw had seized coal-rich Teschen, which held tens of thousands of Poles. Hungary, in the “Vienna Award” of Nov. 2, 1938, got back lands in Slovakia and Ruthenia where Hungarians were the majority and Budapest had ruled before 1919.
Neither Britain nor France resisted these border revisions.
Came then March 1939, when Czechoslovakia began to crumble.
On March 10, to crush a Slovakian push for independence, Czech President Emil Hacha ousted Slovak Prime Minister Father Tiso, occupied Bratislava and installed a pro-Prague regime.
On March 11, Tiso fled to Vienna and appealed to Berlin.
On March 13, Tiso met Hitler, who told him that if he did not declare independence immediately, Germany would not interfere with Hungary’s re-annexation of Slovakia. Budapest was moving troops to the border.
On March 14, Slovakia declared independence. Ruthenia followed, dissolving what was left of Czechoslovakia.
Adm. Horthy, told by Hitler he could re-annex Ruthenia but must keep his hands off Slovakia, occupied Ruthenia.
Hacha now asked to meet with Hitler to get the same guarantee of independence Slovakia had gotten.
But Hitler bullied Hacha into making the Czech remnant a protectorate of Germany.
Thus, six months after Munich, the Germans of Czechoslovakia were where they wished to be, under German rule. The Poles were under Polish rule. The Hungarians were under Hungarian rule. And the Slovaks were under Slovak rule in their new nation.
But 500,000 Ruthenians were back under Budapest, and 7 million Czechs were back under German rule — this time Berlin, not Vienna.
Ethnonationalism had torn Czechoslovakia apart as it had the parent Hapsburg Empire. Yet, no vital British interest was imperiled.
And though Hitler had used brutal Bismarckian diplomacy, not force, Chamberlain was humiliated. The altarpiece of his career, the Munich accord, was now an object of mockery.
Made a fool of by Hitler, baited by his backbenchers, goaded by Lord Halifax, facing a vote of no confidence, on March 31, 1939, Chamberlain made the greatest blunder in British diplomatic history. He handed an unsolicited war guarantee to the Polish colonels who had just bitten off a chunk of Czechoslovakia.
Lunacy, raged Lloyd George, who was echoed by British leaders and almost every historian since.
With the British Empire behind it, Warsaw now refused even to discuss a return of Danzig, the Baltic town, 95 percent German, which even Chamberlain thought should be returned.
Hitler did not want a war with Poland. Had he wanted war, he would have demanded the return of the entire Polish Corridor taken from Germany in 1919. He wanted Danzig back and Poland as an ally in his anti-Comintern Pact. Nor did he want war with a Britain he admired and always saw as a natural ally.
Nor did he want war with France, or he would have demanded the return of Alsace.
But Hitler was out on a limb with Danzig and could not crawl back.
Repeatedly, Hitler tried to negotiate Danzig. Repeatedly, the Poles rebuffed him. Seeing the Allies courting Josef Stalin, Hitler decided to cut his own deal with the detested Bolsheviks and settle the Polish issue by force.
Though Britain had no plans to aid Poland, no intention of aiding Poland and would do nothing to aid Poland — Churchill would cede half that nation to Stalin and the other half to Stalin’s stooges — Britain declared war for Poland.
The most awful war in all of history followed, which would bankrupt Britain, bring down her empire and bring Stalin’s Red Army into Prague, Berlin and Vienna. But Hitler was dead and Germany in ashes.
Cost: 50 million lives. “But ’twas a famous victory.”
...Yet despite the euphoria of his 50th birthday, Hitler had turned a fateful corner that spring of 1939 and was leading Germany on a road to catastrophe.
A man willing to listen to advice might have heeded warnings that the Western powers of Britain and France would not continue to sit back and let Germany trample over other European countries.
Neville Chamberlain, the British Prime Minister, had acquiesced to Hitler’s demands over the Sudetenland in October the previous year on the understanding that Germany had no further ambitions with regard to land conquest.
Hitler had duly given him such an assurance, then five months later, in March 1939, had invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia. Contemptuous of Chamberlain and the British and French, the Fuhrer had told his acolytes that the Western powers might protest, but as before would do nothing.
In this, he had been woefully wrong. Chamberlain might have been prepared to give Hitler the benefit of the doubt once, but not again.
His ministers and, indeed, the whole country fell behind the Prime Minister’s new tough stance. Public opinion in Britain agreed with Chamberlain that Hitler would have to be tackled.
Nonetheless, Hitler noted that still Britain and France had done nothing and with Czechoslovakia now annexed into the Reich, he turned his attention to Poland.
In 1919, the new Polish state had been granted a strip of land between the province of East Prussia and the rest of Germany that gave them access to the Baltic Sea.
Hitler wanted this largely Germanpeopled strip of land back and had assumed that Poland could be threatened and bullied into ceding this Danzig ‘corridor’ back to Germany. This done, he believed Poland would then become a virtual German satellite and ally when he eventually launched an attack on the Soviet Union.
The Poles, however, had no intention of being bullied and flatly rejected German proposals to cede the corridor despite threats of military action. Then, on the last day of March, came the news that Britain had agreed a mutual assistance pact with the Polish government should Germany attempt to make any territorial claims on Poland.
Hitler flew into a rage, thumping his fist on the marble-topped table in his study. ‘I’ll brew them a devil’s potion,’ he muttered. It was at this moment, 70 years ago, that the die was cast: Poland, he realised, was not going to roll over without a fight.
Speer had been on a visit to Mussolini’s Italy during Hitler’s annexation of Czechoslovakia, but on his return at the beginning of April noticed a mood of general depression. The days of peaceful victories seemed to be over.
Furthermore, the economic situation in Germany was beginning seriously to falter once more, offset by an increasingly acute labour shortage caused by Hitler’s rapid expansion of the Armed Forces.
‘Apprehensions about the future,’ wrote Speer, ‘filled us all.’
The Fuhrer, however, brushed such matters aside. What did he care of such trifling domestic issues?
Of course, there would be economic problems, he reasoned, but these would be solved in due course when the lands of the East would be opened up, creating lebensraum — ‘living space’ — and natural resources.
This belief also ran alongside his increasingly fervent conviction that war was a panacea. Many of the Nazi elite might have secretly voiced concerns, but Hitler was exhilarated by the prospect. ‘If it comes to war,’ he told Speer, ‘the German people are tough enough.’
As Hitler turned 50, he was preparing to announce to the German people his new stance against Poland and Britain. Just as his belief in his greatness had reached new heights, so, too, had he come to accept that his own and Germany’s destinies were inextricably linked.
Germany had to expand further, of that he was convinced, and that meant one thing: war. Germany would fight that war and win, or else sink back into the abyss. It was as plain to him as black and white. There could be no middle ground.
Allied to this belief was his conviction that time was running out.
He had always been a chronic hypochondriac and now, with this milestone birthday, he had been reminded that he was beginning to age. ‘I’m now 50 years old,’ he told his entourage in August, ‘still in full possession of my strength. The problems must be solved by me, and I can wait no longer. In a few years I will be physically and perhaps mentally no longer up to it.’
His Reichstag speech on April 28, 1939, lasted two hours and 20 minutes and was prompted not only by Britain and Poland’s new stance, but also by President Roosevelt’s demand that Germany give an assurance that they would not attack 30 named countries — Poland included — for 25 years.
Incensed, Hitler responded to the American President, contemptuously berating him with heavy sarcasm.
He also used the speech to tear up the terms of a naval agreement made with Britain four years earlier.
After the applause had died down, he returned to the Reich Chancellery, exhausted and drenched in sweat.
Listening to the speech was the Berlin-based American journalist William L Shirer, who was impressed by Hitler’s performance, if not the words he spoke.
‘Still much doubt here among the informed,’ Shirer wrote in his diary, ‘whether Hitler has made up his mind to begin a world war for the sake of Danzig.’
But Hitler had made up his mind. A few weeks later he told a meeting of senior Nazis and military commanders that the time had come to attack Poland at the first suitable opportunity.
‘We cannot expect a repetition of Czechoslovakia,’ he told them. ‘There will be war.’
However, he did recognise that a showdown with the West, and Britain in particular, was probably no longer avoidable in the long run.
‘Therefore England is our enemy and the showdown with England is a matter of life and death,’ he told his lackeys.
It was not an open declaration of war, but it was a declaration of intent. It was also one that made his military commanders gulp nervously, for although the rest of the world was fooled by the newsreels of military parades and Luftwaffe fly-pasts, they knew, as Hitler knew, that the German war machine was nothing like as invincible as had been portrayed.
Their navy was small, dwarfed by that of Britain, while neither the army nor air force was as large as those of France.
Then, to the relief of those listening, he told them he did not envisage conflict with Britain and France for several years, that is, until 1943-44, and not over Poland despite declarations to the opposite.
‘Hitler spoke a sentence which still echoes in my ears,’ wrote Paul Schmidt, the Fuhrer’s interpreter during his diplomatic wrangling in that fateful spring and summer. ‘I am unshakeably convinced,’ he declared ‘that neither England nor France will embark upon a general war.’ It was a fatal miscalculation.
Nonetheless, Hitler did fear a tripartite pact between Britain, France and his other implacable enemy, the Soviet Union, and so in order to achieve his immediate goal and neutralise such a threat, he began feverishly to woo the Russians, recognising that Stalin held the key to the destruction of Poland.
If Russia could be tempted by a partition of that country, then surely Britain’s and France’s guarantees would be valueless, and Britain — the most dangerous enemy — would be weakened.
Not until August 24 was the subsequent German-Soviet Non-aggression Pact signed, an astonishing piece of diplomacy that stunned the world and which Hitler believed had enabled him to march into Poland without fear of yet starting a world war.
How wrong he was. His decision to invade Poland on September 1 must surely be one of the most catastrophic in world history. Chamberlain’s reedy voice announced to the world at 11am on Sunday, September 3, that Britain was at war with Germany. Soon after, so, too, was France.
Six years later and with some 50million people dead and much of Europe lying in ruins, the world’s most violent and terrible conflict was over.
Yet the fate of the world was laid down 70 years ago this month, when a delusional, ego-maniacal despot turned 50 and made his irreversible decision to wage war on Poland.
It is disappointing that the threadstarter kept silent and did not propound his allegations that National Socialism (NAZIsm) is alive. Perhaps he fear a backlash? He who fears should remain silent instead, for it shows perhaps his critical thinking may not be sound and stand on its own merits.
Hitler, the father of Nazism is a genius. But no genius was born spouted out of his mother's fertility canal leading armies and humans to death.
A genius is the sum of his education and experiences in life, more so a social science genius. Hitler was a product of his times, of an 18th century militarist german empire split asunder by wars, unaccepted by its intellectuals who spout unbalanced philosophies which caused much of the harm of 18th century wars.
Young bookish Hitler's thoughts, the austrian vagabond, was shaped by thinkers such as Fitchte, Hegal, Treitschke, Nietzeche, Gebineau and Houston Stewart Chamberlian - son in law of Richard Wagner and nephew of British PM Neville.
These mad nationalists intellectuals were themselves shaped by events happening in dis-united germany, and the victories gain by its bastard son Prussia- a small state of german militarists sparta-like who won european lands and thru its cruelties, a chance for a german empire to grow.
They even had to reject historical facts to propound their theories to gain nationalism affection. When one distorts facts of history, one is actually denying the blood and sacrifices ancestors made so that history may not be repeated. These 'thinkers' disregarded facts, western and greek philosophy so blatantly and made the uneducated common masses believed Germans were a 'master race' to rule over humanity.
Read their works, and you will vomit with absolute revulsion as a modern person. They are antirepublic, antisocialist, antidemocratic. They believe in absolute dictatorship, a rule of blood and iron. The State is all, and as Trietschke puts it -"it does not matter what you think, so long as you obey".
Hegal, worshipped by even Karl Marx, believed in a State's absolute control of lives, and the masses should be slaves to the state. Nietzche, who in the end of his life was committed into a state asylum, wrote in his famous 'Will to Power' - the atrocious lord of the earth theory, of elites ruling the world and might is right.
Such philosophies were dangerous which lead to Hilter's Mein Kampf -'My Struggle' - a distorted work of a tortured and deluded soul, and the deaths of millions innocent.
It took another genius - Roosevelt and his team, along of entire nations to prove their philosophies wrong.
Is Nazism alive today? No. The aryan master race is a joke now. But certain parts of Hegal's and Nietzche theories are still adopted. Is might right and only a strong hand can control the destiny of humanity?
In my view, it is not. Humans are flawed beings, no matter how noble they or others may think themselves to be, because in time, there is no escaping temptations of life. We are not heavenly beings, and ultimately if left unchecked, we may ruin the lives of others.
Thus there is a necessity for checks and more important - reasonable humane laws for a society to thrive. And such laws can only be legislated by an elected representative, chosen by the masses. One can be make a mistake, but thousands will not. No man must be elevated to Godly status, for ALL men are flawed, one way or another. Not realizing it will only lead to death for innocents.
In Singapore, no man is God, and we do have a parliamentary system to ensure the masses are taken care of, build up carefully and fine tuned to match the needs of time. Therefore, we must critically ensure such system is continued as envisioned by our forefathers who created our immortal national pledge.
Enjoy philosophy, but one must have a critical mind to discern what each propounds, otherwise, like Hitler, it may lead to destruction of not just oneself, but lives of others as well.
Originally posted by la luce nella piazza:How very Leviathan. Unfortunately, Nazism was more than the catalyst to a world war, it also engendered a racist policy that killed six million Jews, 3 million Gypsies, and many others including disabled Germans, Soviet POWS. I don't consider that war, but rather, a genocide.
"Men cannot change without wars" - of course, but don't forget, change can be for the worst. We may argue that Allied victory shapes the later generation's perspective of the war - painting Nazis as evil, or Austria as an unwitting victim. That may be true. But I still don't understand how we can explain away the mass graves and deplorable conditions of the death camps. History could be a remnant of the truth, but this is truth enough for me to hope nothing like this ever happens again.
By the way, its Heil Hitler, not Hell Hitler.
I know it is Heil Hitler, but I bet he is in Hell now, so i addressed him as Hell Hilter to calm the soul of millions. By Genocide or so call eugenic theory, the aryan race claimed themselves to be the first and foremost, it is not that millions of jews was killed in Europe, the massacre of Nanjing can anytime beat the nos of death in whole of world war 2. Estimated nearly 30 millions chinese was killed by the Japanese both in the war and the massacre, the whole province was beheaded where river were flown with death body, unlike europe gas chamber and still get to buried.
Why then are jews and chineses a target of Nazi and the Imperial Japan most wanted list to be eliminated at all cost.???
Because the German and the Japanese know that other than their Aryans and Japanese race, the next most intelligent one are the Jews and the Chinese. With the Jews and Chinese around, you can never control this world. And it quite if you look at today situation, go ask the Arabs and the Americans.
Originally posted by angel7030:
I know it is Heil Hitler, but I bet he is in Hell now, so i addressed him as Hell Hilter to calm the soul of millions. By Genocide or so call eugenic theory, the aryan race claimed themselves to be the first and foremost, it is not that millions of jews was killed in Europe, the massacre of Nanjing can anytime beat the nos of death in whole of world war 2. Estimated nearly 30 millions chinese was killed by the Japanese both in the war and the massacre, the whole province was beheaded where river were flown with death body, unlike europe gas chamber and still get to buried.
Why then are jews and chineses a target of Nazi and the Imperial Japan most wanted list to be eliminated at all cost.???
Because the German and the Japanese know that other than their Aryans and Japanese race, the next most intelligent one are the Jews and the Chinese. With the Jews and Chinese around, you can never control this world. And it quite if you look at today situation, go ask the Arabs and the Americans.
Jew hating in Christian Europe has its roots back in the middle ages, inflamed by the rise of christianity warped, encouraged by the Byzantine Roman Empire. Do remember Christ hung from a roman wooden crucifix and blooded by roman spears, on orders from a roman governor, not jewish paraphenalia or society.
In time, it became fashionable to hate jews, more so when they were restricted to live in slums and perform menial jobs, even for the intelligent ones. Banking was one trade they performed well in Europe and help funded wars, even crusades, and most unfortunately, killing jews was one way to avoid paying off loans.
Gebineau and Chamberlian regarded the Jews as a pure race, similar with the Aryans to lend credence of 'purity' to an uneducated german mass, but were quick to denounce the jews as losing their rightful purity in time and was an abomination to heaven wherelse the germans had been perfect stock since time began and responsible for scientific advances and civilisation - ( I am speechless at such idiocy!).
Japan had always admire Han Chinese civilisation and at no time did they despise Chinese, and had even feared them. It was only when they gave up feudalism, modernise their society. studied in US, England, Russia, Germany that they followed in the footsteps of the Europeans to gain a piece of the rich China Mainland to support their resourceless country.
In the 1930s, again due to mad german 18th century philosophies of might is right, the jap army ruled and civilian authority were only second fiddle to them. When might is right, the jap army were the ones who were responsible for atrocities, and jap society must as a whole take responsibility for allowing a bunch of impeccably dressed animals decked with medals unleashed upon innocent civilians.
As to who is intelligent amongst humans, the answer can be found in every human society, not just chinese, jews, aryans, greeks, romans, etc.
No one is born intelligent, but the sum of one's education (passed down thoughts and advances from forefathers' mistakes) and experiences makes him/her an intelligent person, a contributor to the furtherance of mankind, be him an african, polynesian, french, etc.
SS angel, dont promote yourself without Himmler signature stamp OK?
Originally posted by angel7030:
I know it is Heil Hitler, but I bet he is in Hell now, so i addressed him as Hell Hilter to calm the soul of millions. By Genocide or so call eugenic theory, the aryan race claimed themselves to be the first and foremost, it is not that millions of jews was killed in Europe, the massacre of Nanjing can anytime beat the nos of death in whole of world war 2. Estimated nearly 30 millions chinese was killed by the Japanese both in the war and the massacre, the whole province was beheaded where river were flown with death body, unlike europe gas chamber and still get to buried.
Why then are jews and chineses a target of Nazi and the Imperial Japan most wanted list to be eliminated at all cost.???
Because the German and the Japanese know that other than their Aryans and Japanese race, the next most intelligent one are the Jews and the Chinese. With the Jews and Chinese around, you can never control this world. And it quite if you look at today situation, go ask the Arabs and the Americans.
Ah, the millions of souls are now calmed and appeased. You know, I wouldn't mind responding to your post, but I really have no idea what you are saying. And I have absolutely no idea what point you are making or how it responds to my post. So...yeah.
Originally posted by xtreyier:It is disappointing that the threadstarter kept silent and did not propound his allegations that National Socialism (NAZIsm) is alive. Perhaps he fear a backlash? He who fears should remain silent instead, for it shows perhaps his critical thinking may not be sound and stand on its own merits.
Hitler, the father of Nazism is a genius. But no genius was born spouted out of his mother's fertility canal leading armies and humans to death.
A genius is the sum of his education and experiences in life, more so a social science genius. Hitler was a product of his times, of an 18th century militarist german empire split asunder by wars, unaccepted by its intellectuals who spout unbalanced philosophies which caused much of the harm of 18th century wars.
Young bookish Hitler's thoughts, the austrian vagabond, was shaped by thinkers such as Fitchte, Hegal, Treitschke, Nietzeche, Gebineau and Houston Stewart Chamberlian - son in law of Richard Wagner and nephew of British PM Neville.
These mad nationalists intellectuals were themselves shaped by events happening in dis-united germany, and the victories gain by its bastard son Prussia- a small state of german militarists sparta-like who won european lands and thru its cruelties, a chance for a german empire to grow.
They even had to reject historical facts to propound their theories to gain nationalism affection. When one distorts facts of history, one is actually denying the blood and sacrifices ancestors made so that history may not be repeated. These 'thinkers' disregarded facts, western and greek philosophy so blatantly and made the uneducated common masses believed Germans were a 'master race' to rule over humanity.
Read their works, and you will vomit with absolute revulsion as a modern person. They are antirepublic, antisocialist, antidemocratic. They believe in absolute dictatorship, a rule of blood and iron. The State is all, and as Trietschke puts it -"it does not matter what you think, so long as you obey".
Hegal, worshipped by even Karl Marx, believed in a State's absolute control of lives, and the masses should be slaves to the state. Nietzche, who in the end of his life was committed into a state asylum, wrote in his famous 'Will to Power' - the atrocious lord of the earth theory, of elites ruling the world and might is right.
Such philosophies were dangerous which lead to Hilter's Mein Kampf -'My Struggle' - a distorted work of a tortured and deluded soul, and the deaths of millions innocent.
It took another genius - Roosevelt and his team, along of entire nations to prove their philosophies wrong.
Is Nazism alive today? No. The aryan master race is a joke now. But certain parts of Hegal's and Nietzche theories are still adopted. Is might right and only a strong hand can control the destiny of humanity?
In my view, it is not. Humans are flawed beings, no matter how noble they or others may think themselves to be, because in time, there is no escaping temptations of life. We are not heavenly beings, and ultimately if left unchecked, we may ruin the lives of others.
Thus there is a necessity for checks and more important - reasonable humane laws for a society to thrive. And such laws can only be legislated by an elected representative, chosen by the masses. One can be make a mistake, but thousands will not. No man must be elevated to Godly status, for ALL men are flawed, one way or another. Not realizing it will only lead to death for innocents.
In Singapore, no man is God, and we do have a parliamentary system to ensure the masses are taken care of, build up carefully and fine tuned to match the needs of time. Therefore, we must critically ensure such system is continued as envisioned by our forefathers who created our immortal national pledge.
Enjoy philosophy, but one must have a critical mind to discern what each propounds, otherwise, like Hitler, it may lead to destruction of not just oneself, but lives of others as well.
Quite right. Mein Kampf was a friggin joke. His line of argument, which was repeated incessantly throughout went like this:
1.I shall learn of this situation by observing.
2. Man, they are doing a bad job.
3. Why don't other common people see that they are doing a bad job?
4. There is an upper echelon conspiring to pull the wool over our eyes!
5. Gasp, there is a JEW in this upper echelon. Gasp, there are Jews in the Russian revolution. Gasp, Jewish Bolshevism - Jewish Conspiracy!
6. Judenfragen - Endlosung
Ultimately I think people will valorise facts or philosophical works in any way just to achieve their aims. Who's to say, in centuries to come, Hitler's racial policy won't be utilised to start another world war?
...On March 28, 1938, shortly after the Austrian Anschluss, Henlein traveled to Berlin and was told by Hitler to cause trouble in Czechoslovakia by making ever-increasing demands on behalf of the Sudeten German Party "which are unacceptable to the Czech government." The strategy worked well. Every time the Czech government was about to give in, Henlein demanded something more so that no agreement could ever be reached.
Throughout the summer of 1938, Nazi agitators in the Sudetenland caused political and social unrest while Goebbels' propaganda machine waged a ferocious anti-Czech campaign claiming that Sudeten Germans were being persecuted by the Czechs. At the annual Nuremberg Rally in early September, Hitler and Göring both made threatening speeches concerning the so-called Sudeten question.
With Germany edging ever-closer to war, the peace-minded British Prime Minister decided to send a personal telegram to Hitler asking for a face-to-face meeting "to find a peaceful solution." Hitler was genuinely surprised by the request and immediately agreed to a meeting.
Thus, on the morning of September 15, 1938, the 69-year-old Neville Chamberlain boarded an airplane for the first time in his life and departed England. Seven hours later he arrived by car at Berchtesgaden and met Hitler for the first time. The Führer led him into his villa and up to the great room with the big picture window and views of the Alps.
months earlier, the Chancellor of Austria had walked into this same room
hoping to negotiate a peaceful solution and had been relentlessly badgered.
This time, Hitler once again dominated the whole discussion, but carefully
avoided the crude bullying tactics he had used before. Chamberlain was,
after all, the head of government for the British Empire, one of the greatest
powers the world had ever known. To the British Prime Minister, Hitler
complained at length about the "persecuted" Sudeten Germans inside
Czechoslovakia and then boldly asked if the Sudetenland area could be simply
handed over to Germany.
Chamberlain responded that he would consider asking the Czechs to cede the Sudetenland but said he was not prepared give an answer on the spot and first needed to consult with his Cabinet back in London. He asked Hitler to refrain from any military action until he returned for his next visit. Hitler agreed to the military delay.
Chamberlain returned to London and succeeded in getting his government's approval for the Sudetenland concession. He also received a favorable response from Britain's former World War I ally, France.
Regarding his first impression of Hitler, Chamberlain commented: "In spite of the hardness and ruthlessness I thought I saw in his face, I got the impression that here was a man who could be relied upon when he had given his word."
Meanwhile, behind his back, Hitler proceeded ahead with his war plans. Representatives from Poland and Hungary were secretly approached by the Nazis and asked if they each wanted a piece of Czechoslovakia in return for letting Hitler break up the country. The military rulers of Poland, along with Hungary's Fascist government, both agreed to stand by and let Hitler invade Czechoslovakia in return for a share of the spoils.
Britain and France, having agreed among themselves to give Hitler the Sudetenland, now confronted the Czech government. On September 19, the British and French ambassadors in Prague sternly advised the Czechs that they should give up all areas along the German border where 50 percent of the population or more was German. The Czech government, realizing it had been abandoned by its Western Allies, reluctantly gave in and agreed to the terms.
On September 22, an optimistic Chamberlain returned to Germany to see Hitler, this time to a hotel at Godesberg along the Rhine River. The Prime Minister informed Hitler that he could have the Sudetenland after all, just as he wanted.
"Do I understand that the British, French, and Czech governments have agreed to the transfer of the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia to Germany?" Hitler asked him.
"Yes," said the smiling Chamberlain.
"I'm awfully sorry," Hitler responded, "but that won't do anymore...this solution is no longer of any use."
Chamberlain was stunned, his hopes for an easy peace suddenly dashed. Hitler now raised the stakes by demanding a German Army occupation of the Sudetenland by October 1st and the expulsion of all non-Germans living there.
Chamberlain, utterly flabbergasted at this dangerous turn of events, informed Hitler this amounted to a military ultimatum and said the Czechs wouldn't agree to such terms. But Hitler said he didn't care. The Czechs had to agree to an Army occupation, or else.
The British Prime Minister had just become the second victim of Hitler's gangster diplomacy. He had risked his whole political career and the prestige of the British Empire to appease Hitler, only to be rudely turned down for no apparent reason.
Chamberlain returned home deeply disappointed to ponder what to do about this mess. France, on hearing of the Führer's ultimatum, mobilized a hundred Army divisions and began packing them off toward the French-German border. The Czech Army consisting of a million men was mobilized. England also put its entire naval fleet on alert and declared a state of emergency in London.
Europe, it seemed, was headed for war after all. This was good news for the anti-Hitler conspirators in Germany. Things were now going as they had hoped, and they prepared to strike against Hitler in Berlin as soon as he gave the order to invade Czechoslovakia.
Interestingly, Hitler attempted to arouse popular support for the coming war by having an Army division parade through the streets of Berlin. But all along the parade route people turned away or ducked into nearby stores and subway entrances. The Führer stood on the balcony of the Reich Chancellery reviewing the troops. But after seeing that only a few hundred people cared to watch, Hitler went back inside.
Some two decades earlier, at the beginning of World War I, throngs of people had filled Berlin's streets to cheer their young soldiers and toss flowers as they marched off to the front. Now, nobody cheered. The German people clearly did not want another war, and Hitler saw this.
As a result, he decided to step back from the brink and delay his war for Lebensraum for a while. He sent a letter to Chamberlain promising that if the Western Allies yielded the Sudetenland to the German Army, it would not result in the destruction of Czechoslovakia. Germany would even be glad to join with England and France in guaranteeing the rest of Czechoslovakia from any further aggression.
Chamberlain decided to grasp at this last chance for saving the peace. He telegraphed Hitler that he was ready to return for more talks "at once." He also sent a telegram to Italy's Fascist leader, Benito Mussolini, asking him to intercede with Hitler on his behalf. Mussolini then contacted Hitler and proposed a joint summit that would include Germany, England, France, and Italy. Hitler agreed to it. The location chosen was Munich.
leaving England for his third and final trip to Germany, Chamberlain declared:
"When I was a little boy, I used to repeat, 'If at first you don't
succeed, try, try, try again.' That's what I am doing. When I come back
I hope I may be able to say, as Hotspur says in Henry IV, 'Out of this
nettle, danger, we plucked this flower, safely.' "
The Munich conference took place inside a brand new Nazi building called the Führerbau on September 29 and lasted into the early morning hours of the 30th. It was attended by Hitler, Chamberlain, Mussolini, and French Prime Minister, Edouard Daladier. Czech representatives were also there but had to wait outside the meeting room because Hitler refused to let them inside to participate.
At the conference, Mussolini said he had his own proposal which might help to resolve things quickly. Unknown to Chamberlain and Daladier, that proposal had been supplied to Mussolini by the Nazis and essentially contained the same demands as Hitler's ultimatum. However, Chamberlain and Daladier accepted this proposal without hesitation in their overwhelming desire to avoid bloodshed.
Just after 1 a.m. on September 30, the four leaders signed the Munich Agreement allowing the German Army to occupy the Sudetenland beginning on October 1, to be completed by October 10. About 1:30 a.m., the Czech representatives were informed of the terms by Chamberlain and Daladier. They had no say in the matter and had no choice but to comply.
Upon arriving back home in London, Chamberlain declared: "The settlement of the Czechoslovakian problem which has now been achieved is in my view only the prelude to a larger settlement in which all Europe may find peace."
Few politicians in England disagreed. Winston Churchill voiced the loudest single protest, calling the Munich Agreement "a total, unmitigated defeat."
Back in Germany, the Army generals who had been preparing to oust Hitler gave up in complete dismay. All plans concerning the overthrow of the Führer were shelved. The generals now resigned themselves to follow Hitler into the abyss that lay ahead for Germany.
On Saturday, October 1, the German Army rolled into the Sudetenland on schedule. Many of the Czechs living there fled their homes in panic with only the clothes on their back.
Once again Hitler had gotten everything he wanted without firing a single shot. Incredibly, this time he would have welcomed a fight. Somewhat exasperated, he said: "I did not think it possible that Czechoslovakia would be virtually served up to me on a plate by her friends."
Regarding his impression of the Western Allies, Hitler would later say: "Our enemies are little worms. I saw them at Munich."
Regarding his final impression of Hitler, Chamberlain said: "Hitler is the commonest little swine I have ever encountered."
But by now, success after success had made Hitler and the Nazis drunk with power. They were beginning to think they could do anything, even conquer the world.
Hitler's primary goal of Lebensraum was being achieved step by step, just as he had planned. Now it was time to pay some attention to his secondary goal, a reckoning with the Jews. Up till now, the Nazis had largely held off out of concern for international opinion. But that didn't seem to matter so much anymore...