Originally posted by Ah Chia:Singapore population approaching 5 million!
Key Annual Indicators
Total Population 1/ ('000) 4,839.4
Singapore Residents 1/ ('000) 3,642.7
Singapore Citizens ('000) 3,164.4
Singapore Permanent Residents ('000) 478.2
1.675 million non-citizens(foreigners) are in Singapore.
34% of people in Singapore are foreigners.
1 out of every 3 persons in Singapore is a foreigner!
And that is set to grow!
i hope this time Chee Soon Juan--Dr--will not mix up the migration figure.
2 or 3 years back,in his SDP web site,CHEE quoted a Professor article saying
that SG was losingpeople,the second worst in the world after East Timor!!
Chee quoted a western professor article which
was based on CIA figures.Both of them do not mention CIA.
In fact,they are just damn wrong.CIA mean the opposite---
Both countries were facing highest incoming migration
per 100,000 in the world!East Timor just enjoyed peace,
while SG was enjoying booming enconomy and huge influx
of foreign students.If anyone has been traveling MRT every day
in SG in the past few years,he should note the train get more
crowded.But Chee did not take note!!
Originally posted by wilhelm:
It's alright, Singapore needs foreign talents to grow the ponzi scheme.
Ooops...., I meant Singapore needs foreign talents to grow.
Originally posted by Rednano:more pple, more social problems...
u stay in a ghost town then u get no social problems--
im more interested to know how many foreigners left singapore once they got their PR or citizenship...
Why should they leave Singapore?
Soon there won't be anymore Singaporeans already wah.
Singapore itself is land for foreigners.
Go foreign state everywhere the natives are "foreigner", stay in Singapore, everywhere also foreigners.
Same wah.
why are you dissing me so much, and not talking about the points?
Maybe you everytime defend the depised PAP regime, so he don't like you lor.
Originally posted by Ah Chia:why are you dissing me so much, and not talking about the points?
Maybe you everytime defend the depised PAP regime, so he don't like you lor.
PAP sucks.
why does lionnoisy has so much time to post?
Originally posted by skythewood:
zzz... which part of my post lead you to think that? highlight to me. Are you disagreeing with me it is a dumb plan? than tell me why it is not a dumb plan. I didn't even post much, and you straight away think of me as shallow, and failing to see the whole picture. why are you dissing me so much, and not talking about the points? why are you getting so personal? i didn't even disagree with you that it is a dumb plan, are you confused?
Originally posted by wilhelm:
yup, you are confused.
you can join with the deluded uncles here who is extremely biased bah.
In their world, there is no middle ground. There are not some good policies or some bad decisions. For them, there is only one truth, and that is PAP is evil.
Half-blind man nearly lost everything to China bride
First, she threatened to get the police to arrest him if he refused to marry her. When he finally relented, she made him sign a document willing his home and all his assets to her.
Mr Liang, 62, who is blind in one eye, told a Shin Min Daily News reporter that he first met the China woman at a coffee shop near his home in 2004. His wife had passed away ten years earlier in 1994.
He said that she came up to him and introduced herself as a beautician from China and said that she wanted to be his friend.
The woman, who is 11 years younger than Mr Liang, told him that she was a divorcee, and that her ex-husband and daughter are in China.
Mr Liang said that the woman was very nice to him when they first met. However, things took a drastic change three months later.
"She told me that she wanted me to marry her. Should I refuse, she would report me to the police, accusing me of treating her badly and cheating her of her feelings."
As he had no knowledge about the penal code, Mr Liang took the China woman's threats for real and agreed to the marriage. He also listened to her instructions, asking him to keep his children in the dark about the nuptials.
"It was only at the Registry of Marriages did I realize that we needed two witnesses." Mr Liang told Shin Min, "I called my daughter, telling her I needed her as my witness, but she refused."
In the end, Mr Liang managed to get a male relative and a friend of the China woman's to witness their marriage registration.
It was only months later that Mr Liang's children learned of their father's marriage.
Despite acceding to her request, Mr Liang found that married life was no better. His new wife refused to work, and constantly asked him for money.
When his salary as a cleaner failed to satisfy his wife's needs, Mr Liang found himself asking his daughter for money.
The former cleaner also blamed his new wife for his partial loss of sight. Mr Liang said that he was suffering from glaucoma and cataracts, but his condition was in check as his daughter would take him to the doctor regularly.
When he remarried, his China wife assumed the responsibility, but failed to bring Mr Liang for treatment after the first time. By 2008, Mr Liang lost all sight in his right eye and was unable to work.
According to a doctor's report, Mr Liang's loss of sight was attributed to the neglect of his condition.
In early 2007, Mr Liang's new wife forced him to sign a document written in English. When Mr Liang indicated that he did not understand its contents, she refused to translate it for him.
When he brought it to a neighbour, Mr Liang was horrified to learn that it was an agreement stating that he had willed his $300,000 three-room flat as well as his CPF and bank savings to her.
However, as Mr Liang's children were aware of the agreement, the China woman did not benefit from it during the divorce proceedings.
"I said that using a certain language to create a culture, the culture created can at best be a commercial culture, or technology culture, or we may call it pasar culture. It has no roots, and identifies itself with a certain material interest. It is the product of expediency.
"It is like duckweed, floating at the harbour. When it absorbs fertilisers, it will flourish very quickly. But once it rains and floods set in, it will perish," he said in an interview conducted in a restaurant in Haadyai, near the Thai-Malaysian border...
Originally posted by Ah Chia:im more interested to know how many foreigners left singapore once they got their PR or citizenship...
Why should they leave Singapore?
Soon there won't be anymore Singaporeans already wah.
Singapore itself is land for foreigners.
Go foreign state everywhere the natives are "foreigner", stay in Singapore, everywhere also foreigners.
Same wah.
what r the benefits of a singapore PR status good for if the foreigner wants to stepping stone to e.g. US, UK, Australia?
i thought only convert from PR to citizen status, then only can stepping stone?
how many foreigners left singapore
My error, I was referring to Singaporeans(native) leaving Singapore.
How come a 92 year old man who migrated to singapore 6 years ago (when he was 86) can get citizenship?
I'm just curious.
Originally posted by Ah Chia:In their world, there is no middle ground. There are not some good policies or some bad decisions. For them, there is only one truth, and that is PAP is evil.
Don't anyhow say lah, what no middle ground? Really biased ar you.
I biased?
hahahahahaha... wake up your idea lah, delusional ah?
I was refering to extremely biased uncles, did i say that it is you?
Why did you think i was refering to you?
Originally posted by charlize:I'm just curious.
even though i don't know who, i can try guessing the reasons...
He got relatives here.
He is rich.
He is the CEO of a big company.
Anyway, who?
u duno got money can buy citizenship?
Originally posted by seyKai:u duno got money can buy citizenship?
You win.
The foreigners are using singapore as a stepping stone to other countries. Soon there will none to serve to protect the country.
FT has grand plans to pawn the PAP big time.
Originally posted by Worldlybusinessman:The foreigners are using singapore as a stepping stone to other countries. Soon there will none to serve to protect the country.
FT has grand plans to pawn the PAP big time.
Originally posted by Worldlybusinessman:The foreigners are using singapore as a stepping stone to other countries. Soon there will none to serve to protect the country.
FT has grand plans to pawn the PAP big time.
LKY said, even they, the foreigners are using singapore as a stepping stone, nevermind, we produce stepping stone for them, at least we still got stepping stone jobs to do and hope that some of them fell while stepping on it and stay here forerever
Originally posted by angel7030:
LKY said, even they, the foreigners are using singapore as a stepping stone, nevermind, we produce stepping stone for them, at least we still got stepping stone jobs to do and hope that some of them fell while stepping on it and stay here forerever