A man, believed to be a Chinese national, was sitting too close to the edge for comfort at the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) building.
A STOMPer, Annsun, says she witnessed a man seemingly attempting to jump down from the MOM building. Officers were seen talking to the man.
She says: "Around about 3pm today (Apr 1), someone told us that there is somebody trying to jump down from MOM building."
Photos on STOMP show officers apparently talking patiently to a man with one leg over the edge of the building. There were onlookers at a construction site next to the building.
Police are investigating the incident.
chinamen always have some new rabbits in their hats.
So many policemen...
I would have thot that the entrance to the building's roof top is usually locked?
botak mata in uniform...nice to see that
Originally posted by Q.C.?Pak:So many policemen...
wayang is at the works again unfortunately for our tax payers... pay so many people to jiak hong at roof top for what?
Originally posted by kengkia:wayang is at the works again unfortunately for our tax payers... pay so many people to jiak hong at roof top for what?
To bad the highest rank officer is in plain clothes.
Notice out of the 4 guys nearest to the prc worker... Two of them looked very senior, but very bo chap about the fate of the prc worker?
They are the ......
and ..... lor.
Originally posted by Q.C.Pak:
To bad the highest rank officer is in plain clothes.
If you're referring to the square boxed shirt fellow squatting down... Is he the highest ranked? I think he's probably the police negotiator.
p/s: The police negotiator is probably the most "chap" guy, coz he got KPI to meet.
Originally posted by kilfer:
If you're referring to the square boxed shirt fellow squatting down... Is he the highest ranked? I think he's probably the police negotiator.
Nope... he's not the negotiator.
orly, then who is he? Any idea?
Originally posted by kilfer:orly, then who is he? Any idea?
Singapore may be small but I don't think everybody knows everybody.
Maybe the boss?
STOMPers always seem to have nothing better to do........
existing thread