We have to give them credit and not let our blindess in only seeing the negative aspects of them. I believe what is happeneing to them is that one reaches a plateu of success and stays at top position for a long period of time . The pedestral holding them starts to break and show cracks due to "environmental factors". This come about when they refuse to service and do maintenance on the pedestral because they are afraid that doing so might cost them the original capital they invested on it. So what they did was add extra support and fixtures to hold it.
In other words, when the cost of maintaining success is more costlier than the cost of achieving it, than relook is nedded if necessary, destroying the original pedestral and put a new one that can accomodate current and future necessities in functionality.
how u know PAP ministers are solid, you test before ar??
sibeh solid leh, mee siam mai hum please.
someone move this to joke forum
u know guys, u really make my day, after posting, i keep laughing and laughing,....wow PAP govt is solid...hahahahhaha!!!! LKY solid hor
Is the PAP government a good and competent government as insinuated by DPM Teo Chee Hean?
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As seen from these above responses, people are blinded by hatred.
Emotions are not good when doing analysis. They tend to bring about bias.
Originally posted by Worldlybusinessman:As seen from these above responses, people are blinded by hatred.
Emotions are not good when doing analysis. They tend to bring about bias.
We are not blind, just that some of your posting titles is really out of the context, that is why i use the say, how can opposition come out to get vote with people like you posting funny stuff, and worst, peoples will deter from voting opposition further if you keep on posting irrelevant stuff. If i am opposition MP, i will sack you on the spot for damage our images.
Originally posted by Worldlybusinessman:As seen from these above responses, people are blinded by hatred.
Emotions are not good when doing analysis. They tend to bring about bias.
Have you ever thought that maybe you are the one blinded by pure blind faith?
almost a million dollar for a 3 room hdb
tell me is this good pap?
Originally posted by youyayu:
almost a million dollar for a 3 room hdb
tell me is this good pap?
Originally posted by skythewood:where?
if i could remember is around queenstown area
Originally posted by youyayu:if i could remember is around queenstown area
oh. sounds like an expensive area to buy a house.
Originally posted by skythewood:oh. sounds like an expensive area to buy a house.
i can understand 5 room for 720k.
but WTF 3 room leh!
Originally posted by youyayu:
almost a million dollar for a 3 room hdb
tell me is this good pap?
Good, let the person who wish to buy, go and paid it, PAP tax them and rebate Gst more for poorer peoples like me.
Nobody put a gun on yr head to buy such an expensive hdb house, the value float on the free market, if alots of people demand for it, sure the price will surge upward, how about 75k terrace house near geyland??
75k terrace?
Originally posted by youyayu:i can understand 5 room for 720k.
but WTF 3 room leh!
Try looking for cheaper areas. expensive area has expensive housing.
wah lau, newspapers show it on the front page about 2 weeks ago u never see ar??/ That is why i said, dun blame the govt too much, sometime, price fluctuate on a free market.
Originally posted by skythewood:Try looking for cheaper areas. expensive area has expensive housing.
until now.. i guess that guy who sold the hdb for 720k..
is still laughing all the way to the bank
stop being dumb, not all HDB costs 720K.
this is wht we call plain blind and biased. U quote one example?
People, people, you cannot blame the PAP for everything, you can only curse them for taking as much money from the people as possible, make everything as expensive as possible (so they can take as much as possible), put as much PUBLIC MONEY into their own pockets as possible, NEPOTISM, CRONYISM and persecuting activists and opposition with dishonorable means so that they can take..... "as much money from the people as possible and put as much PUBLIC MONEY into their own pockets as possible"
Not forgeting giving public money for the cursed despot's daughter in law, the cancer afflicted in the anus prime minister's wife and cronies to gamble and lose hundred of billions of PUBLIC money to foreigners.
Dont blame them for everything, just curse them for the above.
Originally posted by Worldlybusinessman:stop being dumb, not all HDB costs 720K.
this is wht we call plain blind and biased. U quote one example?
nope but most flats in sg are expensive like hell
and the only exquse they can provide is that land is too small
and u can stay 25 years in debt just because of your "home sweet home"
of cause land is too small so many FT...
this called solid PAP?
maybe lky 1 can flip table
being dumb? go back ur india la
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:
People, people, you cannot blame the PAP for everything, you can only curse them for taking as much money from the people as possible, make everything as expensive as possible (so they can take as much as possible), put as much PUBLIC MONEY into their own pockets as possible, NEPOTISM, CRONYISM and persecuting activists and opposition with dishonorable means so that they can take..... "as much money from the people as possible and put as much PUBLIC MONEY into their own pockets as possible"
Not forgeting giving public money for the cursed despot's daughter in law, the cancer afflicted in the anus prime minister's wife and cronies to gamble and lose hundred of billions of PUBLIC money to foreigners.
Dont blame them for everything, just curse them for the above.
Originally posted by youyayu:
Since you endorse.... I must....