Generally, if policy making is is done in response to external changing trends and environment. This kind of policy making is mainly found in businesses. it is not a ideal situation if a social agenda is involved.
EG, a business styled social policy involves:
External factors and Environment > Changing social Ideals > policies
But policy making for social purposes should not respond to external conditions and environment. It should attempt to do a collective agreement with other entitites with a simliar motive to change the environment and external conditions to suit its policies. This is called bargaining power in context with an enterprising agreement with external factors. it is the ideal situation and it requires bargaining power and ability.
EG, a Humanitarian social policy involves:
Social Ideals > Changing external factors and environment > policies
In singapore and most capital driven countries, most social policies follow the business styled fundamentals to link social policies with that of business policies because they lack this bargaining power and ability to change the environment and bring about ideal conditions to carry out social policy making. The bad thing about this is that it does not have to adhrere to ideal social conditions and is not a win-win situation for both sides.
Countries like Australia and the United kingdom push for Enterprising and bargainings agreement with their environment in an attempt to suit ideals for social policymaking. As a result their businesses and economy is modelled for social policies. The good thing about this is that businesses and economy will have to adhrere to ideal social conditions to operate. The end product is an economy driven by good practices and ethical behavour which produces a win win situation for both sides
Business styled social polices will yield huge returns and development in the short run but will be disastrous for the future of country because it will beheld hostage to the external environment. it is mainly useful if a country is developing or on the verge of development
A Humanitarian styled policy will may both yield huge returns on a short term or little but in the long run will prove advantageous to a country making it immune to be held hostage to the external environment. it is both useful for a already developed or a developing country.