Oh!My God!House Agent need not pass exam last
U need 90 hours training and pass a exam before u can be a taxi driver.
u need to study one foot thick material and pass a exam before
u become a insurance agent.
u need attend course become a security gurad.
But u just need to fill a form,pay $ 30 to print your name card,and
the most pay few hundred $$ to attend in-house training course,
then u become a property agent to handle the most important
transaction for client!!Some small agency dunt even provide
formal training course.
In Malaysia ,Hong Kong etc,u need a Individual license to practice
as house agent.In the first world Singapore,u just need attach to
a licensed agency.No age limit.No minimum academic and professional
Dunt tell me CEHA and CES all these non--sense.
They are not mandatory requirements under SG laws.
Your Sec 4 and sec 5 kid can become a house agent over night,
if it is accepted by any licensed agency!!
Any one who cant understand The option to Purchase
also can become a agent!!
SAEA---100 % must pass CEHA by 01 Jan 2009---rubbish
The industry just lack cooperation and authority.
In 2008 or 2007,the same organistation come out a CES,
a simplified CEHA,to replace SAEA!!
Foreign buyers may faint if they know the truths about house agnet
regulation in SG.This is just pure luck we dunt heard too much
bad and funny news about poor informed house agenst,
thanks to well known standardised laws and regulations.
For example,Indonesia buyers wont so stupid when u tell
him to pay deposit for a 20,000 sq feet landed property.
The laws governing the house agenst are flimsy,if not a joke.
Under the Act,There is no minimum academic and prefessional requirements.
I find it is just contray to MAS governing the insurance agents,
who are treated as a step son by MAS.
House agents ,who become uncontrollable,are too spoiled by IRAS.
Tt seem too many agencies involved in house agents,but no
one has the final say.HDB is sure heavily involved.But i think
HDB is just a paper tiger to regulate house agents.
The current laws only permit the agency license to be cancelled after
the misconduct go to court.How come Ministry of Environment
can suspend Newton stall for 3 months after the few hundred dollars
dinner was disclosed?
The whole Act must be overhauled now!!
This is time that only one ministry shall be responsible to regulate
the house agents.The ministry shall be the coordinator.
House agents to be licensed
5. Every
person, firm or company carrying on the business of a house agent
shall take out a licence in Form B in the First Schedule.
Evidence of misconduct
11. The
judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction whether civil or
criminal, having the effect of finding that any licensed person —
shall be ground for the cancellation of his licence.
Power to make regulations
13. The
Minister may make regulations necessary for or convenient to carrying
out the provisions of this Act, including but not limited to the
length of notice to be given and the manner of advertising sales
on the instructions of mortgagees acting under powers of sale or
of any person in a position of trust with respect to or liable to
account for the proceeds of sale.''
Pl save SG from international big joke in preoperty transaction!!
now that is one topic that i can 100% agree on....
Mah is recently cooking up something for all the propy agents.
Originally posted by 4sg:Mah is recently cooking up something for all the propy agents.
looks like LN reads more ozzie news than i do.
man, he is really keen on oz's affair.