I cant believe my eyes and my poor English!!
Singaporean would be oz PR beware.If u are admitted to NSW
public hospitals,u are be prepared that the patients next to you are different
gender!!Interesting if u are guys,but not fun if u are ladies!!
Why ? Why ? Why?
What are the reasons that NSW,one of the richest states,arrange
in this way?If PAP do this,i think few GRC will be lost in next GE!!
Have your frens and relatives in NSW warned you?
How about in other Australia states?
But SG people shall be grateful to learn that in UK,
over 70% are still mixed wards!!
May be we SG or Asian people just cant accept thsi culture.
BTW,do u think ang moh like this idea?
''March 24, 2009 12:00am
HOSPITALS are to be radically reformed, with single gender wards returning, under major changes to be announced by the State Government.
The Daily Telegraph can reveal the Government will restructure hospitals - with some services possibly shutting - when it officially responds next Monday to the Garling inquiry, held last year into NSW hospitals.
Mixed-gender wards will be wiped out where possible, with men and women returning to single-sex rooms or separate ward bays.
It follows Commissioner Peter Garling SC's disgust at men and women sharing wards when he handed down his 1100-page report last November. The move back to gender wards will cost $12 million over four years and was approved by Cabinet last night.
Is the back to the future appraoch the best way to fix the state's hospitals? Tell us below
Health Minister John Della Bosca said public hospitals needed to have greater resources to place men and women in separate rooms.
Under the new plans, elderly patients would be treated in their homes rather than in hospitals in order to alleviate pressure on the system.
In his report, Mr Garling said hospitals were not a suitable environment for the elderly.
"My recommendations are designed to encourage models which deliver as much care as possible in the home and not in the hospital, which is a very alienating place for older citizens," Mr Garling said.
Other reforms include:
* THE sacking of doctors who repeatedly fail to wash their hands;
* BEDSIDE briefings by doctors and formal shift handovers;
* BETTER supervision of junior doctors; and
* EMERGENCY response teams within hospitals.
The Garling inquiry began a year ago and was aimed at restoring the ailing health system. The landmark 10-month investigation followed a string of mishaps and the death of teenager Vanessa Anderson.
The 15-year-old died at Royal North Shore Hospital in November 2005 after being given the wrong medication for a brain injury after she was struck in the head by a golf ball.
Mr Garling's controversial report made 139 recommendations, some of them regarded as radical.
At least 10 hospital emergency departments were deemed "unsafe" or unnecessary.
The Government has been considering whether to endorse Mr Garling's recommendation to close Manly, Ryde, Sydney, Mt Druitt, Auburn, Camden, Bulli and Kurri Kurri's emergency departments.''
You seriously have issues with Oz leh, did they reject your plea for PR or something?
''Some 15% of hospital trusts still use at least one open-plan mixed-sex ward.
But while there will be penalties, hospitals will at the same time receive cash to overhaul accommodation.''
Originally posted by ditzy:You seriously have issues with Oz leh, did they reject your plea for PR or something?
Dr Chee Soon Juan also critize SG everyday.
What is your comments on him?
I just expose the other side or little know side of oz.
I am anti--establisnment guy who dunt follow the crowd.
U are welcome to leave SG and go to settle any country u like,
thanks to your little red passport and good education.
What is your comments if i expose other third world countries?
We alreday expect all these unpleasant things happen in these 3rd world countries.
Wat we do NOT expect are they happen in oz,a long time First world country.
May be we need to re define First World.
for people who want to witness first grade lionnoisy pwning, please proceed to
Originally posted by lionnoisy:...I am anti--establisnment guy who dunt follow the crowd.
U are welcome to leave SG and go to settle any country u like,
thanks to your little red passport and good education.
What is your comments if i expose other third world countries?
u are anti-establishment?? lol...
if everyone has good education in sg, then what happen to you? i wonder..
I am anti--establisnment guy who dunt follow the crowd.
Not bad, lionnoisy, not bad, you are anti-PAP regime.
Originally posted by Ah Chia:I am anti--establisnment guy who dunt follow the crowd.
Not bad, lionnoisy, not bad, you are anti-PAP regime.
I just anti--establishment against those not so desirable society.
No gavaman is perfect,including Flashing Party.
have u stayed in a mixed gender ward in Singapore from 1950 to 1980??
can u ask your grand/parents if u are too young?
This is just absurd to alloew mixed gender ward in 21 st century!!
But u are welcome migrate to any country u like.
Just renounce your SG citizenship and withdraw all your CPF.
Fair?Dunt step on two boats and continue to enjoy SG benefits!!