I almost hate to bring this up, for fear of adding to the negative feeding frenzy. But I still can't help but be fascinated by the way runaway psychology is affecting the horse-world economy at present.
People have gotten caught up in trading pieces of bad news. It's become the starting point for conversations when horse folks get together--a replacement for talking about the weather. Collectively, we're like the horse that spooks as he walks by the mailbox, because the horse in front of HIM spooked beside the mailbox. React first, look closely later, if at all.
To be sure, economic news in general isn't very rosy. But isn't it possible that we may be magnifying the boogeyman, just by keeping him in the spotlight?
I've now run into people who haven't even TRIED to sell their horses before advertising them as free. I know some who've stayed home from this summer's horse events simply because they've convinced themselves that no one else will attend, either--so why bother? Others seem to be spending entire days online, singing that "Woe Is We" song over and over and over to anyone else who'll listen.
At some point, doesn't it all becomes self-fulfilling, like the way rumors can ignite a run on a financial firm and end up causing it to fail?
I don' mean to gloss over any of the real issues we all face. It's just that I have to wonder:
What would happen if we decided to celebrate what we still have, instead of lamenting what we don't?
Luckily the air is still fresh in Singapore.
But nobdy can live on fresh air alone.
magnifying a problem will bring about more problems.
Originally posted by Worldlybusinessman:magnifying a problem will bring about more problems.
So will ignoring it.
So how?
A boogeyman arises because he has been hiding inside the closet. The literal meaing of the world Boogeyman is a entity which reveals itself when time and opportunity strikes. Bogeymen may be said to target a specific mischief. There is no way to kill a boogeyman, because basically a boogeyman is born out of secrets and problems which are hidden in the closet and under the carpet,but is just an amorphous embodiment of a problem which is deep unless the the "roots" of him are addressed.. The boogeyman is a symptom , not a cause. Parents often say that if their child is naughty, the bogeyman will get them, in an effort to make them behave. When people are down, depressed or lack the ability to think rationally, the boogeyman in them comes out to do irrational things.
Originally posted by charlize:So will ignoring it.
So how?
my guess is he won't answer your question, or evade it.
i think the correct way is to find out and deal with the problem.
Let's move on.
we cant move on.
Sure we can. Get rid of the cronyism and nepotism that is destroying the country. Stop supporting the cursed despot so that the curses on the country stops.
Last night, the 4 D top prize is similarly another bad omen after the lightning strike.
It was die,die,die,die.
checked - really is 4444, sei sei sei sei, si si si si! May be that is hinting that lky should die now or he is dying any time now. ha ha ha!
Originally posted by Fantagf:checked - really is 4444, sei sei sei sei, si si si si! May be that is hinting that lky should die now or he is dying any time now. ha ha ha!
The lightning strike and this, is warning for him to repent and stop persecuting opposition and activists and taking massive amounts of public money for himself, relatives and cronies, before his grandchildren by his gambling addicted daughter in law also get cancer of the anus.
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:
The lightning strike and this, is warning for him to repent and stop persecuting opposition and activists and taking massive amounts of public money for himself, relatives and cronies, before his grandchildren by his gambling addicted daughter in law also get cancer of the anus.
The whole damn family is disgusting. Now he so desperate, the daughter lee wei ling has to write article make good his image. daughter tom boy talked about the papa attending to the needs of the sick mother, on medication. pui, lah, anyone who knows the old dictator knows that that is all bullshit.