I have not learn much from this recession . But I see a load of crap from America flying around. All because the people are standing for their own advantage.
When the recession came about . If you ask the bankers , they blame the system being implemented, its not their fault afterall they are working by the policies approved. But Greenspan then said that he has underest the greed of the people and the implementors who disregard the risks.
The govt pump money into the banks in the first wave of bailout to improve credit. But the bank kept the money to themselves as they are already in deficit.
The govt pump money into AIG to save it from solvency but the AIG used part of the money as bonuses of the people ( which is under declared, the bonus payout is now more than earlier reported ).
The govt want to take back the money which is suppose to bailout the crisi but the co-operation gathered bankers to raise a case that they need to retain talents to help company earn money to repay back the govt.
I guess there are more to come but generally looking , the govt are the trying to do constuctive things but the co-operations are just trying to reap benefit from it. The govt and the agencies which are suppose to have a direct implementation impact are not working together or singing the same tune. A chinese saying "Shi bei gong ban". A lot of efforts but the result is less.
(* I still condemn the American Banks and AIG *)
If you have not learn much from what is happening in the USA today - it will be a pity.
The obvious lesson is that the talent that is supposed to be worth millions of dollars is not even worth the value of all the paper used to print the money paid to these talents.
For our government to claim that they have all the talent that they can find in Singapore - that is worth the millions paid annually to each of them - it is the same sad story happening in Singapore too.
The Singapore Talents paid millions of Singapore Dollars have lost US$100 Billions from our national reserves.
These highly paid Singapore Talents cannot even read the writings on the wall, when the smarter ones - who are more modest about their own abilities - avoided these much sought after toxic investments and had prepared themselves better for the expected economic and financial meltdown better than our self-acclaimed Singapore Prima Donnas.
the way i see it, the world probably need a revolution. a revolution that will spread the wealth more evenly among the ppl. The world not just amerian has come to a stage where the divide between the rich and poor are so wide that some form of revolution are needed.
Obama is probably starting his own form of reform ( maybe not revolution yet) to spread the wealth of american on a more even ground.
But the counter logic is " do you want to reward the ppl who can carry the water or drink the water"?
But if the person who carry water demand more rewards than the value of water he carry, he should be shot!!.
Originally posted by Atobe:
If you have not learn much from what is happening in the USA today - it will be a pity.
The obvious lesson is that the talent that is supposed to be worth millions of dollars is not even worth the value of all the paper used to print the money paid to these talents.
For our government to claim that they have all the talent that they can find in Singapore - that is worth the millions paid annually to each of them - it is the same sad story happening in Singapore too.
The Singapore Talents paid millions of Singapore Dollars have lost US$100 Billions from our national reserves.
These highly paid Singapore Talents cannot even read the writings on the wall, when the smarter ones - who are more modest about their own abilities - avoided these much sought after toxic investments and had prepared themselves better for the expected economic and financial meltdown better than our self-acclaimed Singapore Prima Donnas.
So are we supposed to ask for a political change and get a new idiotic government willing to lose billions of our money in lousy investments?
We have to at the minimum increase opposition MPs in parliament to send a message to PAP regime that we are unhappy with their billions lost in Temasek and GIC.
Change in regime perhaps not for now, but increase of oppositions MPs, yes.
Do you agree Herzog_Zwei?
I propose 2/3 PAP MPs, 1/3 opposition MPs.
That is quite kind to PAP, considering their dismal performance for the last three years.
Originally posted by Ah Chia:We have to at the minimum increase opposition MPs in parliament to send a message to PAP regime that we are unhappy with their billions lost in Temasek and GIC.
Change in regime perhaps not for now, but increase of oppositions MPs, yes.
Do you agree Herzog_Zwei?
I propose 2/3 PAP MPs, 1/3 opposition MPs.
That is quite kind to PAP, considering their dismal performance for the last three years.
By bringing in more opposition MP can bring back the billions lost, and more so, they can overnite make more money with the reserve lost and give us more goodies packages?? No rite?
That is why i said opposition are stupid, becos with stupid people like you as an agent for them will make matter more worst for them.
I dun mind more oppositions doning Military Police uniform tho, MP.
But don't send a message to PAP, they will get cocky and lose more money in future.
They are already so arrogant and cocky now.
What if they lose another 100 billion in next three years?
Originally posted by Ah Chia:But don't send a message to PAP, they will get cocky and lose more money in future.
They are already so arrogant and cocky now.
What if they lose another 100 billion in next three years?
They are not cocky, but in the public they have to put up a confident show, so that we as citizens do not hv to worry so much. You think Ministers very good ar?? you think they not scare ar??? they are also worrying, just that as a leader, you cannot show your weakness and fight on all the way. If you look at most of the Ministers, within a couple of years, all white hair, botak and looks like 10 years older then their original age.
They are not cocky
I think they are cocky.
They pay themselves millions and did not reveal the total losses of Temasek and GIC.
My thread looks like kena hyjacked.... SUI
Looks like people are more displease with our govt than I am with the way americans work ....
Didn’t We All See This Coming?
U.N. Panel Ways World Should Ditch Dollar
The Big Takeover
Got videos a not ... tiring to read through a lot of things ....
Originally posted by Ah Chia:They are not cocky
I think they are cocky.
They pay themselves millions and did not reveal the total losses of Temasek and GIC.
the truth is even they reveal it as a year end financial account statement, you will counter it that it is not the real numbers, massaged and just put on for show.
the truth is even they reveal it as a year end financial account statement
No, I won't.
Originally posted by Ice Dive:Got videos a not ... tiring to read through a lot of things ....
You can actually quote yourself .... damn cool
But not as cool as this ...
I believe this is old thing since its balck and white ... haha
Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:So are we supposed to ask for a political change and get a new idiotic government willing to lose billions of our money in lousy investments?
How do you know if the next Government is more idiotic then the present one - especially when the present Government do not seem to realise that the foreigners - whom they rescued - have been treating them like First Class idiots ?
Like the fable of the "Emperor without clothes" - the present Government has the arrogance to believe themselves to be First amongst all Elites, without realising that others have pandered to their arrogant idiocy simply to take the Billions from them, while they remain cocksure of the security of the spiders web woven around them.
If you are referring to the idiots whom the present Government wishes us to see, I will at least know that these supposed idiots that can form the next ALTERNATIVE Government - will be formed by those who will at least have the interests and welfare of Singaporeans in their heart.
Why will the fools that formed the present Government be so willing to dump billions to rescue foreign banks without any second thought, but will be penny pinching towards Singaporeans - and in the process lose US$100 BILLIONS of OUR MONEY to foreigners ?
Who do you believe are to the IDIOTS - or are you so foolish to be taught by these real idiots in the present Government to believe that everyone else is an idiot except these real idiots and yourself ?