it has elements of totalitharian, nazism, communism and democracy. Pretty hard to judge
tell me about "totalitharian"
I think you have to re-phrase the title.
Our - who is our ? More than half of them were nominated by themselves and not voted in a pure democractic system.
They are unique cos we are weak.
google asked me,
Did you mean: totalitarian
They are unique cos' most singaporeans voted for them anyway in the election, despite the number of flaws they may have.
In time the ruling class of Russia became acquainted with Byzantine culture. They were dazzled by it, and sought to import it into their wilderness domains in the north. In this way they imposed on the Slav peoples many of the accessories of the Byzantine Empire, such as Orthodox Christianity, the Byzantine alphabet, the Byzantine calendar, the used of domed ecclesiastical architecture, the name Czar (Caesar) for their ruler, and innumerable other traits.
Most important of all, they imported the Byzantine totalitarian autocracy, under which all aspects of life, including political, economic, intellectual, and religious, were regarded as departments of government, under the control of an autocratic ruler.
These beliefs were part of the Greek tradition, and were based ultimately on Greek inability to distinguish between state and society.
Since society includes all human activities, the Greeks had assumed that the state must include all human activities. In the days of Classical Greece this all-inclusive entity was called the polis, a term which meant both society and state; in the later Roman period this all-inclusive entity was called the imperium.
The only difference was that the polis was sometimes (as in Pericles's Athens about 450 B.C.) democratic, while the imperium was always a military autocracy. Both were totalitarian, so that religion and economic life were regarded as spheres of governmental activity.
This totalitarian autocratic tradition was carried on to the Byzantine Empire and passed from it to the Russian state in the north and to the later Ottoman Empire in the south. In the north this Byzantine tradition combined with the experience of the Northmen to intensify the two-class structure of Slav society. In the new Slav (or Orthodox) Civilization this fusion, fitting together the Byzantine tradition and the Viking tradition, created Russia.
From Byzantium came autocracy and the idea of the state as an absolute power and as a totalitarian power, as well as such important applications of these principles as the idea that the state should control thought and religion, that the Church should be a branch of the government, that law is an enactment of the state, and that the ruler is semi-divine.
From the Vikings came the idea that the state is a foreign importation, based on militarism and supported by booty and tribute, that economic innovations are the function of the government, that power rather than law is the basis of social life, and that society, with its people and its property, is the private property of a foreign ruler.
These concepts of the Russian system must be emphasized because they are so foreign to our own traditions. In the West, the Roman Empire (which continued in the East as the Byzantine Empire) disappeared in 476 and, although many efforts were made to revive it, there was clearly a period, about 500AD , when there was no empire, no state, and no public authority in the West.
The state disappeared, yet society continued. So also, religious and economic life continued. This clearly showed that the state and society were not the same thing, that society was the basic entity, and that the state was a crowning, but not essential, cap to the social structure. This experience had revolutionary effects.
It was discovered that man can live without a state; this became the basis of Western liberalism. It was discovered that the state, if it exists, must serve men and that it is incorrect to believe that the purpose of men is to serve the state.
It was discovered that economic life, religious life, law, and private property can all exist and function effectively without a state. From this emerged laissez-faire, separation of Church and State, rule of law, and the sanctity of private property.
In Rome, in Byzantium, and in Russia, law was regarded as an enactment of a supreme power. In the West, when no supreme power existed, it was discovered that law still existed as the body of rules which govern social life.
Thus law was found by observation in the West, not enacted by autocracy as in the East.
This meant that authority was established by law and under the law in the West, while authority was established by power and above the law in the East.
The West felt that the rules of economic life were found and not enacted; that individuals had rights independent of, and even opposed to, public authority; that groups could exist, as the Church existed, by right and not by privilege, and without the need to have any charter of incorporation entitling them to exist as a group or act as a group; that groups or individuals could own property as a right and not as a privilege and that such property could not be taken by force but must be taken by established process of law.
It was emphasized in the West that the way a thing was done was more important than what was done, while in the East what was done was far more significant than the way in which it was done.
Originally posted by S.gal83:They are unique cos' most singaporeans voted for them anyway in the election, despite the number of flaws they may have.
No, actually it's due to the fact, that there are no credible opposition.
They are unique cos' most singaporeans voted for them anyway in the election, despite the number of flaws they may have.
No, actually it's due to the fact, that they oppressed the opposition and the people, leaving themselves, the PAP as the only choice.
Enche' Chia Thye Poh: Sir, when the Prime Minister talks of
defending our country, we find it hollow. This Government has betrayed
all the vital interests of the people to the British. It has no right
to talk of defending the nation. This Government is oppressing the
people; more than 200 political leaders and trade unionists are in the
jails of Singapore. Our Secretary- General, Mr Lim Chin Siong, is in
Changi and political dwarfs like Mr Lee Kuan Yew can strut around and
talk big only when giants like Mr Lim Chin Siong are kept out of the
political arena (interruption).
so no one can tell me what is "totalitharian" without cutting and pasting a wall of text?
totalitarian autocracy, under which all aspects of life, including political, economic, intellectual, and religious, were regarded as departments of government, under the control of an autocratic ruler.
I paste the wall of text here becuase I know that your knowledge of politics, political theory is weak, not strong, comrade.
So I am trying to raise your level from low level to high level.
You are my comrade that is why I bother.
You not my comrade, I won't even be bothered to go and find a text and go and paste it here.
Originally posted by Ah Chia:totalitarian autocracy, under which all aspects of life, including political, economic, intellectual, and religious, were regarded as departments of government, under the control of an autocratic ruler.
that is better.
notice that the people around here don't post their text in bold or underline? that will be nice too.
thanks anyway.
wat unique abt the gahmen is only the high pay and nothing more
n still dun understand why the high paycheck for a bunch of not-fit-to-be minister that utter rubbish
n still dun understand why the high paycheck for a bunch of not-fit-to-be minister that utter rubbish
Not enough opposition in parliament to counter their filthy policies.
Get cocky and arrogant, increase own pay to millions, Temasek, GIC lose billions, no one held accountable.
That anglo dog's GIC lose billions of money yet he still shameless enough to appear on TV talk cock about future of Singapore.
Dog is dog.
Originally posted by Ah Chia:Dog is dog.
of course dog is dog lah, who dunno, cat is cat mah? only man sometime not man, sometime hor, man is monster.
Originally posted by Worldlybusinessman:it has elements of totalitharian, nazism, communism and democracy. Pretty hard to judge
yr post seem like copy from me somewhere...anyway, which govt is not unique by it own, even each family run uniquely but it own.
Whatever the changes done, the ingredient is still the same. Sing ga pore lang is Sing ga pore lang, singlish is singlish, u want to be english...look at yr skin color lah.
I like to just say:
1. Its the PEOPLE who accepts the system and leaders. Who got chance to choose their leaders? And they chosen. Its really the people who is unique. The make it unique.
2. There is no need to blame the ft. they come here because they are able to utilize the opportunity to come here and apply for job or start a sole proprietary, llc or pte ltd. They may not have it as easy if they were to go to USA, Australia, Japan, Europe, S Korea, for example. Their dependents come here because there is an avenue for them do so. If I were FT, I would do the same because sg policies welcome FTs.
There is one thing i don't understand :
1. Why , given that majority did not get to vote, for many elections already, these people happily accept this situation? whatever the reasons, the fact remains, they appear not to have done anything about it.
Again, its the People - the ones who can Change and they, generally, have not asked for the chance to vote. This is what i feel is the most unique in this world and some say the Universe including parallel ones. ;)
Originally posted by likedatosocan:I like to just say:
1. Its the PEOPLE who accepts the system and leaders. Who got chance to choose their leaders? And they chosen. Its really the people who is unique. The make it unique.
2. There is no need to blame the ft. they come here because they are able to utilize the opportunity to come here and apply for job or start a sole proprietary, llc or pte ltd. They may not have it as easy if they were to go to USA, Australia, Japan, Europe, S Korea, for example. Their dependents come here because there is an avenue for them do so. If I were FT, I would do the same because sg policies welcome FTs.
There is one thing i don't understand :
1. Why , given that majority did not get to vote, for many elections already, these people happily accept this situation? whatever the reasons, the fact remains, they appear not to have done anything about it.
Again, its the People - the ones who can Change and they, generally, have not asked for the chance to vote. This is what i feel is the most unique in this world and some say the Universe including parallel ones. ;)
why u so deng kui - just say manipulated to stay in power
Pay keeps going up regardless of performance.
Originally posted by Ah Chia:totalitarian autocracy, under which all aspects of life, including political, economic, intellectual, and religious, were regarded as departments of government, under the control of an autocratic ruler.
I paste the wall of text here becuase I know that your knowledge of politics, political theory is weak, not strong, comrade.
So I am trying to raise your level from low level to high level.
You are my comrade that is why I bother.
You not my comrade, I won't even be bothered to go and find a text and go and paste it here.
I see you have stupidly edited your post instead of positng a new one, and expecting people to read your edited post.
i see you call me a comrade for no reason again, so i will call you a faggot for every other post from now on.
if i don't know something i will ask. i don't assume somthing like "singapore ban dialect in state media" and spread it around. Such an easy to ask, but you choose to assume instead of asking. you have proven yourself to be a faggot that assumes, and your source is unreliable faggot!
Originally posted by charlize:Pay keeps going up regardless of performance.
Signed, Chopped and Approved by themselves, what you expect.?
Originally posted by skythewood:I see you have stupidly edited your post instead of positng a new one, and expecting people to read your edited post.
i see you call me a comrade for no reason again, so i will call you a faggot for every other post from now on.
if i don't know something i will ask. i don't assume somthing like "singapore ban dialect in state media" and spread it around. Such an easy to ask, but you choose to assume instead of asking. you have proven yourself to be a faggot that assumes, and your source is unreliable faggot!
Calling him a faggot is an abuse to faggots everywhere on earth.
and your source is unreliable faggot!
Which source?
Come to think of it, why can't Singapore be unique?
The Thai government is unique.
The Japanese government is unique.
The Philippines government is unique.
The Malaysian government is unique.
The Indonesian government is unique.
The Nepalese government is unique.
The Taiwanese government is unique.
The Iranian government is unique.
There are many more government that are unique in a way that only they can be. Singapore is only one of the uniques.
We should be careful that in our wish to change something bad, we change it for some thing worse.
I will always settle for the best of the worse. Like choosing the best brand among all the lousy brands.