16 March, 2009, 19:21
The world financial crisis is not just about money though it started on Wall Street, says Tiberio Graziani, editor of Eurasia magazine on geopolitical studies and author of many books on geopolitics.
Tiberio Graziani joined RT live from Rome.
RT: Governments worldwide are adopting protectionist measures. It affects all levels of society. In Italy we are seeing more support towards right wing anti-immigration policies. How can Italy and how can we all outlive the world financial crisis?
Tiberio Graziani: First of all, we should reflect on the motives of this financial crunch, which also affected production at an industrial level, first, in the United States and then in the entire Western system, constituted by a famous triumvirate: the US, Western Europe and Japan. This crisis has affected the whole world market. As for Italy, the effects have begun to show slightly later and, in my view, will become more pronounced during 2009 and in 2010.
Because the Italian economy is mainly based on small and medium enterprises, there’s no high concentration of industry, and therefore Italy tends to have more flexibility necessary to face and contain the crisis. Anyway, the crisis will be very deep.
We’ll be able to overcome a financial crisis if we operate in a continental geo-economic context. It means that we should look for recipes in which the economies of the emergent countries such as Russia, China and India are going to have their part. The crisis cannot be resolved only through national recipes or recipes created in Brussels by the European Union only.
RT: Lets talk about the recent gas crisis, Italy has been affected perhaps not as much as the Balkans and Eastern Europe, but still, it was among those taken hostage by it. The truth has been concealed. What is the real origin of the dispute?
T.G.: The origin of the gas dispute between Kiev and Moscow is actually a reflection of NATO enlargement in Eastern Europe as well as EU expansion into Eastern European countries. These two coinciding enlargements were seen in Moscow as a kind of aggression in its close neighbourhood.
This kind of enlargement began in 1989 after the fall of the Berlin Wall. From that moment the United States had decided to manage the whole planet. They chose Western Europe as a starting point to move in the direction of Russia and Central Asia, as it’s known that Central Asia has huge resources of gas and oil.
The US started to influence Warsaw block countries and some former Soviet states, such as Ukraine.
From 1990 Ukraine began to separate its geopolitical future from its natural location, or from Moscow. If we analyze the so-called ‘Orange Revolution’, we’ll realize that behind these achievements of the so-called civil society of Ukraine were interests coming from across the Atlantic, from Washington. We mustn’t also forget about the influence of so called philanthropists such as George Soros not just in the destabilization of Ukraine, but also in the former Yugoslavian republics.
When Ukraine abandoned or tried to abandon its natural geo-political context, that of a privileged partner of Moscow, it’s evident that when it came to gas, Moscow tried to set market prices for it as Ukraine was no longer a privileged client but a customer like any other. Obviously gas prices went up affecting Europe because Ukraine's leaders lack sovereignty and are driven by other Western interests. Instead of looking for an economic agreement, as is usually done between sovereign countries, Ukraine aggravated the situation by siphoning off gas designated for European nations.
This true reason was neglected by the Eastern European press, including the Italian press. In the gas dispute, the majority of Italian journalists focused their attention not on its real causes, but on the deionization of the Russian government, saying that it had used geo-policy as a weapon in the gas issue, but President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin were only applying market prices to normal economic transactions concerning gas.
RT: Ukraine is on the verge of default. Russia cannot possibly count on Ukraine paying market prices next year.
T.G.: I believe it’s possible to find an economic agreement. Moscow and Kiev can also negotiate possible discounts. I’d like to stress again that it’s not only a problem of economic transaction, export and import. It’s a geopolitical issue. It’s evident, if Ukraine chooses to set up a Western camp with Washington’s leadership, that’ll affect not only gas, but also other economic issues as well. Hence, I believe, it’ll be possible to find an economic solution, but resistance comes from Kiev, because it depends on Washington’s interests.
RT: While we’re focusing on Washington let's talk about US military bases on Italian soil, what is public opinion here?
T.G.: Most people are aware of the presence of military bases but they aren’t politically conscious. Thus, in the case of the enlargement of a military base in Vicenza, in the north of the country, the main argument was environmental. And the main motive was hidden as, in reality; this enlargement serves the US armed forces, as they’d have the opportunity of contacting a nearby military base, located in Serbia, which also depends on Washington. In future it’ll be possible to operate in border countries and in the Middle East, such states as Syria and Iran and to some extent Russia. The Yugoslavian nation, Serbia in this case, wasn’t chosen by chance, but because it has some cultural and ethnic similarities to Moscow.
RT: The gas crisis has strained Russia-EU relations, many EU states are already looking for alternative suppliers. Does Russia need to worry?
T.G.: No, I don’t think Russia should worry about it. I think every country should look for the best opportunities in the market concerning energy supplies and be self-sufficient. In a wider geo-political context of Eurasia I believe relations between Russia and Europe, between Russia and Italy should be based also on economic interests: exchanging new high technology, military technology, energy resources and, obviously, cultural relations.
I believe cultural relations between the European Union and Italy and, naturally, the Russian Federation should be strengthened.
After WWII, more than sixty years ago, these relations declined because they were undermined by the intellectual class of Europe which supported the Westernization or Americanization of European culture. If we compare European and Italian literature of recent years with the 1930s we’ll notice that many Italian writers use more incorrect language with many borrowed English words. It is a result of cultural colonization which Washington has been carrying out since WWII until today. It’s interesting to note that this tendency is also present in the countries of the former Soviet block.
RT: What is the general line of Italy towards Russia? Can Russians count on Italy to play a part in improving Russia-EU relations?
T.G.: Sure, naturally Italy along with other countries of the European Union is a potential partner of Russia. But to be a real, not just potential, partner Italy should have more liberty and total political sovereignty, which it doesn’t have at present.
I’d like to reiterate that in Italy there are more than 100 military sites depending on the US, which are part of the project of American influence and occupation of the entire European peninsula. Under such conditions there are certain limits for Italy and other countries to express their own interests in their politics and their economy. But it should also be acknowledged that in recent years the economic policy of President Putin before President Medvedev today has laid the ground for Italy to become a true partner of Moscow not only economically but also in politics and, in my view, in a military field as well. Italy is located in the Mediterranean area, and occupies an important strategic position. Besides, Italy’s central position is also vital at a geopolitical level. And it would be correct if it uses it for Eurasian integration.
I believe relations between Italy and Russia are improving, as Italian entrepreneurs are moving in the right direction, because they overcome limitations established by a political power which comes directly from Washington and London.
RT: You’re very critical of Washington, you portray the US almost as an imperial nation almost, but we hardly live in a unilateral world anymore.
T.G.: I’m very critical of Washington because it has included Europe in its own geopolitical space and looks on Europe only as a bridge-head to attack the whole Eurasian ground. It makes me critical, but, of course, the significance of the US should always be taken into account. And the US should also realize that its era as a superpower is over. At present, in the 21st century, on a geo-political level we have a multipolar system with Russia, China, India, the United States and some states in South America, which are also creating their own geo-political entity, I refer to Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Venezuela, and, obviously, Bolivia too. In particular, major liberties which these South-American countries enjoy can allow the European Union to leave the Western camp ruled by the US and Great Britain.
RT: You travel all over Europe’s hotspots and breakaway regions. You were monitoring the election in Transdniester. There is an island off the coast of Sardinia in Italy that’s just declared independence, they say inspired by Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Is there one universal formula on how to deal with separatism?
T.G.: These issues are absolutely different. In Sardinia there is a political movement of separatism, but this is a movement which a few years ago to those people who are in the government of Italy now. As for Transdniester, it’s necessary to view its situation from the geo-strategic point of view. The countries of Moldavia and Romania feel the weight of the United States and NATO. Transdniester is one of the so called frozen conflicts. I think Transdniester’s independence would be interesting, because in this case it’ll become an area the United States won’t be able to enter. It’ll be a territory of liberty from the Eurasian point of view, because Transdniester will have its sovereignty. I don’t analyze this republic judging it by its actual government. I only analyze its geo-strategic and geo-political situation. Thus, Transdniester is a republic, and it means that on its small territory there are no NATO bases.
Ah Chia, can you start to read strait times, it seem like you are alway reading those funny journals and therefore, are not straight.
But straits times is state propaganda.
Originally posted by Ah Chia:But straits times is state propaganda.
at times only, you can also read Time magazine mah, tho straight times maybe state propaganda, but so far it served the nation well thru the years of booming, if you read the wrong hypothesis base on individual works, you hv to becareful, do not sway but their words, of course you can read, but most important is your ability to judge and interpret yourself...there are many authors, writers, journalist, bloggers etc etc out there trying to sell your soul, especially a lost soul like you.
Time magazine is mostly pro-USA propaganda. I have no interest in pro-USA propaganda.
Could Ah Chia be related to Poh Ah Pak?
The similaries are startling.
zzzz... everything also propaganda propaganda... anti-USA propaganda also propaganda...
Originally posted by skythewood:zzzz... everything also propaganda propaganda... anti-USA propaganda also propaganda...
It's fast becoming the slogan for humanity's latest iteration of stupid.
It will replace "God will protect the faithful" or "Jihad" soon enough
Liquid war: Welcome to Pipelineistan
By Pepe Escobar
What happens on the immense battlefield for the control of Eurasia will provide
the ultimate plot line in the tumultuous rush towards a new, polycentric world
order, also known as the New Great Game.
Our good ol' friend the nonsensical "global war on terror", which the Pentagon
has slyly rebranded "the Long War", sports a far more important, if
half-hidden, twin - a global energy war. I like to think of it as the Liquid
War, because its bloodstream is the pipelines that crisscross the potential
imperial battlefields of the planet. Put another way, if its crucial embattled
frontier these days is the Caspian Basin, the whole of Eurasia is its
chessboard. Think of it, geographically, as Pipelineistan.
All geopolitical junkies need a fix. Since the second half of the 1990s, I've been hooked on pipelines. I've crossed the Caspian in an Azeri cargo ship just to follow the $4 billion Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan pipeline, better known in this chess game by its acronym, BTC, through the Caucasus. (Oh, by the way, the map of Pipelineistan is chicken-scratched with acronyms, so get used to them!)
I've also trekked various of the overlapping modern Silk Roads, or perhaps Silk Pipelines, of possible future energy flows from Shanghai to Istanbul, annotating my own do-it-yourself routes for LNG (liquefied natural gas).
I used to avidly follow the adventures of that once-but-not-future Sun-King of Central Asia, the now deceased Turkmenbashi or "leader of the Turkmen", Saparmurat Niyazov, head of the immensely gas-rich Republic of Turkmenistan, as if he were a Conradian hero.
In Almaty, the former capital of Kazakhstan (before it was moved to Astana, in the middle of the middle of nowhere) the locals were puzzled when I expressed an overwhelming urge to drive to that country's oil boomtown Aktau. ("Why? There's nothing there.")
Entering the Space Odyssey-style map room at the Russian energy giant Gazprom's headquarters in Moscow - which digitally details every single pipeline in Eurasia - or the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC)'s corporate HQ in Tehran, with its neat rows of female experts in full chador, was my equivalent of entering Aladdin's cave. And never reading the words "Afghanistan" and "oil" in the same sentence is still a source of endless amusement for me.
Last year, oil cost a king's ransom. This year, it's relatively cheap. But don't be fooled. Price isn't the point here. Like it or not, energy is still what everyone who's anyone wants to get their hands on. So consider this dispatch just the first installment in a long, long tale of some of the moves that have been, or will be, made in the maddeningly complex New Great Game, which goes on unceasingly, no matter what else muscles into the headlines this week.
Forget the mainstream media's obsession with al-Qaeda, Osama "dead or alive" bin Laden, the Taliban - neo, light or classic - or that "war on terror", whatever name it goes by. These are diversions compared to the high-stakes, hardcore geopolitical game that follows what flows along the pipelines of the planet.
Who said Pipelineistan couldn't be fun?
Calling Dr Zbig In his 1997 magnum opus The Grand Chessboard, Zbigniew Brzezinski - realpolitik practitioner extraordinaire and former national security advisor to Jimmy Carter, the president who launched the US on its modern energy wars - laid out in some detail just how to hang on to American "global primacy". Later, his master plan would be duly copied by that lethal bunch of Dr No's congregated at Bill Kristol's Project for a New American Century (PNAC, in case you'd forgotten the acronym since its website and its followers went down).
For Dr Zbig, who, like me, gets his fix from Eurasia - from, that is, thinking big - it all boils down to fostering the emergence of just the right set of "strategically compatible partners" for Washington in places where energy flows are strongest. This, as he so politely put it back then, should be done to shape "a more cooperative trans-Eurasian security system".
By now, Dr Zbig - among whose fans is evidently President Barack Obama - must have noticed that the Eurasian train which was to deliver the energy goods has been slightly derailed. The Asian part of Eurasia, it seems, begs to differ.
Global financial crisis or not, oil and natural gas are the long-term keys to an inexorable transfer of economic power from the West to Asia. Those who control Pipelineistan - and despite all the dreaming and planning that's gone on there, it's unlikely to be Washington - will have the upper hand in whatever is to come, and there's not a terrorist in the world, or even a "long war", that can change that.
Energy expert Michael Klare has been instrumental in identifying the key vectors in the wild, ongoing global scramble for power over Pipelineistan. These range from the increasing scarcity (and difficulty of reaching) primary energy supplies to "the painfully slow development of energy alternatives". Though you may not have noticed, the first skirmishes in Pipelineistan's Liquid War are already on, and even in the worst of economic times, the risk mounts constantly, given the relentless competition between the West and Asia, be it in the Middle East, in the Caspian theater, or in African oil-rich states like Angola, Nigeria and Sudan.
In these early skirmishes of the 21st century, China reacted swiftly indeed. Even before the attacks of September 11, 2001, its leaders were formulating a response to what they saw as the reptilian encroachment of the West on the oil and gas lands of Central Asia, especially in the Caspian Sea region. To be specific, in June 2001, its leaders joined with Russia's to form the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. It's known as the SCO and that's an acronym you should memorize. It's going to be around for a while.
Back then, the SCO's junior members were, tellingly enough, the Stans, the energy-rich former SSRs of the Soviet Union - Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan - which the Bill Clinton administration and then the new George W Bush administration, run by those former energy men, had been eyeing covetously. The organization was to be a multi-layered economic and military regional cooperation society that, as both the Chinese and the Russians saw it, would function as a kind of security blanket around the upper rim of Afghanistan.
Iran is, of course, a crucial energy node of West Asia and that country's leaders, too, would prove no slouches when it came to the New Great Game. It needs at least $200 billion in foreign investment to truly modernize its fabulous oil and gas reserves - and thus sell much more to the West than US-imposed sanctions now allow.
No wonder Iran soon became a target in Washington. No wonder an air assault on that country remains the ultimate wet dream of assorted Likudniks as well as former vice president Dick ("Angler") Cheney and his neo-conservative chamberlains and comrades-in-arms. As seen by the elite from Tehran and Delhi to Beijing and Moscow, such a US attack, now likely off the radar screen until at least 2012, would be a war not only against Russia and China, but against the whole project of Asian integration that the SCO is coming to represent.
Global BRIC-a-brac
Meanwhile, as the Obama administration tries to sort out its Iranian, Afghan, and Central Asian policies, Beijing continues to dream of a secure, fast-flowing, energy version of the old Silk Road, extending from the Caspian Basin (the energy-rich Stans plus Iran and Russia) to Xinjiang province, its Far West.
The SCO has expanded its aims and scope since 2001. Today, Iran, India
, and Pakistan enjoy "observer status" in an organization that increasingly aims to control and protect not just regional energy supplies, but Pipelineistan in every direction. This is, of course, the role the Washington ruling elite would like the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to play across Eurasia. Given that Russia and China expect the SCO to play a similar role across Asia, clashes of various sorts are inevitable.
Ask any relevant expert at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing and he will tell you that the SCO should be understood as a historically unique alliance of five non-Western civilizations - Russian, Chinese, Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist - and, because of that, capable of evolving into the basis for a collective security system in Eurasia. That's a thought sure to discomfort classic inside-the-Beltway global strategists like Dr Zbig and president George H W Bush's national security advisor Brent Scowcroft.
According to the view from Beijing, the rising world order of the 21st century will be significantly determined by a quadrangle of BRIC countries - for those of you by now collecting New Great Game acronyms, that stands for Brazil, Russia, India and China - plus the future Islamic triangle of Iran, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Add in a unified South America, no longer in thrall to Washington, and you have a global SCO-plus. On the drawing boards, at least, it's a high-octane dream.
The key to any of this is a continuing Sino-Russian entente cordiale.
Already in 1999, watching NATO and the United States aggressively expand into the distant Balkans, Beijing identified this new game for what it was: a developing energy war. And at stake were the oil and natural gas reserves of what Americans would soon be calling the "arc of instability," a vast span of lands extending from North Africa to the Chinese border.
No less important would be the routes pipelines would take in bringing the energy buried in those lands to the West. Where they would be built, the countries they would cross, would determine much in the world to come. And this was where the empire of US military bases
(think, for instance, Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo) met Pipelineistan (represented,
way back in 1999, by the AMBO pipeline).
AMBO, short for Albanian Macedonian Bulgarian Oil Corporation, an entity
registered in the US, is building a $1.1 billion pipeline, aka "the
Trans-Balkan", slated to be finished by 2011. It will bring Caspian oil to the
West without taking it through either Russia or Iran. As a pipeline, AMBO fit
well into a geopolitical strategy of creating a US-controlled energy-security
grid that was first developed by president Bill Clinton's energy secretary Bill Richardson and later by Cheney.
Behind the idea of that "grid" lay a go-for-broke militarization of an energy corridor that would stretch from the Caspian Sea in Central Asia through a series of now independent former SSRs of the Soviet Union to Turkey, and from there into the Balkans (from thence onto Europe). It was meant to sabotage the larger energy plans of both Russia and Iran. AMBO itself would bring oil from the Caspian basin to a terminal in the former SSR of Georgia in the Caucasus, and then transport it by tanker through the Black Sea to the Bulgarian port of Burgas, where another pipeline would connect to Macedonia and then to the Albanian port of Vlora.
As for Camp Bondsteel, it was the "enduring" military base that Washington gained from the wars for the remains of Yugoslavia. It would be the largest overseas base the US had built since the Vietnam War. Halliburton's subsidiary Kellogg Brown & Root would, with the Army Corps of Engineers, put it up on 400 hectares of farmland near the Macedonian border in southern Kosovo.
Think of it as a user-friendly, five-star version of Guantanamo with perks for those stationed there that included Thai massage and loads of junk food. Bondsteel is the Balkan equivalent of a giant immobile aircraft carrier, capable of exercising surveillance not only over the Balkans but also over Turkey and the Black Sea region (considered in the neo-con-speak of the Bush years "the new interface" between the "Euro-Atlantic community" and the "Greater Middle East").
How could Russia, China, and Iran not interpret the war in Kosovo, then the invasion of Afghanistan (where Washington had previously tried to pair with the Taliban and encourage the building of another of those avoid-Iran, avoid-Russia pipelines), followed by the invasion of Iraq (that country of vast oil reserves), and finally the recent clash in Georgia (that crucial energy transportation junction) as straightforward wars for Pipelineistan?
Though seldom imagined this way in our mainstream media, the Russian and Chinese leaderships saw a stark "continuity" of policy stretching from Bill Clinton's humanitarian imperialism to Bush's "global war on terror". Blowback, as then Russian President Vladimir Putin himself warned publicly, was inevitable - but that's another magic-carpet story, another cave to enter another time.
Rainy night in Georgia
If you want to understand Washington's version of Pipelineistan, you have to start with Mafia-ridden Georgia. Though its army was crushed in its recent war with Russia, Georgia remains crucial to Washington's energy policy in what, by now, has become a genuine arc of instability - in part because of a continuing obsession with cutting Iran out of the energy flow.
It was around the Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline, as I pointed out in my book Globalistan in 2007, that American policy congealed. Zbig Brzezinski himself flew into Baku in 1995 as an "energy consultant", less than four years after Azerbaijan became independent, and sold the idea to the Azerbaijani elite. The BTC was to run from the Sangachal Terminal, half-an-hour south of Baku, across neighboring Georgia to the Marine Terminal in the Turkish port of Ceyhan on the Mediterranean.
Now operational, that 1,767-kilometer-long, 44-meter-wide steel serpent straddles no less than six war zones, ongoing or potential: Nagorno-Karabakh (an Armenian enclave in Azerbaijan), Chechnya and Dagestan (both embattled regions of Russia), South Ossetia and Abkhazia (on which the 2008 Russia-Georgia war pivoted), and Turkish Kurdistan.
From a purely economic point of view, the BTC made no sense. A "BTK" pipeline, running from Baku through Tehran to Iran's Kharg Island, could have been built for, relatively speaking, next to nothing - and it would have had the added advantage of bypassing both mafia-corroded Georgia and wobbly Kurdish-populated Eastern Anatolia. That would have been the really cheap way to bring Caspian oil and gas to Europe.
The New Great Game ensured that that was not to be, and much followed from that decision. Even though Moscow never planned to occupy Georgia long-term in its 2008 war, or take over the BTC pipeline that now runs through its territory, Alfa Bank oil and gas analyst Konstantin Batunin pointed out the obvious: by briefly cutting off the BTC oil flow, Russian troops made it all too clear to global investors that Georgia wasn't a reliable energy transit country. In other words, the Russians made a mockery of Zbig's world.
For its part, Azerbaijan was, until recently, the real success story in the US version of Pipelineistan. Advised by Zbig, Bill Clinton literally "stole" Baku from Russia's "near abroad" by promoting the BTC and the wealth that would flow from it. Now, however, with the message of the Russia-Georgia War sinking in, Baku is again allowing itself to be seduced by Russia. To top it off, Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev can't stand Georgia's brash President Mikhail Saakashvili. That's hardly surprising. After all, Saakashvili's rash military moves caused Azerbaijan to lose at least $500 million when the BTC was shut down during the war.
Russia's energy seduction blitzkrieg is focused like a laser on Central Asia as well. (We'll talk about it more in the next Pipelineistan installment.) It revolves around offering to buy Kazakh, Uzbek, and Turkmen gas at European prices instead of previous, much lower Russian prices. The Russians, in fact, have offered the same deal to the Azeris: so now, Baku is negotiating a deal involving more capacity for the Baku-Novorossiysk pipeline, which makes its way to the Russian borders of the Black Sea, while considering pumping less oil for the BTC.
Obama needs to understand the dire implications of this. Less Azeri oil on the BTC - its full capacity is 1 million barrels a day, mostly shipped to Europe - means the pipeline may go broke, which is exactly what Russia wants.
In Central Asia, some of the biggest stakes revolve around the monster Kashagan oil field in "snow leopard" Kazakhstan, the absolute jewel in the Caspian crown with reserves of as many as 9 billion barrels. As usual in Pipelineistan, it all comes down to which routes will deliver Kashagan's oil to the world after production starts in 2013. This spells, of course, Liquid War. Wily Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev would like to use the Russian-controlled Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) to pump Kashagan crude to the Black Sea.
In this case, the Kazakhs hold all the cards. How oil will flow from Kashagan will decide whether the BTC - once hyped by Washington as the ultimate Western escape route from dependence on Persian Gulf oil - lives or dies.
Welcome, then, to Pipelineistan! Whether we like it or not, in good times and bad, it's a reasonable bet that we're all going to be Pipeline tourists. So, go with the flow. Learn the crucial acronyms, keep an eye out for what happens to all those US bases across the oil heartlands of the planet, watch where the pipelines are being built, and do your best to keep tabs on the next set of monster Chinese energy deals and fabulous coups by Russia's Gazprom.
And, while you're at it, consider this just the first postcard sent off from our tour of Pipelineistan. We'll be back (to slightly adapt a quote from Terminator). Think of this as a door opening onto a future in which what flows where and to whom may turn out to be the most important question on the planet.
Pepe Escobar is the roving correspondent for Asia Times Online and an analyst for the Real News. This article draws from his new book, Obama does Globalistan. He is also the author of Globalistan: How the Globalized World is Dissolving into Liquid War (Nimble Books, 2007) and Red Zone Blues: a snapshot of Baghdad during the surge. Pepe may be reached at pepeasia@yahoo.com.
Is this some kind of conspiracy theory? Some MJ-12, Rockefeller or Council Of Foreign Relations grand scheme for pushing the New World Order agenda and enslaving the human race to the aliens?
Originally posted by lotus999:don’t just cut and paste like lionnoisy tell us what are your views.
This is like a more sophisticated (but equally annoying) version of lionnoisy.
To heck with the walls of text. What on earth is this discussion thread all about?
Some MJ-12, Rockefeller or Council Of Foreign Relations grand scheme for pushing the New World Order agenda and enslaving the human race to the aliens?
Hell no. That is pure bullshit. But some morons like to propagate it on the web. Really hate them for spreading disinfo and confuse gullible people.
The secrets of Obama's surge
By Pepe Escobar
Is United States President Barack Obama telling it like it is as far as his new
strategy for the Afghanistan and Pakistan war theater - AfPak, in Pentagonspeak
- is concerned? There are reasons to believe otherwise.
Obama's relentless media blitzkrieg stressed the new strategy is refocusing on
al-Qaeda. Washington, we got a problem. Why deploy 17,000 troops against "the
Taliban" in the poppy-growing province of Helmand, not in the east near the
Pakistani tribal areas, where "al-Qaeda" is holed up, plus 4,000 advisers to
train the Afghan Army, when Washington actually wants to fight no
more than 200 or 300 al-Qaeda jihadis roaming in Afghanistan, plus another 400
maximum in the Pakistani tribal areas? And by the way they are not Afghans -
they are overwhelmingly Arabs, with a few Uzbeks, Chechens and Uyghurs thrown
President Hamid Karzai, the puppet in Kabul which has left Washington beyond
exasperated, loved Obama's plan to "disrupt, dismantle and defeat" al-Qaeda and
the Taliban. Especially because it involves the improbable "hunt for the good
Taliban" (always bribable by loads of US dollars) mixed with Special Ops inside
Pakistan, and not Afghanistan.
Former Pakistani premier Benazir Bhutto's widower, President Asif Ali Zardari,
the puppet in Islamabad, loved it too. But as the Pakistani daily Dawn
revealed, his Foreign Office diplomats definitely did not.
The Afghanistan-Pakistan war has got to be 2009's prime theater of the absurd.
It took the New York Times and the usual "American officials" something like 13
years to "discover" that the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) - a
Central Intelligence Agency twin - helps the Taliban. And this while the CIA,
alongside their ISI pals, is compiling a mega hit list in the Pashtun tribal
areas inside Pakistan. Maybe this is what US Central Command supremo General
David "I'm always positioning myself for 2012" Petraeus means by a "trilateral"
love affair, as he told CNN's State of the Union.
The Pentagon's preferred pal is doubtless Pakistani Army Chief General Ashfaq
Kayani, who happens to approve of what's not in Obama's presentation of the
surge: the relentless drone war - with inevitable "collateral damage" - over
what is for a fact Pashtunistan. As for the Pakistani masses, which have no say
in all of this, they see the whole thing as a charade, and al-Qaeda as a threat
to the US - not to Pakistan.
Obama is selling the surge basically as nation building, based on trust. A hard
sell if there ever was one - as Washington cannot trust the ISI or the
Pakistani government, while the Pakistani masses don't trust Washington.
Insistent rumors in Washington point to a troika - Holbrooke-Petraeus-Clinton -
finally being able to convince Obama that the surge should be just the first
step towards long-range nation building. Anyone with minimal familiarity with
Afghanistan knows this is an impossible strategic target.
The Salvador option
And then Richard Holbrooke, Obama's special envoy to AfPak, finally let it slip
on CNN: the "people we are fighting in Afghanistan" are essentially ...
Pashtuns. This was followed by a stark admission: "In the informational side
... we don't have a strong enough counter-informational program to combat the
Taliban and al-Qaeda."
So this amounts to the State Department admitting that the Pentagon/Petraeus
"humint" (human intelligence) component of counter-insurgency in AfPak, hailed
as a gift from the Messiah all across US corporate media, is essentially
useless. This also means there's no way of winning local hearts and minds.
In the absence of "humint", what prevails is inevitably The Salvador option,
performed by a Dick Cheney-supervised-style "executive assassination wing", as
investigative icon Seymour Hersh first revealed in a talk at the University of
Minnesota on March 10, "going into countries, not talking to the ambassador or
to the CIA station chief, and finding people on a list and executing them and
leaving". The "assassination wing" is in fact the Joint Special Operations
Command (JSOC) - a shadowy, ultra-elite unit including Navy Seals and Delta
Force commandos immune to Congressional investigations.
So if you have such a unit killing "al-Qaeda" jihadis at random from Iraq to
Kenya, from Somalia to countries in South and Central America (these are not
necessarily "al-Qaeda"; let’s say they are inimical to "US interests"), why not
let them loose in Afghanistan and the Pakistani tribal areas? Instead of a $5
million bounty on his head, why not send a crack JSOC commando to South
Waziristan and take out Pakistani Taliban superstar Baitullah Mehsud, who has
just boasted his outfit will "soon launch an attack on Washington that will
amaze everyone in the world?"
Well, maybe because US "humint" on South Waziristan is negligible - and even
JSOC cannot infiltrate. JSOC by now should have been more than fully equipped
to find Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri. Anyway, Vice-President Joseph
Biden, to whom the unit would have to answer to, could at least come clean and
state the "Salvador option" is not on the cards anymore. Or maybe it still is.
The Obama administration is mum about it.
A priceless, self-described "hip pocket" manual prepared by the US Army
Training and Doctrine Command - TRADOC, one more wonderful, Pentagon acronym to
memorize - and available only to "US government personnel, government
contractors and additional cleared personnel for national security purposes and
homeland defense" spells out what's (visibly) going on. On page 5, one learns
this is a US war against, yes, Pashtuns, as Holbrooke said on CNN. The
overwhelming majority of the "insurgent syndicate", they are funded by drug
smuggling and US allies in the Gulf such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the
Emirates, and are trained and assisted by, yes, the ISI, with some - in fact
marginal - al-Qaeda assistance.
Al-Qaeda is a detail here. TRADOC does not seem to understand that al-Qaeda has
a pan-Islamic agenda while the various groups bundled as "Taliban" are
essentially in a war against foreign occupation and interference, with no
dreams of establishing a Caliphate.
On page 7, TRADOC estimates the Taliban in Afghanistan to be around 30,000,
half of them Pakistani, and supported by the ISI. That's correct. But they
overestimate al-Qaeda to be 2,000; these "Arab-Afghans" plus some recently
arrived "white moors" (European Arabs) are probably no more than 700.
On page 10, TRADOC finally admits that Karzai in Kabul is supported by a myriad
of "warlord militias" profiting from crime, narco-trafficking and smuggling.
The key element here is not "terrorism" - but regional wars for control over
ultra-profitable poppy/heroin manufacturing and smuggling routes.
Then there's this stark admission, by former Taliban commander Mullah Abdul
Salam, currently governor of a town in poppy-infested Helmand province. He told
Reuters that the Taliban are not the real enemy. If Kabul was not so corrupt,
and capable of providing security to the rest of the country, most Pashtuns
would not even be Taliban. No wonder the Obama administration has stacks of
reasons to get rid of Karzai.
An opening in The Hague
Asia knows this whole thing is upside down. The crucial Shanghai Cooperation
Organization (SCO), grouping China, Russia and the Central Asian "stans", all
concerned neighbors of Afghanistan, met in Moscow last Friday to discuss it,
ahead of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) meeting in The Hague
this Tuesday privileged by the US.
This is how Asia sees it - and that's an absolutely taboo issue for Obama to
touch upon every time he faces American public opinion: Asians simply don't
want US military bases in Central Asia. No wonder Iran, which is currently an
observer, and soon to become a full member, officially said the SCO is the
right forum to solve the Afghan tragedy, not NATO. A minimum of 40% of Afghans
are either Shi'ites or they speak Dari, a Persian language.
Well, at least Holbrooke admits "the door is open" for Iran to have a say on
Afghanistan, but always with conditions attached ("plus our NATO allies"). If
Holbrooke is clever, he should immediately buy dinner for legendary mujahid
Ishmail Khan, the Lion of Herat, in Western Afghanistan. Khan, a complex mix of
feudal warlord and economic developer, told al-Jazeera English "friendship
between Iran and America" is essential to solve the Afghan riddle.
What Washington has to admit is that Iran has been deeply involved for years in
visible, post-Taliban reconstruction in Afghanistan - from roads and railroads
to restoration of mosques, financing of libraries and madrassas and the
provision of electricity. The Iranian Consulate in Herat, for instance, houses
no less than 40 diplomats. Khan - the key Iranian liaison in Herat - was so
successful in spite of Kabul that Karzai, under US pressure, stripped him off
his enormous powers as local governor and gave him an innocuous ministry in
At the UN-sponsored, US-backed international conference on Afghanistan this
Tuesday in The Hague, Mohammad Mehdi Akhundzadeh - one of Iran's deputy foreign
ministers - officially broke the ice, offering to help the rebuilding and
stabilization of Afghanistan, something that Iran is already doing anyway.
Akhunzadeh was specifically referring to projects fighting drug trafficking -
which badly affects Iranian society. But he was also very clear on how Iran
views NATO: "The presence of foreign forces has not improved things in the
country and it seems that an increase in the number of foreign forces will
prove ineffective, too."
But, significantly, he tipped his hat to Obama's decision to send those 4,000
trainers for the Afghan Army, when he stressed "Afghanization should lead the
government-building process". As for US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, she
described corruption in the Kabul government, ie Karzai and his gang, as a
"cancer" as threatening to Afghanistan as the Taliban. One more sign from
Washington that Karzai’s days may be numbered.
Follow the money
Did Obama's "strategic reviewers" read this Carnegie Endowment report
(http://carnegieendowment.org/files/afghan_war-strategy.pdf)? Apparently not.
It states flatly "the mere presence of foreign soldiers fighting a war in
Afghanistan is probably the single most important factor in the resurgence of
the Taliban".
So the question Americans must ask themselves is this: Would you buy a used car
- sorry - war from people like Mullen, Petraeus, McKiernan? Well, former CIA
analyst Ray McGovern, who's seen them all since John F Kennedy, wouldn't. For
him, "they resemble all too closely the gutless general officers who never
looked down at what was really happening in Vietnam. The Joint Chiefs of Staff
of the time have been called, not without reason, 'a sewer of deceit'."
So what if the AfPak quagmire had nothing to do with "terrorists" but with
these facts:
1. A Cold War mentality in action still prevailing at the Pentagon. That
explains a Vietnam-style surge - expanding the war to Cambodia then, expanding
it to Pakistan now. As University of Michigan's Juan Cole has pointed out, the
rationale is the same old fallacious domino theory (communism will take over
Southeast Asia, terrorism will take over Central/South Asia). The Taliban are
simply not able to take over and control the whole of Afghanistan (they didn't
from 1996 to 2001). Al-Qaeda simply can't have bases in Afghanistan: they would
be bombed to smithereens by the 80,000-strong Afghan Army plus Bagram-based US
air strikes.
2. The US Empire of Bases still in overdrive, and in New Great Game mode
- which implies very close surveillance over Russia and China via bases such as
Bagram, and the drive to block Russia from establishing a commercial route to
the Middle East via Pakistan.
3. The fear of a spectacular NATO failure. NATO Secretary General Jaap
de Hoop Scheffer, absolutely despised by progressives in Brussels and assorted
European capitals, is pressuring everyone for more troops to avoid what he
calls the "Americanization" of the war. No one is impressed - especially
because Scheffer himself was forced to admit troops will have to stay on the
ground "for the foreseeable future".
4. Last but not least, the energy wars. And that involves that occult,
almost supernatural entity, the $7.6 billion
Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) pipeline, which would carry gas
from eastern Turkmenistan through Afghanistan east of Herat and down
Taliban-controlled Nimruz and Helmand provinces, down Balochistan in Pakistan
and then to the Pakistani port of Gwadar in the Arabian Sea. No investor in his
right mind will invest in a pipeline in a war zone, thus Afghanistan must be
"stabilized" at all costs.
So is AfPak the Pentagon's AIG - we gotta bail them out, can't let them fail?
Is it a Predator drone war disguised as nation building? Will it become Obama’s
Vietnam? Whatever it is, it's not about "terrorists". Not really. Follow the
money. Follow the energy. Follow the map.
Globocop versus the TermiNATO
To mark the 60th NATO Anniversary Summit Noam Chomsky talked to Robert Harneis for RT on Kosovo, Afghanistan, as well as NATO – why it exists and its future. Professor Chomsky is a leading critic of NATO and US policy.
Q. A question asked more and more is ‘what is NATO for?’ If no one knows what it is for, why do you think it has survived 20 years after the end of the Cold War?
Professor Chomsky: Yes, that is the right question, isn’t it? You might ask why it lasted even one month after the end of the Cold War. Why did it survive? ...