Originally posted by BadzMaro:Hopefully... if they dun get forced out like its predeccesor. lol But anyways , brother in law doesnt mean that he IS the proxy right ? where is the benefit of the doubt ? where is some faith in him ? his profile hardly suggests he is like Thaksin.
We see how this will end. But i must say that its not going to end even if he is forced out by the ever growing violent protests.
One way to find out is for the PM to bring Thaksin back to stand trial for corruption and abuse of office.
The Thai people are not so stupid as to give his BIL the benefit of doubt whether he is a proxy or not, there are others that can do the job.
Only sillipore and silliporeans; nobody in this world believes that only despots are able to rule the country
I think it is wrong to say for sure tat the current gov is corrupted. Lets see the previous prime minister samak sundraravej. He win the election fair and square. He is performing his job as well as he can. Wat happened ? He is said to be corrupted simply because he hosts a cook show. Did he take a single cent from the state ? Nope. Did he caused the state to lose money ? Nope
How about Thaksin ? His wife buy a land in an auction, they pay more than the appraised price and thaksin have no control over FIDF. And tat is the only offence tat says he is corrupted after so many years scrutinising his accounts. Is tat corruption the way we see it ? He did not take a single cent from the state. He did not make the state lose a cent. He buy a land in an auction by a entity not under his control at a high price (bought for 772 million while appraised price is 700 million) and tat is corruption ?
How about the current prime minister ? He is completely clean except his brother in law is called thaksin.
So how come people can say the current gov is corrupted ? The way they r charged is so trivial, so pointless tat most people will not view it as corruption the way it is understood. It is just simply politically motivated.
If a small band of people do not want the government in power, I would agree that the government should stay.
If hundreds of thousands of ah soh and ah peks are willing to possibly lay down their lives and demonstrate peacefully, then the government should honorably step aside.
Look at Japan. They prime ministers there relinguish power willingly. They could have also clinged on and say that since they won the elections, they will just continue. Only dishonorable despots will do that.
You cannot wait until you can nail Thaksin and cronies/puppets for corruption and you have to get rid of him/puppets because he shows despotic tendencies. You have to get rid of his cronies/puppets when they show despotic tendancies. Despotism seems to be a Chinese tendency. The current Thai PM is "Wong".
Otherwise, if you do not get rid of the despots as long as it is "not bad", what you will end up with is a Marcos or like in present day Singapore, a bunch of despots working for self, party and cronies interests, rather than the interests of the country and you will see "legal corruption".
Take for example the threads I started on the economy. When I started the first thread, the country was booming! Looking back now, those that said I was "chicken little" in that/those threads, predicting what is happening today, during a time when the country was booming; the situiation is similar in Thailand now.
You do not wait until Thaksin gets absolute power and starts to close down newspapers and mass media organisation, pack the courts with his cronies, put his relatives in charge of the police and military then you do something about it. Too little, too late.
The more the Thai despots cling on to power, the more the demonstrators are right to fight on. The despots must willingly step down and step back and only then can the protesters go home.
I was in Bangkok during the years Thaksin was in power. It was apparent to me that he is another Lee Kuan Yew. It is no credit for a Singaporean to be able to spot despotic tendancies but kudos to the Thai people that they saw through his "nobel acts". They certainly received the superior education compared to Silliporeans (but that is another story)
Now emergency is declared at those 2 airports....means the police and military can storm and take over......
I think most likely they will be forced to do that anyway....coz there is no way to tolerate non-functioning airports for very long, right..?
I mean they can tolerate people sitting in government house, they can just move to another venue, but airports..?? Especially airport in capital city, it is too damaging.
I am waiting, it seems there will be a confrontation and a forced flushing of the protestors.
The chief of police was demoted because he refused to use force to oust the protesters. The army (army arm of the military) refused to use force to oust the protesters.
Without dogs willingly obey the despots, what can despots do?
Apparently the new police chief is willing to do something but will the rank and file do it? The Air-force and navy chiefs are willing to take orders from "Wong" but will the soldiers open fire and kill their own people or just put up a token display like surrounding the airport?
Somchai to step down?
The only reason why the Mekong river had not turn red with blood is because he is still in power! Thai society no matter how bitter, being asians, still have respect for the top dogs.
Some of the protestors may had been wild ones, but the majority of them from both sides are acting with very much nerve wrecking restrain.
Were Somchai to step down, the reds will never allow it. The yellows will be decimated and a bloodbath will ensue, not only in Bangkok, but in the provinces as well!
I came from a priviledged family, and my oversea holidays were mainly safe and sanitised tourist spots.
But NOTHING prepared me for the squalor and deprevation i experienced when i was sent to the land of smiles in the countryside for training excercises as an NSmen!
As a sporean, we may complain alot, but our poor still live in houses, have a roof over their heads, electricity, gas, lifts, covered walkways, etc.
But over there, their toilet were holes in the ground, taps were wells that you had to muddy your feet to collect outdoors. Electricity was the gas stove and TVs were only avaliable at the 'mama' shop - village centres which served as a 'shopping mall' - nothing more than a hut crammed with essential items.
Schools don't even have a gymnesium, let alone a proper basketball court. Simple one storey affairs, cement ground, rusty hard steel chairs and tables, not even a canteen, etc.
I dare not imagine their education syllabus. I was horrified. Yet, the simple folks were never without a smile, unlike our pampered citizens whom would have raised hell if they were to spend a day living like them.
I could go on to describe the rural folks, but you will have to live amongst them as i did to really experience what it is like to poor or as a rustic in the land of smiles.
I remember deeply one incident of their poverty.
One evening, in a heavy monsoon downpour, my fellow NSmen and I were jolted out of our sleep while travelling in a military 3 tonner truck on the way back to our basecamp after conclusion of a trainning mission, by a hard slam on the brakes from our truck.
Just inches away was a deceptive looking flowing 10 metres wide stream. The commander was not sure how deep the middle was and had to stop to access the situation.
Out of the corner of my eye, i spied a mother carrying a baby child in wrapped in her arms, thoroughly soaked in the downpour, sitting under a tree in the pouring rain.
Looking further, i saw a ruined hut, which i suspected was blown apart by the strong monsoon winds earlier.
Without hesitation, I grabbed my parang and my groundsheet, jumped out of the truck, and in the pouring pelting rain, attempted to make a tent for the mother and child.
My buddies, saw and understood what i was doing, and even though weary after trekking miles and climbing knolls to finally conclude a mission, did what i did and in no time, we completed a firm and secured shelter with even drainage.
However, the only person left on our truck was the Thai liason officer, watching us with a bored expression, determined to keep his uniform spotless and dry.
We took our clean and unworned green Tshirts from our waterproofed packs and gave to the mother to dry herself and her child.
We even took what remained of our combat rations and gave to her, along with our water bottles. By that time, our commander was hollering at us to get back onto the truck and move on, another 2 hrs journey.
But not before receiving a smile and a nod of thanks from the mother, as well as the sweet smile of a warmly coddled and innocent child sleeping contentedly under the dry shelter.
In that precious magical moment in time, we, miltary brutish beasts that we were, filled with pepped up rage only hours ago to pump our adrenalin up, to complete a trainning mission of violence and destruction, connected with that sleeping foriegn child in an unearthly warmth even the cold pouring rain could not dampen.
We are all only humans after all, the same species, rich or poor, with a heart capable of caring for others, inspite our differences, regardless of ethnicity, language or religion, in the hour of others' need.
The point of this story is not about our volunteerism, as i am sure my fellow citizens would have done the same if in a similar situation, but rather, to continue on how the poor had been long marginalized by the authorities.
I had seen the bright lights of Bangkok and had even been invited to lived in the palatial homes of the rich thais, abodes which they deem unsatisfactorily peasant and need to upgrade!
And did they ever cared about the poor? Social spending is abysmal in Thai society!
Some may say our country is small and thus social spending is easy. But do not forget we have no worthy resources to speak of. With equal measure, the bigger a country is, the more resources they would have to provide social spending for all.
Thaksin may either had been corrupt or had not been corrupt, but that can only be determined by the courts or voters, not speculations or allegations without clear evidences!
Vote buying? How much could any politician pay to get a majority. Who had that kinda money? How many would stay bought? What's the difference between paying $200 for a vote, and promising the voters 2 million jobs in 2 yrs time? Were there even conclusive evidence that Thanksin's victory in the election was by paid votes?
In a long line of Thai PMs, Thaksin was the ONLY PM who cared enough to increase social spending for the poor rural folks, and connected with them.
Which is why he is loved by the rural humble people of thailand. No one else ever represented them the way Thaksin did.
And PAD intends to get rid of such represention, not only by kicking Thaksin or any other caring representatives out illegally, but even to the extent of denying full voting rights to the rural and poor folks!
This is not a democracy PAD is advocating, but a throwback to the middle ages where tyrants and the select few elites lived, with the rest of the population kept subserviant as serfs!
An evil type of society that millions of our ancestors had shed blood and died to eradicate, and bestow upon us this generation of what we often take for granted - equality and freedom. Freedom from illiteracy, freedom from hunger, freedom from diseases, freedom from poverty, and freedom from discrimination.
Constitutions are usually allowed to be amended, in order to stay relevant with the conditions of time for society. Even our own constitutions had amemdments.
There was once when our own MM Lee had suggested giving added weightage to votes of our senior citizens, but it was something the other founding fathers would have put on sackcloths and covered their heads with shame and sacriledge should it be put into law. It was later buried.
Even recently, the opposition political party WP had sought to change our constitution to allow our young teenagers to vote.
This is something that can only be put under review and consideration, and acceptance thru the vote by responsible adult citizens.
But what we do pales in comparison to what PAD is attempting to do. They are ripping their constitution to shreds! In its place, the 'Divine Rights of King and Nobility', or a watered down version of Magna Charta?
Where the rich and generals become nobles with their alotted fiefdom, the select few in the middle class made gentries, and everyone else including those suckers who were manipulated to show numbers in the yellow protest made serfs?
I will not interfere with the politics of other country. I only seek that we pray and hope the poor and rural folks of the land of smiles be given their equality and due as citizens of their own homeland.
May the educated yellows see it in this light, help their fellow citizens and not be led into undemocratic means paid with blood by opportunist power ambitious rabble rousers.
We are all of the same species, and one race - the human race. Our station in life determined by equal opportunities and hardwork, and not by another flawed ambitous human or a small group of equally flawed elitist humans.
We must respect the blood shed by our ancestors who gave up their own precious lives to make us free.
PS: MM Lee is a great man. The Thai king is a great man too, revered by his people. Most fathers are good responsible men. Some sons grow up to be greater than their father, such as our true first amongst equals - PM Lee.
Some sons cannot even fit into the shadows of their father, let alone his shoes. How much do we know of the land of smiles' crown prince and his ambitions?
Had the kind and constitutional monarchist father, a loving and doting man, and currently aged almost senile, overlooked the flaws of his pampered son, the way any loving father would?
(except our cold and remote and almost unearthly MM Lee, who denied his sons the free and luxurious Istana bunglow, how more harsh could this father be, though i must add, we should be glad his sons grew up just like us common folks, bargin the price, and pay with earned income for our homes?)
ho ho ho... curses meant for the dishonorable dissidents and opposition persecuting, public money grabbing despot, his ass-sniffing dogs should be careful it does not rub off on to them..
Like that not a single democractic government can be sustained in thailand. Thailand can only be ruled by despots.
Originally posted by BadzMaro:Like that not a single democractic government can be sustained in thailand. Thailand can only be ruled by despots.
A democratic government willing to do coalition government, where the most number of the people's interests are considered and met, not the interests of a bunch of dishonorables taking public money at will.
But u know their demands are pretty... steep... cant expect any democratically elected people by the people to just... give in like that. Imagine what external forces can do to destablise the country and casue anarchy.
You gotta see that Thailand , the people , the history is different.
I am sure the current government is trying to consider and meet the intersts of the people but they are not even being given the chance to do so. Without even giving the ruling government a chance and already had a fixed mindset, its as if opposing for the sake of being an opposition party opposing to anything and everything.
Why do u think the current gov r despots ? In democracy, it is one man one vote and the current gov repeatedly win the election despite massive unfavourable odds standing against them. Do u respect the election result ? During thaksin times, they have done a good job and raise the economic standard of thailand especially its rural poor and tat is why they have remained popular till today. They r not corrupted. They did not abuse their powers. They did a good job and u say they show "despot tendency". U say they have despotic tendency. Prove it. Otherwise u r really attacking Iraq by claiming they have WMD. If being popular and doing a good job means they r despots, then u really wanted anarchy and any good gov tat is popular r despots in disguise.
Now look at the PAD. R they "liberator" and not "despots" ? They did not accept the election result and r blackmailing the gov literally by destroying the economy and stability. Wat is their objective ? It is not a re-vote but instead reducing the effects of "democracy" which is something u cherish. If they felt the mix of the people in the gov be changed, then the proper channel is for them to win the next election and proclaiming such measures in their election campaign. If they r popular, they will achieve victory. Why do they resort to such low end measures to blackmail the gov ? Why do u support tis group of people ? Why do u think they r really "liberators" and not "despots" ? Wat is your understanding of democracy ? The gov tat is divided among itself and bickers day and night ?
The situation in thailand is pretty bad. It has probaby go back many years in terms of development and business environment due to the recent events. How is the situation gonna end ? It can very well ended catastrohpically
Originally posted by BadzMaro:But u know their demands are pretty... steep... cant expect any democratically elected people by the people to just... give in like that. Imagine what external forces can do to destablise the country and casue anarchy.
You gotta see that Thailand , the people , the history is different.
I am sure the current government is trying to consider and meet the intersts of the people but they are not even being given the chance to do so. Without even giving the ruling government a chance and already had a fixed mindset, its as if opposing for the sake of being an opposition party opposing to anything and everything.
How can it be that "their" demands are onerous? The present government was elected into power in free and fair elections were they not?
After they were elected they displayed their despotic tendancies and showed their hand and presented themselves as puppets of Thaksin when they tried to change the constitution and refused to withdraw Thaksin's diplomatic priviledges.
How can you expect the Thai people to stand idly by? They are not silliporeans. When freely elected people try to change the constituition to enable themselves to stay in power through dishonorable means, the Thai people have to kick them out.
The longer they stay, the more difficult it would be to kick them out (when the courts become kangaroo courts and the media becomes dogs of despots and the country's military become private armies of despots).
Originally posted by stupidissmart:Why do u think the current gov r despots ? In democracy, it is one man one vote and the current gov repeatedly win the election despite massive unfavourable odds standing against them. Do u respect the election result ? During thaksin times, they have done a good job and raise the economic standard of thailand especially its rural poor and tat is why they have remained popular till today. They r not corrupted. They did not abuse their powers. They did a good job and u say they show "despot tendency". U say they have despotic tendency. Prove it. Otherwise u r really attacking Iraq by claiming they have WMD. If being popular and doing a good job means they r despots, then u really wanted anarchy and any good gov tat is popular r despots in disguise.
Now look at the PAD. R they "liberator" and not "despots" ? They did not accept the election result and r blackmailing the gov literally by destroying the economy and stability. Wat is their objective ? It is not a re-vote but instead reducing the effects of "democracy" which is something u cherish. If they felt the mix of the people in the gov be changed, then the proper channel is for them to win the next election and proclaiming such measures in their election campaign. If they r popular, they will achieve victory. Why do they resort to such low end measures to blackmail the gov ? Why do u support tis group of people ? Why do u think they r really "liberators" and not "despots" ? Wat is your understanding of democracy ? The gov tat is divided among itself and bickers day and night ?
The situation in thailand is pretty bad. It has probaby go back many years in terms of development and business environment due to the recent events. How is the situation gonna end ? It can very well ended catastrohpically
Like I asked many times, just because they were elected into power, it would give them the right to ensure that they stay in power, like for example, change the constituition into one where they are essentially assured that no other party can kick them out?
Democracy comes with many checks and balances and does not stop and end at elections.
You cannot say, "the people voted me in and so I have the right to murder anyone I like", can you?
How can the PAD be despots? They do not hold the government purses and they do not control any state organs. All they can do is force the despots out.
What you are seeing at the moment is the escalation of the situation. If the despots stepped down from the start the airport seizure would not have happened.
In fact, if they did not try to change the constituition, the protests might not have started in the first place.
Did they change the constitution ? The last one tat changed the constitution is the army. Who really advocate a change in constitution ? PAD. They want the parliament to be largely elected by the king instead of democracy. Their public call is "representative democracy is not suitable for thailand". Furthermore, PAD do have seats in the gov. Tat should be the check and balance necessary for the gov. Haven't they manage to kick out hundreds of people from the governing party and even manage to chase out the prime minister because he host a cook show ? Why do u think they do not have the power of check and balance ?
Now although PAD does not hold gov purses, they r really behaving like hooligans by blackmailing the gov into submission. As said, there is really no wrong doings by the gov to claim they r despot or govern badly. They come into power only in a short period of time, never manage to control the army, never able to pleased the oppostion etc and u claim they r despots ? Why ? If they give in, then they really fail the people who had voted them. They had made your democracy fail in thailand and in place, partial monarchy
Wat r u advocating ? U really seems to favour bickering among the party, prime minister to keep changing, gov decision is just on fighting among themselves etc to establish "check and balance". Which is more important ? Country to become richer and more stable, or check and balance tat make sure nobody can do wat they want and also basically nothing for the country ? R u fighting for democracy or for partial monarchy ? PAD is choosing partial monarchy. Isn't tat the route for depotism ?
Originally posted by stupidissmart:Did they change the constitution ? The last one tat changed the constitution is the army. Who really advocate a change in constitution ? PAD. They want the parliament to be largely elected by the king instead of democracy. Their public call is "representative democracy is not suitable for thailand". Furthermore, PAD do have seats in the gov. Tat should be the check and balance necessary for the gov. Haven't they manage to kick out hundreds of people from the governing party and even manage to chase out the prime minister because he host a cook show ? Why do u think they do not have the power of check and balance ?
Now although PAD does not hold gov purses, they r really behaving like hooligans by blackmailing the gov into submission. As said, there is really no wrong doings by the gov to claim they r despot or govern badly. They come into power only in a short period of time, never manage to control the army, never able to pleased the oppostion etc and u claim they r despots ? Why ? If they give in, then they really fail the people who had voted them. They had made your democracy fail in thailand and in place, partial monarchy
Wat r u advocating ? U really seems to favour bickering among the party, prime minister to keep changing, gov decision is just on fighting among themselves etc to establish "check and balance". Which is more important ? Country to become richer and more stable, or check and balance tat make sure nobody can do wat they want and also basically nothing for the country ? R u fighting for democracy or for partial monarchy ? PAD is choosing partial monarchy. Isn't tat the route for depotism ?
The army is neutral. They changed the constituition after they ousted Thaksin. They ousted Thaksin because he was becoming a despot.
He was orchestrating the removal of newspaper editors and trying to manipulate the TV industry. The military government changed the constituition to prevent elected governments from becoming despots.
When the army relinguished power (I salute the Thai military), the Thaksin puppets were returned to power. If they simply act within the constituition and behave honorably, the protests would not have started. The protest started because... (see my earlier post)
So now u felt the army should behave as they deemed fit and it is right for them to have a coup detat whenever they felt the gov r not doing a good job. The army changes the constitution so tat the army always has some power in the parliament and they do not have to be elected. Is tat supposed to be good ? During thaksin's time, thailand is more democratic than many parts of the world and the press is never curtailed. And even in your own words, he is "becoming". In actual fact, he has done a wonderful job and he is not corrupted and he is popular. U r just assuming he is gonna be a despot
The real reason is simply because u like the gov to always bicker among themselves, the prime minister keep changing and the parliament keep fighting. Whether they r autocratic or democratic, it doesn't matter. U just do not like any of them to be in control. U really like anarchy. Tis is something which u never seems to reply all tis while.
Originally posted by AndrewPKYap:
How can it be that "their" demands are onerous? The present government was elected into power in free and fair elections were they not?
After they were elected they displayed their despotic tendancies and showed their hand and presented themselves as puppets of Thaksin when they tried to change the constitution and refused to withdraw Thaksin's diplomatic priviledges.
How can you expect the Thai people to stand idly by? They are not silliporeans. When freely elected people try to change the constituition to enable themselves to stay in power through dishonorable means, the Thai people have to kick them out.
The longer they stay, the more difficult it would be to kick them out (when the courts become kangaroo courts and the media becomes dogs of despots and the country's military become private armies of despots).
So the issue is current government being proxy for thaksin , army n police not doing the dirty work of restoring stability through necessary force given the situation and the constituitional changes the government intended to push through the house because of things like this.
Thaksin compared to his predeccesors pale in comparison to thier evils. Even if withdrawing Thaksins diplomatic priviledges n then ? That doesnt change much internally. How are u so sure the constituitional changes are to make them stay in power through illegal means ? Even so, wouldnt it be good to reign the military in ? Focus on development and the economy ? Obviously they are not giving democracy some time to work. They can always , vote it out . But they chose not to , and instead, through such short period of time and limited knowledge of whats really in the best interest of the nation as a whole.
Now i understand why LKY went to great lengths to secure such measures for peace and stability not to mention development Singpore is where it is today and also him claiming even though half correct that some countries are not yet susceptable to democracy. Dun forget , Thailand is not Singapore. Trust me , if this goes on , there will be no stable democratic government EVER in Thailand. Sometimes u need the iron fist and a benevolent despot to bring the country as whole to a level to become democratic and ultimately peaceful democratic elections and becoming a developed nation. If they do continue to hold on to power , it will then be inevitable that they will be overthrown through a peoples power. This at the moment, is hardly really peoples power for democractic change. More like a minority power.
You must see some truth in this.
1) September 2008 - Thailand's Election Commission spokesman Ruangrote Jomsueb said a subcommittee would investigate Somchai on "whether he (Somchai) violated the constitution by holding shares in Thailand's CS LoxInfo PCL, an Internet service provider that is a contract partner of CAT Telecom, a state-owned telecommunications service provider." The Thai constitution bars parliament members from holding shares in companies that do business with state enterprises, and if found guilty, Somchai would be disqualified as parliament member and ousted as prime minister.
2) October 2008 - Thailand's anti-corruption body found Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat guilty of neglecting his duties in not taking action against corruption while working in the justice department eight years ago. Members of the National Counter Corruption Commission said Somchai was wrong to suspend a corruption investigation into two senior officials while he was a permanent secretary at the justice ministry in 2000.
For a free and democratic nation to work, a politician must, in the first place and right off the bat, in an honest fashion, convince the electorate that democracy is what they need, if they are to get what they want.
It's thaThaksin legacy that taints Thai politics.
The next Thai Prime Minister must bring Thaksin to justice. The rest of the political issues is secondary and the PM can use the help of the many special advisers available to him.
Viva la liberati
Originally posted by stupidissmart:So now u felt the army should behave as they deemed fit and it is right for them to have a coup detat whenever they felt the gov r not doing a good job. The army changes the constitution so tat the army always has some power in the parliament and they do not have to be elected. Is tat supposed to be good ? During thaksin's time, thailand is more democratic than many parts of the world and the press is never curtailed. And even in your own words, he is "becoming". In actual fact, he has done a wonderful job and he is not corrupted and he is popular. U r just assuming he is gonna be a despot
The real reason is simply because u like the gov to always bicker among themselves, the prime minister keep changing and the parliament keep fighting. Whether they r autocratic or democratic, it doesn't matter. U just do not like any of them to be in control. U really like anarchy. Tis is something which u never seems to reply all tis while.
The army acted because the situation (on going protests, then, by hundreds of thousands of Thais) was untenable. They did not, as you said, "behave as they deemed fit" and that is why the Thai people greeted the tanks that rolled into Bangkok with roses.
I called my ex-employee in Bangkok during the coup that ousted Thaksin and she said that she is outside (while I was calling her) looking at the tanks and on the tanks were roses.
Why in the world would hundreds of thousands of Thai protest against Thaksin if he was not despotic? Are you saying that your opinion is more valid than the opinions of hundreds of thousands of Thais willing to suffer possibly death to get rid of Thaksin?
Originally posted by BadzMaro:So the issue is current government being proxy for thaksin , army n police not doing the dirty work of restoring stability through necessary force given the situation and the constituitional changes the government intended to push through the house because of things like this.
Thaksin compared to his predeccesors pale in comparison to thier evils. Even if withdrawing Thaksins diplomatic priviledges n then ? That doesnt change much internally. How are u so sure the constituitional changes are to make them stay in power through illegal means ? Even so, wouldnt it be good to reign the military in ? Focus on development and the economy ? Obviously they are not giving democracy some time to work. They can always , vote it out . But they chose not to , and instead, through such short period of time and limited knowledge of whats really in the best interest of the nation as a whole.
Now i understand why LKY went to great lengths to secure such measures for peace and stability not to mention development Singpore is where it is today and also him claiming even though half correct that some countries are not yet susceptable to democracy. Dun forget , Thailand is not Singapore. Trust me , if this goes on , there will be no stable democratic government EVER in Thailand. Sometimes u need the iron fist and a benevolent despot to bring the country as whole to a level to become democratic and ultimately peaceful democratic elections and becoming a developed nation. If they do continue to hold on to power , it will then be inevitable that they will be overthrown through a peoples power. This at the moment, is hardly really peoples power for democractic change. More like a minority power.
You must see some truth in this.
You do not see long term... what we are seing now is only the beginning of Singapore going the way of the Philipines during the Marcos years....
You are the type, what they MP in parliament said: "you dig a toilet hole only after the sh!t is about to come out."
do the US government consider the interest of the majority of the people? or do they consider the opinions of the people who help fund their campaign? are they despots?
... and Thailand is a strong country with strong people and strong instituitions and a strong culture. So... so what if the airport is closed for a time? The army will step in and get rid of the despots if need be.